10 Similarities Between Rebel Moon And The Star Wars Original Trilogy

10 Similarities Between Rebel Moon And The Star Wars Original Trilogy

Warning: This article contains spoilers for Rebel Moon: Part One – A Child of Fire.

Rebel Moon: Part One – A Child of Fire was at one point intended as a Star Wars project, and the origins of Zack Snyder’s new franchise are still clearly visible in the finished product. The influence that Star Wars has had on Snyder’s Rebel Moon universe is obvious, and some of the parallels go beyond an artful homage. In particular, A Child of Fire has some notable similarities with George Lucas’ original Star Wars trilogy, consisting of Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977), Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980), and Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983).

With the first installment of the Rebel Moon franchise having hit Netflix in December 2023, the 46-year gap between A Child of Fire and the first Star Wars movie hasn’t been enough for Snyder to sufficiently separate his latest work from the story that inspired it. As a result, Rebel Moon‘s plot feels very familiar. At times, watching A Child of Fire is like watching a reworked version of Star Wars – which is essentially what it is. While Rebel Moon still offers a vast new world with compelling heroes and villains, it’s impossible to ignore the character and narrative similarities it shares with Star Wars‘ original sci-fi trilogy.

10 Similarities Between Rebel Moon And The Star Wars Original Trilogy


What Zack Snyder Is Doing With Rebel Moon That Differs From Star Wars & George Lucas

Rebel Moon has some similarities to Star Wars, but it’s because Zack Snyder and George Lucas had a very similar creative process and inspirations.

10 Kora And Luke Skywalker Are Both Farmers

Both characters have also lost their parents

Both A Child of Fire and A New Hope open with the hero working on a farm, away from the action of a galactic war. When a story has two forces endlessly firing laser weapons at one another, having the antagonist in a location as humble as a farm is a good way to make them stand out. It’s a technique that Lucas used for Luke Skywalker in 1977, and it’s one that Zack Snyder also thought would be effective for Kora.

Sofia Boutella as Kora with Short Hair Wearing an Imperium Uniform in the Snow in Rebel Moon Part One A Child of Fire


Rebel Moon: Kora’s Backstory Could Be Even Darker Than She Admits

Kora’s Rebel Moon backstory with the Imperium is dark, but the death of the royal family creates even more questions about her past.

The main difference between the two characters is that Luke yearns to leave Tatooine and join the rebellion, whereas Kora is in hiding on Veldt and is left with no choice but to leave and rejoin the war. However, the similarities between the backstories of both characters start to make a reappearance when it’s considered that both Kora and Luke are war orphans.

9 The Villain In Both Franchises Is Mechanically Augmented

Rebel Moon and Star Wars both make use of the trope

Admiral Atticus Noble with tubes bringing him back to life in Rebel Moon.

Making the bad guy part-machine is a clever way of dehumanizing them in the eyes of the audience. In Star Wars, Darth Vader was almost entirely artificial during the events of the original trilogy, so it was easy for him to be viewed as the antagonist. While Snyder’s approach to the trope may be more subtle, it’s still very much present. As such, Rebel Moon‘s Atticus Noble may look unaltered at first glance, but his body is revaled to be riddled with implants that aid in the admiral’s resurrection near A Child of Fire‘s ending.

8 The Droids Are Humanoid

The inspiration behind Jimmy is obvious

Jimmy on Veldt in Rebel Moon

Robots can come in all shapes and sizes, and this fact can be part of what makes science-fiction so entertaining. In Star Wars, droids do vary in their appearance, but the ones that stick in the mind tend to be the ones with more of a human design. For instance, C-3PO has one of the most famous silhouettes in cinematic history. Artificial life may not be so ubiquitous in the Rebel Moon universe, but the most notable mechanical figure shares a template similar to C-3PO, with Anthony Hopkins’ robot Jimmy essentially being a human in metal form.



Was Rebel Moon A Star Wars Movie? What Happened & What’s Different Now

Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon is receiving a lot of comparisons to Star Wars, but its connections to Star Wars are far more superficial than they appear.

7 The Character Names Follow A Similar Formula

Familiar names can break the illusion

Darrian and Devra Bloodaxe looking off into the distance in Rebel Moon

Names of characters within a universe are important, as they can skew the perceptions of what kind of world the story takes place in. If the names are too recognizable from everyday life, then the fantastical nature of a narrative can be somewhat diminished. As such, Lucas favored names like Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Lando Calrissian. Many Rebel Moon characters, like Kora and Gunnar, have one-word names. However, others, like Darrian Bloodaxe, Tarak Decimus, and Regent Balisarius, could easily be the names of figures from the Star Wars universe.

6 Both Empires Are Led By A Tyrannical Dictator Whose Protégé Abandoned Them

The redemption arcs for Kora and Anakin aren’t exactly the same

This is one of the more glaring narrative similarities between Rebel Moon and Star Wars. In Snyder’s franchise, Regent Balisarius leads the charge responsible for the slaughter of Kora’s family, choosing to spare Kora’s life and raise her as his own. While Star Wars‘ Anakin Skywalker may not have such bloody origins, Emperor Palpatine still groomed the young Jedi until he was ready to rule by his side. Ultimately, Kora and Anakin both turn on their respective father figures. However, it remains to be seen if Balisarius will meet an end that parallels that of his Star Wars counterpart.

5 Nemesis In Rebel Moon Has Swords That Are Essentially Lightsabers

George Lucas made his mark on the world of science-fiction weaponry

Nemesis in Rebel Moon as she wields her laser swords

The style of its weapons can make or break a sci-fi universe, and Snyder has quietly admitted that Lucas’ design can’t be topped. As well as the presence of laser rifles in both Star Wars and Rebel Moon, each has its own version of a lightsaber. Lucas’ original trilogy took inspiration from Samurai culture, which is why its heroes often use a sword. So, the character of Nemesis in Rebel Moon is a kind of double reference to Star Wars. Not only is Nemesis Snyder’s take on a Samurai warrior, but using laser swords as her weapons of choice is a nod to Lucas’ Jedi.

4 Most Of The Main Characters Are Human (Despite Alien Life Existing)

Humans are in the spotlight for most of both stories

The cast of Rebel Moon all standing next to one another

Both Rebel Moon and Star Wars take place against a backdrop of an interplanetary community. As a result, humanity interacting with alien life is presented as the norm. However, the core group of characters in both franchises is made up primarily of humans. That isn’t to say that alien characters don’t exist, such as King Levitica and Harmada in Rebel Moon, but their screen time is much less prominent. Even in Star Wars, beloved alien characters such as Admiral Ackbar tend to boil down to catchphrases and other brief appearances.

3 Both Properties Have Space Royalty

Princess Leia’s legacy bleeds into Snyder’s universe

Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia surrounded by Stormtroopers in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

Monarchical structures seem like a very Earthbound concept, but Zack Snyder appeared to enjoy the fact that spacefaring people could still have those that hold a royal title. Royalty is much more diluted in Star Wars than it is in Rebel Moon, with only individual planets having a monarchy. However, Snyder’s take on royal rule is much more absolute. Star Wars‘ most famous royal is Carrie Fisher’s Princess Leia, whereas Rebel Moon has its own young princess – Princess Issa.

2 A Rebellion Is Being Formed To Overthrow The Empire

The Imperium may share a similar fate to Palpatine’s Empire

Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia standing among the X-Wing pilots in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars has the Empire and Rebel Moon has the Imperium, and the downfall of both parties is being orchestrated by a gang of outliers. The war between the Empire and the Rebels is at the heart of the original Star Wars trilogy, and it looks like Rebel Moon will share a focus that’s almost identical. The odds looked insurmountable for Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, and company, and while things don’t currently look good for Kora’s rebellion in Rebel Moon, she at least has several capable and experienced warriors by her side.

1 Characters In Rebel Moon And Star Wars Have Mystical Abilities

The “Force” is strong in both universes

Star Wars wouldn’t be what it is without the power of the Force, and it seems Zack Snyder also values how essential it is. Even though he can’t refer to the Force by name, it’s clear that some of his Rebel Moon characters share very similar abilities to the Jedi. For instance, Tarak Decimus bonding with the bennu to earn his freedom looks very much like a Force power.

In addition, one of Kora’s flashbacks reveals that Princess Issa has some kind of ability to heal, or possibly even bring living beings back from the dead. Given the origins of Rebel Moon, it’s difficult not to compare this power to that of the Force. The talents on display by both Tarak and Issa have yet to be formally explained, but they’re yet another sign of the influence of Star Wars on Rebel Moon: Part One – A Child of Fire.

Rebel Moon

Release Date
December 22, 2023

Zack Snyder

Djimon Hounsou , Sofia Boutella , Charlotte Maggi , Ray Fisher , Jena Malone , E. Duffy , Staz Nair , Doona Bae , Sky Yang , Charlie Hunnam , Cleopatra Coleman

Action , Adventure , Fantasy , Sci-Fi