10 Things About Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands That Still Don’t Make Sense, 33 Years Later

10 Things About Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands That Still Don’t Make Sense, 33 Years Later

Edward Scissorhands (1990) sits high among Tim Burton’s best movies, but in spite of its critical acclaim and commercial success, there are a number of things about the film that still don’t make sense 33 years after its initial release. Edward Scissorhands follows the eponymous Edward Scissorhands, a relatively mute artifical man who has scissors in place of hands, and his experiences with love, joy, and sadness, after stumbling into a bizarre, perfectly cookie-cutter suburb. Although the fantasy comedy is considered one of the top Tim Burton and Johnny Depp collaborations, Edward Scissorhands is also notable for its plot holes that seemingly could have been resolved with ease.

While there are plenty of instances of the film’s writing and directing contributing to some of Edward Scissorhands‘ more confusing elements, there are also a number of external factors from Hollywood that complicated the creation of the film. However, despite the film’s confusing elements, Edward Scissorhands is recognized as a classic ’90s fantasy gothic romance that earned its acclaim through its examination of human nature through the eyes of one of Hollywood’s best monster movie protagonists. Everything from the biology of Johnny Depp’s titular character to some of the movie’s bigger themes remain sources of confusion for Edward Scissorhands 33 years later.

10 Things About Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands That Still Don’t Make Sense, 33 Years Later


8 Actors Who Were Considered To Play Edward Scissorhands

Johnny Depp is notorious for playing Edward Scissorhands, but there are plenty of other actors who almost got the role instead of him.

10 Edward’s Existence Being A Surprise Doesn’t Make Sense

The inhabitants of the central suburb gossip so much, nothing should be a surprise to them

Edward Scissorhands attempting to eat a single pea at the family dinner table with his scissor hands in Edward Scissorhands

The suburbanites seen throughout the film are depicted as vain, superficial, and the type to gossip behind peoples’ backs in a heartbeat. This strong characterization of the citizens makes it confusing as to why any of them would be shocked that someone like Edward Scissorhands could exist within their own neighborhood, as he was created in the unmissable dark mansion upon their nearby hill. The Inventor never went out of his way to hide his mansion as it was perpetually in sight, and it’s highly unlikely that none of the prying residents ever snooped around the premises before. These factors combined with their gossiping ways make it confusing as to why anyone was surprised to learn of Edward’s existence.

9 How Did Edward Scissorhands Secure A PG-13 Rating?

Edward Scissorhands is played by Johnny Depp

Edward Scissorhands appears as though he is about to cry after discovering some terrible news inside The Inventor's mansion in Edward Scissorhands

Edward Scissorhands covers mature subjects like mental health and depictions of characters being sexually exploited. In addition to the film’s themes, the very image of Edward Scissorhands is something more akin to a horror movie than that of a love story with a PG-13 rating. The film’s limited depictions of violence, profanity, and cartoonish interpretations of its heavy themes helped Edward Scissorhands make it past the censors, but this still doesn’t make sense considering just one heavy expletive bestows a harsher rating on most movies. While Hollywood’s rating system was much more lenient than it is today, it still doesn’t make sense how Edward Scissorhands received a PG-13 rating.

8 Edward Scissorhands And The Waterbed

The science applied in the scene doesn’t make sense

Edward is perplexed by the waterbed and the stuffed animals on top of it in Edward Scissorhands

Edward Scissorhands‘ quirky sense of humor helps keep the tone somewhat light, and while the humor is effective, there are some instances where things get a little too absurd. Edward being sent to Kim’s bedroom is already questionable, considering the family could have put him in their basement or even another room without a waterbed. However, they send him to Kim’s room where his child-like curiosity gets the better of him, and he pokes a hole through her waterbed. The scene’s illogical solution of Edward simply putting a stuffed toy over the hole is funny but also nonsensical.

7 Edward Scissorhands’ Confusing Timeline

Edward Scissorhand includes multiple aesthetics that make its timeline unclear

Considering Edward Scissorhands‘s 1990 release, many of the technological aspects of the film, such as cars and home appliances, are period-appropriate. While that makes sense, what doesn’t track in Edward Scissorhands is the timeline for everything else. The overall aesthetic of the central suburban neighborhood that the characters inhabit is very obviously 1950s-inspired. However, a scene in which Edward appears on a television show features hairstyles, clothes, music, and set design that would be more period-appropriate for the 1960s. Although the film never makes direct reference to the time it’s set in, the unique look strengthens its fantastical elements.

6 Esmeralda’s Mental Health Is Played For Laughs

Edward Scissorhands poorly handles its representations of mental health

Esmeralda solemnly plays her organ inside her Christian memorabilia-occupied room in a scene from Edward Scissorhands

Edward Scissorhands‘ depictions of mental health are certainly a product of the film’s time, as discussions about the topic weren’t as nuanced and widespread as they are today. As a result, characters like Esmeralda are treated in an over-the-top fashion that would be considered offensive by today’s standards. This is made worse by the fact that the film’s central theme is about love and acceptance, and the harmful reactions people can have when they don’t understand something or someone else. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense why a movie like Edward Scissorhands would treat a woman with mental health issues like the butt-end of a joke.

Collage of Lydia, Beetlejuice, and Barbara from Beetlejuice


8 Things That Still Don’t Make Sense About Tim Burton’s Beetlejuice 35 Years Later

Over 35 years after the classic horror-comedy’s premiere, there are plenty of details about Tim Burton’s Beetlejuice that are still puzzling today.

5 How Edward Scissorhands Uses The Bathroom Is Never Explained

This is one of the reasons Tom Cruise passed on Edward Scissorhands

Although the film didn’t require a detailed explanation regarding how Edwards uses the bathroom, Edward Scissorhands neglects to offer any sort of explanation that makes sense. While some might not care as much, Tom Cruise’s interest in playing Edward Scissorhands led the actor to question the logistics of how a man with scissors for hands would be capable of relieving himself. As 20th Century Studios’ first pick, Cruise was one of the actors who was almost cast as Edward Scissorhands, but ultimately turned it down because he didn’t understand how Edward’s biology worked. Burton insisted that it wasn’t important, with his and Cruise’s different approaches to the character culminating in Johnny Depp taking the role instead.

4 Kim Never Helps Edward

The sad ending changed Kim’s character for the worst

Kim in her old age sits in a big red chair with a regretful look on her face in Edward Scissorhands

Another reason why Tim Burton didn’t want to cast Tom Cruise in Edward Scissorhands is because the actor didn’t think the ending made sense. After everything Edward endured from the hostile suburbanites, Kim ultimately decides to leave Edward in The Inventor’s mansion to a fate more akin to solitary confinement than comfy retirement. While the ending was appropriate for Edward Scissorhands‘ tone, it seemed to go against Kim’s more nurturing and empathetic characteristics displayed throughout the film. Although Cruise was already on the fence, he felt Edward Scissorhands‘ ending didn’t make sense, thus solidifying his position to pass on the film.

3 Edward’s Sugar Cookie Heart

The sugar cookie heart is meant to be a metaphor for how sweet the monster is

The Inventor prepares to put a Heart-Shaped Sugar Cookie Heart onto Edward's robotic skeleton in Edward Scissorhands

One of the more absurd qualities of Edward Scissorhands is the fact that the artificial humanoid has a heart-shaped sugar cookie in place of an actual red beating heart. The idea makes sense from a metaphorical standpoint, as Burton’s decision was meant to show that Edward was a sweetheart despite his monstrous appearance. Still, Edward Scissorhands having a cookie for a heart doesn’t make sense from a scientific standpoint. Things are complicated even further by the fact that there’s never any serious discussion about it after the film’s introduction, thus making the sugar cookie heart seem more like a red herring than a neat artistic choice.

2 Edward Scissorhands’ Scissor Hands

The Inventor should have just made prosthetic hands for Edward long before he died

Arguably the most senseless thing about Edward Scissorhands is the titular Edward’s scissor hands. While the character has gone on to become one of the most iconic in cinematic history, one can’t help but question why he even has scissors for hands in the first place. The film offers an explanation in the form of The Inventor intending to create prosthetics for Edward to complete his human-like appearance before dying, but it would’ve made more sense to create his hands along with his arms. The scissor hands complete his monstrous appearance, thus reinforcing the film’s theme of love and acceptance, but Edward’s suffering could have been avoided if this detail hadn’t been initially overlooked.

1 Joyce’s Unwanted Sexual Advances On Men Is Played for Laughs

Joyce never faces punishment for her inappropriate behavior

Joyce invades a maintenance worker's personal space as she observes him working on her kitchen appliances in Edward Scissorhands.

One of the most alarming instances of things not making sense in Edward Scissorhands is how much Joyce got away with sexually exploiting men whom she held power over. Whether in the form of social status or emotional manipulation, Joyce consistently displayed an affinity for taking advantage of men throughout Edward Scissorhands. In the case of Edward, this is made especially worse when one considers that he has the mental faculties of a child. Nevertheless, each of her predatory escapades is treated as a joke, and when she manipulates people into thinking Edward was trying to take advantage of her, it results in a mob chasing him out of town.

  • Edward Scissorhands
    Release Date:




    105 minutes



    An artificial man, who was incompletely constructed and has scissors for hands, leads a solitary life. Then one day, a suburban lady meets him and introduces him to her world.

    $20 million

