10 Things A Hogwarts Legacy Sequel Needs To Include

10 Things A Hogwarts Legacy Sequel Needs To Include

Although nothing official has been announced about a sequel to Hogwarts Legacy yet, the massive success that the game has seen points to a continuation of the story being likely. After its launch in February 2023, Hogwarts Legacy became a favorite for many due to its deep immersive story and loving attention to detail that the developers gave so many aspects of recreating this wizarding world. Despite all this, there were still many features that many had hoped would come to the game – Quidditch being the most notable – which now could make for an exciting premise of a sequel.

Hogwarts Legacy isn’t quite done after finally releasing on all its announced platforms, with new content expected to arrive this Summer. That said, therehave already been several unconfirmed reports that a sequel to the game is in development. A natural story continuation would see players entering their sixth year at the prestigious Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, although developers could choose to take things in any direction they want. Even traveling further back in time is not out of the question, and ultimately, the possibilities available for the game are magical.

10 Things A Hogwarts Legacy Sequel Needs To Include


Why A Hogwarts Legacy Sequel Makes More Sense Than Quidditch DLC

A Hogwarts Legacy Quidditch DLC would be a treat for Harry Potter sports fans, but a fully-fledged sequel would be a more sensible progression.

10 A Chance To Ride The Hogwarts Express

Arrive At Hogwarts In Style

Hogwarts Express on the viaduct

The opening story of Hogwarts Legacy included the main character arriving at the school through rather unconventional, and traumatizing, means. For the new school year, fans of the Harry Potter world would love to be able to experience riding the iconic Hogwarts Express train, which only made the briefest of background appearances in the current game. Whether high jinks on the train occur or not, simply being able to spend a moment inside the cars of this train and see the valley pass by would be an epic introduction.

9 Pet Companions For The Main Character

Non-Combat Pets To Keep The Student Company

Traditionally, in Harry Potter lore, students were able to have a special pet companion with them to keep them company. Owls, rats, toads, kneazles, and more are all represented as being allowed at Hogwarts, yet in Hogwarts Legacy, the character can only have animals within the confines of their Vivarium. Even as a non-combat friend, having a pet could add some happy extra content to the game, particularly if there were cosmetic items to be able to dress them up or change their colors.

Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Castle at night with a large, superimposed owl flying nearby.


Hogwarts Legacy Review: A Living, Breathing, Wizarding World

Hogwarts Legacy beautifully recreates the world of Harry Potter and fills it with quirky characters, tense combat, and a huge amount of collectibles.

8 A Triwizard Tournament

Massive Event That Would Introduce A Lot Of Story Possibilities

Hogwarts Legacy image of Sebastian casting a spell on the left while on the right a player shoots a spell at a group of students during duels

According to Harry Potter lore, there cannot be a Triwizard Tournament in Hogwarts Legacy 2, unless the game continues to make another jump back in time. Canonically, the Triwizard Tournament was discontinued from 1792 until 1994 due to its high death toll. It could be interesting to see a makeshift tournament along the same lines, however. Or, if the game goes further into the past, this historical event would be exciting to participate in. If Hogwarts Legacy 2 does follow the same time frame and players enter a sixth year, it would stand to reason that the wizarding community would have wanted some kind of event to make up for the canceled tournament, which could add endless opportunities for story and adventure.

7 Visiting New Iconic Areas Or Even Other Schools

Diagon Alley, Azkaban, & More Could All Be Included

Natsai Onai from Hogwarts Legacy showing a stylized map of Uagadou's location near Uganda, represented as a building carved into a mountain shrouded in mist.

Exploration in Hogwarts Legacy‘s open world makes it fun to be able to wander the area and see what secrets are held, although it does make one wonder about the safety of sending students to this school. Even with being able to explore Hogsmeade and surrounding hamlets, there is so much more of the world that has not been touched. Taking a field trip to one of the other wizarding schools would be a fascinating approach that players and Harry Potter fans would love to see, as well as Diagon Alley or other famous locations.

An image of Dementors flying towards the camera in Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy.


There’s Only One Way To Get Into Azkaban In Hogwarts Legacy

It’s possible to go to Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy, but some preliminary steps are required in order to visit this iconic Harry Potter location.

6 A Morality Meter

Make The Choices Matter More

A Hogwarts Legacy character stands silhouetted with their back to camera, wand raised aloft as fire explodes around them.

There are many chances in Hogwarts Legacy to make choices that straddle the line between good and evil, yet many do not seem to have any lasting effect on the game. Besides changing some of the whispered background conversations, being a bully to other students does not change any outcomes, and even learning illegal dark magic is mostly just fine for the player’s character. Adding a morality meter similar to other choices-matter games would make the sequel have more weight to decisions as well as add to replayability.

5 Closer Friendships & Relationships With NPCs

A Best Friend Could Make School Less Lonely

Natty and Sebastian from Hogwarts Legacy

The main character in Hogwarts Legacy must have been lonely, as even their relationship with Sebastian did not feel very close at the best of times, and could have ended quite badly. There was only one individual who they could speak freely to about the situations going on around them, and that was a professor. In the sequel, it would be nice to see a friend brought into the picture who players could discuss things with and who could tag along as an AI companion on some of the quests.

Close-up shots of Natsai Onai, Poppy Sweeting, Sebastian Sallow, and Amit Thakkar in Hogwarts Legacy.


Best Hogwarts Legacy Companion Characters, Ranked

Some of the most interesting quests in the game revolve entirely around Hogwarts Legacy’s best companions, who are well worth befriending.

4 New Spells

Expecto Patronum & Others Could Be Fun Additions

As a student at Hogwarts, learning spells is obviously a major facet of the game mechanics and there were many different ways to feel that magical power. For Hogwarts Legacy 2, new spells will need to be added to continue to keep the game fresh and add more variety, and there are still many spells to choose from in the lore of Harry Potter‘s world. Spells could explore seeing what the player’s patronus might be by casting Expecto Patronum, or students could learn how to do some much-needed healing with Episkey.

Sebastian Sallow from Hogwarts Legacy wears his green Slytherin robes. Behind him is a group of Inferi, which look like reanimated skeletons with glowing blue eyes, standing in what appears to be a crypt.


One Dark Arts Spell Can Completely Change A Hogwarts Legacy Sequel

Hogwarts Legacy already lets players learn the Unforgivable Curses, but certain dark magic could offer much different gameplay options in a sequel.

3 More Mini-Games & Puzzles

Perhaps Wizard’s Chess

Hogwarts Legacy Player Standing At Glowing Merlin Trial Circle Near Hogwarts

The Merlin Trials and many other puzzles that were spread throughout the environment and story of Hogwarts Legacy provided a much-needed richness to the world and were easily some of the most enjoyable parts of the game for many. The game’s sequel needs to carry on this gameplay mechanic with new puzzles to be discovered. Hogwarts Legacy 2 would do well to add in more mini-games such as Wizard’s Chess or simply playing Gobstones to keep things interesting and enchanting.

2 Quidditch Could Finally Be Playable

Surely Developers Would Not Leave It Out Again

Starting even before the launch of the game, as soon as players heard that Hogwarts Legacy would not include Quidditch, there was a large outcry of disappointment. Many still hold out hope for a Quidditch DLC to come, but it may work better at this point to simply add it to the sequel’s gameplay instead of changing so much of the main game to add the sport. Developers would be remiss to leave Quidditch out for a second time, and it seems highly likely that even if it is in a small capacity, Quidditch must be a part of Hogwarts Legacy 2.

1 Multiplayer Modes To Play With Friends

Even If Only Available For Mini-Games In The Room Of Requirement

Cressedia Blume from Gryffindor and a Slytherin student raising his wand against a rainbow background of Hogwarts Legacy.

Hogwarts Legacy is a single-player game, with no multiplayer aspects at all. The narrative of the first game makes sense for just one main character, although at a school such as Hogwarts, it seems like it wouldn’t be too large a stretch for there to be more than one player engaged in the adventure. In Hogwarts Legacy 2, adding multiplayer would allow people to enjoy exploring the world together, much as Harry, Ron, and Hermione joined forces in the more modern stories.

Hogwarts Legacy Game Poster

Hogwarts Legacy

Set in the 1800s in the Wizarding World universe, Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world action RPG where players get to live out a student’s life in the hallowed halls of Hogwarts and beyond. Aside from Hogwarts, players can also travel between iconic locales such as Hogsmeade and the Forbidden Forest. Starting as a fifth year, players will pick up more advanced spell casting and potion crafting and discover both friendly and antagonistic magical beasts across the entire Harry Potter universe, as they follow the path of light or darkness on their own wizarding journey.

Harry Potter

Xbox Series X , Xbox One , PlayStation 4 , PlayStation 5 , Microsoft Windows , Steam

February 10, 2022

Avalanche Software

Warner Bros. Games

Adventure , Action RPG , Open-World