10 Star Wars Characters Who May Be Secretly Force-Sensitive After Ahsoka’s Massive Force Change

10 Star Wars Characters Who May Be Secretly Force-Sensitive After Ahsoka’s Massive Force Change

Ahsoka introduced a radical change to the Force and those who can wield it, which may reveal that several Star Wars characters were secretly Force-sensitive. Sabine Wren was never presented as Force-sensitive in Star Wars Rebels, even in the episodes where she trained to use a lightsaber. However, Ahsoka season 1 ended with Sabine learning to use the Force, even though Huyang said she had less potential than any Jedi candidate he had ever met. If someone like Sabine was secretly Force-sensitive, other Star Wars characters may have used the Force without realizing it.

This would create countless possibilities for the upcoming Star Wars movies and TV shows. Rey’s New Jedi Order movie could build off Sabine’s story by having Rey training Jedi candidates who don’t appear Force-sensitive, making it easier to rebuild the order quickly while introducing new challenges. Having existing Star Wars characters as Force-sensitives would also recontextualize their stories, improving the narrative in some ways while detracting from it in others. Based on Sabine’s training and what has been shown so far, 10 Star Wars characters have the most potential to be revealed as secretly Force-sensitive after Ahsoka.

10 Star Wars Characters Who May Be Secretly Force-Sensitive After Ahsoka’s Massive Force Change


How To Watch Star Wars Movies In Order

Here is how to watch all Star Wars movies and TV shows, both chronologically and by release date, and how the Star Wars timeline works.

10 Han Solo

His exceptional piloting and daring rescues may have been more than “luck”

While he didn’t believe in the Force when he met Luke Skywalker, countless examples throughout the Star Wars saga suggest Han Solo was Force-sensitive. His wild piloting maneuvers seemed almost Jedi-like, such as flying straight into an asteroid field despite the odds against him. He also tended to shoot first, from Tobias Beckett in Solo: A Star Wars Story to Greedo in the theatrical cut of A New Hope, which could have been the Force giving him a heads-up. In the Special Edition of A New Hope, Han dodged Greedo’s shot by slightly moving his head, seemingly impossible for a non-Force user.

The Star Wars sequel trilogy added even more moments to support Han being Force-sensitive. When the First Order destroyed Maz Kanata’s castle in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Han shot several stormtroopers in a row, one without even looking, almost as if he didn’t need his eyes to know where his enemy was. While he assumed that his father was just a memory in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Ben Solo could have seen Han’s Force Ghost, meaning he did forgive his son. The Force would explain Han’s accomplishments and add a new layer to his character development throughout the movies.

9 Jabba The Hutt

There may have been a reason why mind tricks wouldn’t work on him

Jedi mind tricks didn’t work on Jabba the Hutt, and he seemed familiar with the concept. Although Jabba may have resisted Luke’s influence by having a resilient mind, perhaps he also had the Force and used it to gain an advantage as a crime lord. Jabba may have used the Force to control people, predict his rivals’ next move, and sense those who intended to kill him. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis used the Force in this manner to get ahead in business and criminal enterprises. Jabba may have also owed his wealth and power to his secret Force sensitivity.

8 Padmé Amidala

Anakin may not have been the only one to pass the Force to Luke and Leia

Padmé Amidala was able to sense Anakin Skywalker from a great distance in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, and while they had formed a bond as husband and wife, her Force sensitivity could have made it even more powerful. This would offer a potential explanation for Padmé’s death, as her Force bond with Anakin would have made it feel like she was dying when he was near death and embracing the dark side as Darth Vader. Padmé may also have sensed the good left in Anakin before she died, just as her son would when he attempted to bring his father back from the dark side.

7 Jar Jar Binks

Clumsy fool or secret Sith Lord?

One of the most popular Star Wars theories claims that Jar Jar Binks’ silly antics were evidence of his Force sensitivity. He possessed acrobatic abilities that rivaled any Jedi, and he was often seen waving his hands at crucial moments, which could have been subtle Jedi mind tricks. This has led to the darker Darth Jar Jar theory, which states that the Gungan was a secret Sith Lord. Jar Jar convinced the Republic Senate to grant emergency powers to Chancellor Palpatine, once again waving his hands in what could be a mind trick. Whether or not Jar Jar was evil, it’s more than possible for him to have been Force-sensitive.

6 Watto

Greed may not have made him immune to the Force

Like Jabba the Hutt, Jedi mind tricks didn’t work on Watto, suggesting he could be Force-sensitive. Watto implied that Toydarians were immune to Force manipulation, telling Qui-Gon Jinn that “mind tricks don’t work on me, only money.” However, Star Wars: The Clone Wars revealed that the Toydarians were a noble and generous people, committed to providing aid and helping others as long as it didn’t jeopardize their neutrality. This calls Watto’s story into question, making it possible that his Force sensitivity made him immune to Jedi mind tricks rather than the traits of his species.

5 Shmi Skywalker

The Force may have been with the Skywalker family before Anakin

Even though Anakin was the prophesied Chosen One conceived by the midi-chlorians, there may have been a reason why Shmi Skywalker was the one who carried him. She could have been born with some level of Force sensitivity, but her life as a slave on Tatooine meant she could never develop her natural abilities. Ahsoka Tano told Din Djarin in The Mandalorian that a youngling’s Force powers fade over time without proper training, which may have happened to Anakin’s mother. Shmi having a high midi-chlorian count would help explain Anakin’s conception and make her a potential Jedi candidate had she been discovered at a young age.

4 Hera Syndulla

Her son may not have been the only one who had the Force

Han may not have been the only rebel pilot who was secretly Force-sensitive, as some moments suggest that Hera Syndulla had Force abilities. After Kanan Jarrus’ death in Star Wars Rebels season 4, Hera briefly connected with his spirit, something only Jedi have been known to do. In Ahsoka season 1, episode 5 “Part Five: Shadow Warrior,” Hera’s son Jacen Syndulla guided her until she could hear into the World Between Worlds, offering even more evidence that she was Force-sensitive. Since Ahsoka introduced a massive Force change through Sabine, it would make sense for the show to explore the concept further with other characters.

3 Poe Dameron

He may join Rey and Finn as a Jedi candidate

Poe Dameron was just as skilled a pilot as Han or Hera, and the Force would explain some of his victories in battle. Poe effortlessly destroyed multiple First Order TIE Fighters in his first scene leading a squadron, more impressive than almost any maneuver seen in the Star Wars saga. Kylo Ren was also surprised at how resistant Poe was to interrogation, just as Leia Organa was in A New Hope before she was revealed as Force-sensitive. Poe using the Force would make him and Finn potential candidates in Rey’s New Jedi Order, and turning all three characters into Jedi would be a bold decision.

2 Cassian Andor

Star Wars may have recontextualized his story

While there isn’t as much evidence to support Cassian Andor being Force-sensitive, later entries in the Star Wars franchise could recontextualize some of his actions. Cassian was a fantastic pilot, flying his crew through a meteor shower and calculating a hyperspace jump faster than a droid, so he may have been another Star Wars pilot who owed his instincts to the Force. The Rise of Skywalker revealed that the Force stopped Finn and other stormtroopers from executing civilians, and the Force could have convinced Cassian not to kill Galen Erso in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Andor season 2 may offer additional evidence to support Cassian’s Force sensitivity.

1 Chirrut Îmwe

“I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me.”

According to the Star Wars website, Chirrut Îmwe “lacks Force abilities” and “honed his body through intense physical and mental discipline.” While this would seem to confirm that Chirrut is not Force-sensitive, Sabine’s training in Ahsoka now suggests otherwise, showing that he may have refined his senses to the point where he could use the Force.

If a non-spiritual person like Sabine could use the Force after brief training, then a spiritual person like Chirrut could master the Force after a lifetime of serving its will. Chirrut may be the first of many characters that Star Wars reveals were secretly Force-sensitive after Ahsoka.