10 The Witcher Season 4 Moments You Should Be Excited For, Despite Henry Cavill’s Geralt Exit

10 The Witcher Season 4 Moments You Should Be Excited For, Despite Henry Cavill’s Geralt Exit

The Witcher season 4 may be happening without Henry Cavill, but there are still 10 big moments to get excited about in the build-up to Liam Hemsworth’s debut as Geralt of Rivia. The Witcher season 4 might be the show’s most important season, as it will have to prove to fans that it can still be good without Henry Cavill leading the way as Geralt of Rivia. There are plenty of great moments from Andrzej Sapkowski’s Witcher novel series that the Netflix show can use to prove its worth in Cavill’s absence.

There are also some burning questions about The Witcher season 4 that the show set up with its season 3 finale, so it can lean on the intrigue it already set up to keep fans entertained as they adjust to the show’s new Geralt actor. Between the storylines the show has already set up and the plot from Sapkowski’s novels, there are plenty of big moments to look forward to. 10 events in particular stand out in this regard, whether they come from the books or are original plot lines from Netflix’s adaptation.

10 The Battle For The Bridge

10 The Witcher Season 4 Moments You Should Be Excited For, Despite Henry Cavill’s Geralt Exit

One of the best chances for Liam Hemsworth’s Geralt to win over fans will be the Battle for the Bridge. This fierce encounter takes place on a bridge that crosses the mighty Yaruga River, and it’s fought between guerrilla forces from Lyria and Rivia and a regiment of the Nilfgaardian army. Geralt and his company get caught up in this fight when their riverboat unluckily sails right into the conflict, trapping them between the two armies. Geralt and his friends must choose a side, so they join the Lyrians and Rivians and Geralt proves the deciding factor in the fight, refusing to allow a single Nilfgaardian across the bridge.

9 Geralt Is Gifted A Dwarven Sihil

The Witcher - Geralt of Rivia (Henry Cavill) holding a sword

In The Witcher books, Geralt is gifted a dwarven sihil by his friend, Zoltan Chivay. The dawrves’ sihils are among the finest blades on the continent, forged in Mahakam to be stronger, lighter, and sharper than almost any other blade. Geralt should use this sword in some massive fights in The Witcher season 4, and the moment Zoltan gives it to him should be an emotional moment as well. It should be noted that Zoltan is yet to appear in Netflix’s Witcher adaptation, so it’s possible Yarpen Zigrin (Jeremy Crawford) ends up being the one to give Geralt the blade.

8 Geralt Is Knighted By Queen Meve


Geralt has always gone by the name Geralt of Rivia, but only because Vesemir (Kim Bodnia) told him he needed a longer name to sound more trustworthy. However, after fighting in the Battle for the Bridge on the side of Rivia and Lyria, Queen Meve (Rebecca Hanssen) knights Geralt, dubbing him, Geralt of Rivia. This beautiful twist of fate makes Geralt’s long-held title official, and against Geralt’s will, it makes him a knight. Geralt has always hated knights, which makes this twist even more bittersweet for the titular witcher.

7 The Lodge Of Sorceresses Is Officially Formed

An image of Yennefer and Lydia looking serious in The Witcher

After the deadly coup on Thanned in The Witcher season 3, a power vacuum emerges among mages. In the books, this vacuum is filled by the creation of the Lodge of Sorceresses. While Phillipa (Cassie Clare) and Francesca (Mecia Simson) are the ones to start the Lodge in the books, that seems highly unlikely in the Netflix show based on where the two characters end season 3.

With that in mind, it’s far more likely that Yennefer (Anya Chalotra) will be the one to lead the lodge in the show. However, even if it’s not Yennefer who leads the group, this powerful organization seems poised to debut in The Witcher season 4. The inception of the lodge is a powerful moment, and it should be one of the highlights of season 4.

6 Leo Bonhart Battles The Rats

Kayleigh in The Witcher season 3.

Ciri (Freya Allan) joins The Witcher‘s Rats in the show’s season 3 finale, which sets up their fateful encounter with the cruel bounty hunter, Leo Bonhart. Bonhart is one of the deadliest swordsmen on the continent, and his encounter with The Rats is a brief and sorrowful moment in the story. After being commissioned to track down Ciri, Bonhart hears of a flaxen haired girl who recently joined The Rats, and he quickly makes the connection to Ciri. He then lures The Rats to the town of Jealousy and slaughters them without batting an eyelash. While this is bound to be sad, it should be a stunning scene to watch.

5 Francesca And The Elves Clash With Nilfgaard

Francesca leads a group of elves in The Witcher.

One upcoming storyline to look forward to in The Witcher season 4 is Francesca and elves’ impending conflict with Nilfgaard. In The Witcher season 3 finale, Francesca learns that it was Emhyr (Bart Edwards) who ordered the death of her baby, causing her to swear vengeance against him and his empire. This is not a storyline from the books, but it is an exciting one nonetheless. Francesca has shown how dangerous she can be when roused, and though she has no chance of taking down Emhyr, whatever form her vengeance takes is bound to be entertaining.

4 Ciri Becomes A Mercenary

An image of Ciri crying and The Rats in The Witcher

Ciri is traumatized by her time in the Korath Desert, and joining The Rats after escaping the Frying Pan only serves to make her more violent. As Ciri lives with this gang and becomes a fully-fledged mercenary, she begins to enjoy killing. Ciri loses herself more and more the longer she stays with them, coming to revel in the violent lifestyle they lead. The devolution of her character may not be pleasant to watch, but it will lead to plenty of entertaining action sequences. It also sets up her redemption, which will be immensely satisfying.

3 Emhyr Turns On Vilgefortz

The Witcher season 3 Vilgefortz Geralt Emhyr

After Vilgefortz (Mahesh Jadu) presented Emhyr with a fake Ciri, it is inevitable that Emhyr will figure it out and turn on his magical ally. These are the two most powerful villains in The Witcher, so their conflict is bound to be entertaining. It will be interesting to see if Vilgefortz is in Nilfgaard when Emhyr figures it out because if he is, Emhyr will surely have him arrested. Even if Emhyr is not able to capture Vilgefortz, however, whatever conflict emerges from Vilgefortz’s lies should lead to a fascinating confrontation between these cunning villains.

2 Radovid Begins A Descent Into Madness

The Witcher season 3 finale King Radovid

It has been confirmed that the Prince Radovid (Hugh Skinner) in Netflix’s The Witcher is the same Radovid from the iconic Witcher video games. This means he is destined to become a cruel tyrant, which is fascinating when examining the Radovid that has appeared thus far in The Witcher, who is a far cry from the sadistic king seen in the games. With that in mind, something, or some string of things, are bound to happen to Radovid to turn him into the madman he is in the games. Because of that, The Witcher‘s handling of Radovid is one of the most intriguing aspects of The Witcher season 4.

1 Cahir Joins Geralt’s Company

The Witcher season 3 Ciri confronts Cahir

Cahir (Eamon Farren) completing his redemption arc by joining Geralt’s company and aiding in the search for Ciri is another great moment to look forward to in The Witcher season 4. Cahir began this process by helping Ciri escape the Nilfgaardians on Thanned in season 3, and according to the books, the next step is for him to join Geralt and help save her again. It will likely take some time for Cahir to be accepted by Geralt, but when that moment comes, it should be one of the most emotional scenes in The Witcher.