10 Things From A Very Brady Christmas That Haven’t Aged Well

10 Things From A Very Brady Christmas That Haven’t Aged Well

The original blended family of the early ’70s that audiences of all ages fell in love with from the start, reunited for a Christmas holiday movie entitled A Very Brady Christmas.

While The Brady Bunch is seen as a timeless classic by many, there are many aspects of their Christmas special that simply don’t come across the same in this day and age as in did back in 1988. Whether it be less than adequate parenting or out of date points of view, some things the Bradys and their families did are making viewers cringe thirty two years later.

Ted Roberts Goes To Carol Behind Mike’s Back

10 Things From A Very Brady Christmas That Haven’t Aged Well

Mike is working on a construction project for a man named Ted Roberts, and they aren’t exactly seeing eye to eye. Carol soon discovers this when Ted calls her to explain their current debate: Mike wants the construction plans to continue with extra safety measures, but Ted wants to go a different route, seeing the precautionary steps as unnecessary. Ted asks Carol for a favor, trying to get her on his side in the attempts to convince Mike to change his mind. This stresses Carol out and was completely unprofessional on Ted’s part.

Marsha And Wally Involve The Kids In Their Adult Problems

Wally comes home very upset because he unfortunately has lost his job. Instead of having a private conversation with his wife, Wally chooses to air his problems in front of the children. Young Jessica becomes worried, offering her allowance to her father so that they will have enough money.

Later, they make the kids keep it a secret from the rest of the family and they bring them into their fight, with Marsha calling Wally pig-headed and Mickey agreeing. Wally even keeps Jessica awake later with expressing his anxiety before bed! Kids should be kids and not have to worry about grown up issues.

Peter Is A Sexist Jerk

Peter gets word that his parents want him to come home for Christmas, and they want him to bring his girlfriend Valerie. Peter makes up an excuse for Valerie to not come because he’s too embarrassed that she is his boss. He would much rather be the boss of her, although the two agree that he is in charge when they aren’t at work. Peter later tells Bobby that he can’t make up his mind about Valerie, admitting that she makes more money than he does, and poor Valerie has a discussion with Cindy about how Peter won’t propose because she has a higher position in the company. You deserve better than him, Valerie!

Mike Doesn’t Respect Kevin’s Personal Space

When everyone first comes to the Brady house, Kevin goes to say hello to Mike, who scoops his up and playfully ruffles his hair. Kevin announces that he doesn’t like when people muss his hair. Mike ignores this and messes up Kevin’s hair again, making the excuse, “I’m not ‘people;’ I’m your grandpa!” These days, parents are working harder to respect children’s boundaries and teach them that they are in charge of their own body. More kids are learning about the power of saying no to unwanted contact, as Kevin does here, but Mike hasn’t gotten the memo.

Wally Lies To Mickey

Mickey is trying to convince Kevin to slide down the banister to the stairs. Mickey’s father Wally, intervenes, saying, “Didn’t I tell you not to slide down the banister?” Mickey quickly quips back that Wally once told him there was a monster in the garbage disposal when there actually wasn’t.

Lying to little kids isn’t a very good way to build trust, and Mickey demonstrates the reason perfectly. Because his father wasn’t honest with him, Mickey doesn’t want to listen to him anymore and doesn’t believe what he says. Mickey gets the last word between them, as Wally walks away, choosing not to argue.

Peter Insults Racecar Drivers

During a late night talk, Bobby mentions to Peter that a lot of great men are named Bobby. Peter concurs, noting Bobby Kennedy, but when Bobby brings up several racecar drivers, Peter disagrees, saying that racecar drivers are “hardly great men.” Bobby, who secretly has been racing, is understandably offended. The world is made up of all different kinds of people who have a large variety of jobs. All of them are important in their own right, and Peter’s comments certainly would not fly with people today.

Mike Dismisses Carol’s Feelings

Carol can’t sleep, and she expresses to Mike that it’s because she is worried about the kids. She has good reason to be. Each of them have their own issue going on that they are keeping from the rest of the family. From Jan being separated from her husband to Bobby dropping out of school, there is plenty going on for Carol to be concerned about it, even if she can’t quite put her finger on what it is. Mike, however, brushes off her worries, mocking her “women’s intuition.” Carol says that she’s usually right about these things, but Mike insists that everything is fine, shushing her so that they can go to sleep. He probably should have listened because Carol was indeed right!

Carol Takes The Blame For Mike

Cindy has been secretly feeling upset that she was told to come home for Christmas instead of being asked. Mike was the one who made the phone call to her in the beginning, and it’s true that he didn’t really ask her.

Cindy decides to be honest during Christmas dinner and tell her parents about her feelings and that she wishes people would stop treating her like a kid. Even though it was Mike who failed to ask instead of tell, Carol was the one who steps up and apologizes. All Mike says is, “I agree.” A woman taking the blame for her husband would not go over well with the feminists of today’s society.

The Kids Are Brought To The Construction Site

There has been an accident down at a local construction site, and two security guards are now stuck inside a building. Mike gets called down to help and goes inside after, but after more of the building collapses, he becomes trapped too. The family quickly arrives on the scene while they wait to see what happens… and they bring along the three young grandchildren as well. Nobody knows if the building will fall more or if Mike will come out alive, and these children are now being forced to watch this scary situation. If Mike were to be killed in a further collapse, the kids would most likely be traumatized. Surely one of the adults could have stayed home with them.

Alice Immediately Takes Sam Back

A few days before Christmas, Alice shows up on the Bradys’ doorstep, having been dumped by her husband Sam. He left without saying good bye, instead choosing to leave a note that explains how he has been cheating with a younger woman. Luckily, Carol and Mike let her stay. On Christmas night, Sam comes to the Bradys’ dressed like Santa Claus. He doesn’t even apologize more than saying, “I’ve been a fool.” He hopes that Alice has enough Christmas spirit to take him back, and she does! She tells him to never do anything like that again, and he promises he won’t. After that, things seemingly are all better! What is with these women settling for less than they deserve?!