10 Simple Plot Holes That Ruin The Whole Movie, According To Reddit

10 Simple Plot Holes That Ruin The Whole Movie, According To Reddit

The newly released Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is a mind-blowing sci-fi horror, but there’s no denying that the ending is one big plot hole. When audiences realize that plot hole, it could ruin not just the whole movie but other movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, too.

But other movies have much smaller plot holes that ruin the whole film just as much. Whether it’s a simple line that ruins the story’s continuity, a genius billionaire making stupid financial decisions, or a sci-fi flick that only follows its own logic when it’s convenient, these off-hand moments pulled Redditors right out of the movie.

Cars (2006)

10 Simple Plot Holes That Ruin The Whole Movie, According To Reddit

Just like with comedies, when it comes to animated movies aimed at children, it’s much easier for adult audiences to suspend disbelief. However, Pixar is held to a higher standard, as the animation studio is known for its complex, clever, and inventive storytelling, so when even the smallest plot hole in Cars appears, the whole movie is ruined for this deleted user.

The Redditor rhetorically asks, “Why do McQueen and Doc Hudson have to “start their engines” for their dirt track race? They drove to the starting line yet they had to still start their engines?” However, while it’s a great point and is hard to forget about once fans pick up on it, ultimately, the movie is about talking cars. And even though humans don’t exist, they still have doors for people to enter and exit. It isn’t the most layered movie in Pixar’s repertoire.

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

The stock exchange heist in The Dark Knight Rises

There are loads of huge plot holes in The Dark Knight Rises, such as how Batman survived the six-mile radius blast from the bomb, or how he even traveled six miles away from Gotham in just a few seconds in the first place. But despite that, it’s something so minor in the movie that ruffles Reddit users’ feathers the most.

The richest people in the world know better than anyone not to put all their eggs in one basket, but as Thingpaint points out, that’s exactly what Bruce Wayne does in The Dark Knight Rises. The Redditor explains, “the richest man in the city has his entire fortune in the stock market. Nothing in bonds, t-bills, real estate, precious metals, etc.”

The International Man Of Mystery (1997)

Austin Powers drives a vehicles through a warehouse in International Man of Mystery

Because the Austin Powers movies are goofy comedies, they get away with a lot more in terms of suspension of disbelief. But Dumbleydore94 can’t keep one problem in the first movie from ruining their entire experience. The Redditor rhetorically asks, “How the hell did Austin Powers get that little truck completely sideways in that hallway?!”

In International Man of Mystery, Powers find himself in a truck sitting sideways in a very narrow hallway, the joke is that he needs to pull off a 50+-point turn to get out of the situation he found himself in. But the movie conveniently skips showing viewers how he got himself into that situation in the first place.

Ant-Man (2015)

Ant Man

Spd0327 points something out in Ant-Man that when fans pick up on it in the movie, it’s impossible to ignore. The Redditor explains, “They specifically say early in the movie that his mass won’t change, only the space between his molecules. So he’d always weigh 200lbs.” The user then points out that Hank carries a tank, which uses the same Pym particles, on a keychain.

Though it is a minor plot hole, it seems to happen a lot. Scott also runs along the top of a gun that’s being pointed at him, but the gun should have dropped to the floor as soon as he stepped on it. For as hilarious and unique to the MCU as it is, Ant-Man seemingly only follows its own logic when it’s convenient for the plot.

Armageddon (1998)

armageddon crew NASA

The 1990s was a golden age for disaster movies, and outside anything directed by Roland Emmerich, Armageddon was the biggest and most ambitious. The movie follows a crew of blue-collar oil drillers who are sent into space to keep a giant asteroid from hitting the Earth.

Sleepdrooler refers to an infamous quote from Ben Affleck that can be heard on the DVD commentary. According to the actor, he asked director Michael Bay if it would be easier to train astronauts to be drillers than it would be to train oil drillers to be astronauts. And Bay apparently responded, “Shut the f*** up.” While oil drilling is certainly a high-risk profession, being an astronaut requires years of education and training.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)

Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft in Lara Croft Tomb Raider.

It might have been critically scathed upon release, but Tomb Raider is not as bad as fans think. However, based on one small plot hole, Smallmadfurrything thinks otherwise. The movie follows Lara as she locates two halves of a triangular artifact before the bad guys, as it will become the world’s most dangerous weapon when the two halves are pieced together. But the Redditor argues that when Lara finds the first piece, “Just destroy the half you do have? then the other half that he has will be rendered useless.”

In fairness, the movie is adapting the story of the first video game in the series, so the fault for the plot hole doesn’t entirely lie with the 2001 film. However, an argument could be made that Lara actually wanted to see the triangle come together, as the character has always had that fascination. And that can be backed up by the fact that she came so close to opening Pandora’s Box in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider – The Cradle of Life.

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Doctor Strange and Wong gathering Earth's mightiest heroes in Avengers Endgame

When a movie is tying up a 20+ movie series, there are undoubtedly going to be tons of plotholes and continuity errors. And while Avengers: Endgame is full of them, the 2019 movie pulled off the impossible by giving every character a perfect send-off and even setting up the future. But that was all thrown out of the window for MrMobster, who had the movie ruined for them by 3.5 billion people randomly showing up on Earth.

The Redditor argues, “as if the weakened economy could support the sudden doubling of the population, not to mention the mental health of people wished back.” The user is not wrong, as there’d be worldwide famine and so many other global problems. And just because Bruce Banner wished them back “safely” doesn’t mean there wouldn’t be major issues.

Jurassic Park (1993)

The T-Rex in the final scene of the original Jurassic Park movie

Jurassic Park is often referred to as a perfect film and one of the all-time greatest sci-fi movies. The film is terrifying, exciting, and jaw-dropping, especially when it comes to the gigantic T-rex. But Amenra7 points out that while the film is great at building suspense around the T-rex, the 1993 classic isn’t consistent with the way the characters detect the dinosaur.

The Redditor explains, “The build-up to the introduction of the T-rex in Jurassic Park was unreal. They literally made her seismic.” But the user then explains that the final scene sees the T-rex creep into a building completely undetected, even though it was set up that anybody could sense her from miles away.

Signs (2002)

The alien steps out from behind a hedge in Signs.

The alien reveal in Signs is one of the great scenes in a bad horror movie, but there are still other things to love about the M. Night Shyamalan-directed sci-fi horror. Just like most of the filmmaker’s early work, the 2002 film is a masterclass in suspense, but Pittboul7 doesn’t think so.

The Redditor questions the big plot twist, positing, “In the movie Signs, Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix find out that water is toxic to aliens. Yet the aliens are fine walking around with all the natural humidity in the air.” The movie attempted to outdo The War of the Worlds, which essentially sees the aliens dying from a cold, but Shyamalan didn’t completely think it through.

Monsters University (2013)

Mike and Sully stand outside of Monsters University

Being another animated movie from Pixar, Monsters University has a simple plot hole like in Cars, only this time it’s a problem with the story’s continuity. PhantomKatana points out, “In Monsters Inc. at the beginning of the movie, Mike says that they have been friends since they were five and that’s what made them so special.” However, Monsters University sees the two monsters meet at the same time in college.

It’s hard to believe something like that was overlooked, especially as Daniel Gerson co-wrote both the original movie and the prequel. It again comes as a huge surprise that this kind of oversight came from one of the most detailed and meticulous studios ever.