10 Shocking Twists On The Wilds Season 2

10 Shocking Twists On The Wilds Season 2

Warning: This list contains spoilers for The Wilds season 2 and mentions of sexual assault.

Fans of the hit Amazon Series, The Wilds couldn’t look away from their screens anticipating the shocking twists happening to the characters. Season 2 arrived in early May and so much happened to change the series. Viewers learned a lot about the characters in season 1 but this new season introduced a whole new set of characters that changed the trajectory of the plotline.

Part of what has caused the show to change going forward is just how many shocking moments happened in this season. Whether it was the original group of girls on the island, the new batch of boys, or the characters who aren’t stranded, the show never stopped surprising people.

Seth Being In On It

10 Shocking Twists On The Wilds Season 2

After Seth is exiled from the rest of the group he begins to act even more suspicious. It is revealed to the audience that he is in fact a part of this operation when he begins to give updates to a camera.

Later on, he is seen cutting cords and mikes so the higher-ups are never aware of what the boys are talking about since it reflects so poorly on him. And by the end, he is still pulling the strings, although fans do not know how much of an influence he’ll have now since he is already the bad guy.

Everything About Gretchen’s Son

The Wilds Gretchen

In the very first episode of season 2, the audience gets more details on Gretchen’s son Devon. It was shocking to fans that she even had a son. He immediately vocalizes his hatred for his mother. This is understandable since she is the one in charge and also one of the most unlikable characters on The Wilds overall.

However, later he is found seemingly dead from an attack until at the very end of the episode when he appears to be alive. It was all part of Gretchen’s plan, which doubles the twist, only to add another shock when he vehemently shouted at her and turned on her in the end. To top it off, another surprise came when he showed remorse and wanted back in her good graces.

Nora Being Alive

Rachel and Nora face eachother on the island

In the last moments of season 1, it appeared as though Nora had been attacked and killed by a shark after fans learned that she was in fact a part of Dawn Of Eve. It’s an unfortunate situation when it comes to Nora’s twin sister, Rachel who is mourning her death. She even gathers the rest of the girls to get closure and has a funeral.

But it is revealed that Nora is actually still alive and watching from an undisclosed location. Although, it seems that she might be the one to help them in the long run with her hidden messages in her notebook. Only time will tell, especially since she only showed up for one scene in season 2.

The Assault & The Aftermath

Kirin looks back at Josh who is upset

The boys introduced in season 2 are a major focus and in one moment, they are celebrating the kill of a wild animal only for Seth to get laughed at by Josh. He responds by sexually assaulting Josh in an unsettling moment. But when Josh reveals this to Kirin, the boys decide to kick Seth out of their section, forcing him to survive on his own.

Their overall morals and humanity are tested when they realize that it’s too cold for him to be there on his own and the boys begin to divide. But in the end, the boys stick together and never reveal the truth to the associates after they get rescued.

Leah Figuring Things Out

The Wilds Season 2 Ending Leah

There are many transformations during season 2. The characters have grown into themselves since they’ve had to adapt to the wild. But by the end of the series, the focus is centered on Leah as she begins to get closer to the truth and even bonds with Raf. And although the audience can’t figure out her every move, she seems capable of getting them out.

She possibly gets the chance to outsmart Gretchen by ratting her out to the FBI and using her weaknesses to her advantage. Leah begins to separate from the girls and the girls grow to resent her for her time away. But ultimately, they trust her to get to the bottom of it all in the final episode.

Martha Killing The Bunnies

Martha in The Wilds

There was speculation on whether or not Martha made it out of the island. And in one moment in season 2, she suffers a breakdown and kills a bunch of baby rabbits that were in the woods. This leads her into a catatonic state for the remainder of their time on the island. The girls try to keep her calm the best they know how but she is too far gone.

However, it is revealed in the last episode that she is doing fine. She may have gone through an emotional moment, but her character grows a lot and she realizes a lot about herself throughout the process. It is one of the few reasons the experiment works in The Wilds.

Seth Almost Killing Henry

Henry looking at someone off screen

The Wilds has proved that anything goes. Fans know shocking moments are around every corner but one of the biggest came when Seth almost drowns his stepbrother, Henry.

Fans have gathered by watching this season that Seth is not how he seems, which was first shown here. He has secret aggression in him and his sudden burst of aggression leads the audience to figure out that he is up to something. It’s great foreshadowing about his future as someone the audience can’t trust.

Leah Finds The Phone

Leah at the beach drained

Towards the end of season 2, Leah is on the verge of something. She uses Gretchen’s associates against her by having them turn against her. She later ends up finding a phone in her room and immediately the audience has hope that these teenagers will find a way home.

Leah ends up contacting her friend Ian from back home. Shockingly enough he seeks out Gretchen’s son Devon and that leads to Gretchen’s team having to flee. It gives the survivors on the island a rare win in a major way.

The Rescues

The Girls in the wilds getting rescued

Although the audience knows that the main characters do eventually get off the island, they never know how or when. Unfortunately, the characters aren’t rescued by people who have their best interest but at least they are together. The girls notice a helicopter which gives them hope that they will leave the island in the past.

It is a very happy moment for these characters as they have been trapped for over a month. The boys separate in order to find help so only three of them go on the boat that Seth hijacks. The audience is led to believe that they find their way out by the boat even though fans of the show don’t actually see them coming into contact with whoever rescues them.

They Are Still On The Island

Seth controlling the experiment and leah screams

Since the characters are telling their sides of the story to Gretchen’s associates, the audience is led to believe that eventually, they’ll be able to be released and go home. However, that time never seems to happen.

Instead, the girls and the boys meet for the first time but with Gretchen gone, they have no idea why they’re still in the bunker. But the biggest shock came at the very end when it was revealed that they were all still on the island and it is one of the most frustrating moments for them, setting the tone for a potential season 3.