10 Reasons Why 2005’s Pride & Prejudice Is Perfect, According To Reddit

10 Reasons Why 2005’s Pride & Prejudice Is Perfect, According To Reddit

Joe Wright’s retelling of Jane Austen’s epic love story Pride & Prejudice is a masterpiece in storytelling. With Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen at the helm as the unlikely couple, Wright’s film is visually stunning and transported fans of the novel back to the where the romance began at the turn of the 19th century.

The film was released in 2005, but still has audiences enamored all of these years later. Fans have taken to Reddit to rave about the film, discussing at length the why it’s so great, with reasons ranging from the comfort it provides, to the beautiful aesthetic it offers.

The Portrayal Of The Bennet Sisters

10 Reasons Why 2005’s Pride & Prejudice Is Perfect, According To Reddit

Outside of the romance at the heart of Austen’s story, the Bennet sisters make up a lot of the external narrative. The five sisters couldn’t have been more different, but that just added to the charm in Wright’s film. From Lizzie and Jane’s heartwarming friendship, Lydia and Mary’s mischievous ways and Kitty’s penchant for companionship with a piano, the sister’s are a joy to watch.

Sunnysideuppp123 notes how the film “made the dialogue less wooden while containing the era’s verbosity and conservative nature,” particularly in the way that “Lizzie and her sisters actually tease each other when she actively flirts with Wickham.” It was a fun dynamic to see on screen, and brought levity to the film when needed.

The Hand Flex

Mr Darcy stares off into the distance in Pride and Prejudice

The now iconic scene in which Darcy flexed his hand after helping Lizzie into her carriage is much adored by fans, mainly for the tension the action evoked. Whilst it was recently revealed that Matthew Macfadyen improvised the hand flex, the scene is still seared into fans as a highlight of Pride & Prejudice.

Reddit user nogoodblueberry commented that one of their favorite scenes is the one where “their hands touch,” whilst Lady_Disco_Sparkles raved “Mr. Darcy’s hand flex ! I’m dying.” The scene in question did well to build the tension between Darcy and Lizzie, and still has audiences in awe at the hint it gave of the blossoming romance.

The Supporting Cast

Pride and Prejudice Mr Collins and Elizabeth Bennet at dinner

Aside from Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFadyen’s poignant performances, the supporting cast of Pride & Prejudice were also a key to the film’s success among critics and fans alike. With the likes of Donald Sutherland, Brenda Blethyn and Rosamund Pike, the supporting cast embodied their characters perfectly.

DianneTodd01 highlighted how “the supporting cast choices were stellar, not only the leads,” which is a testament to the acting throughout the film, considering the main focus was that of Darcy and Elizabeth. Without the brilliant performances given by the supporting cast, the film perhaps wouldn’t be as revered by fans as it is today, as characters such as Jane and Bingley added to the film’s narrative in a compelling way.

The Comfort It Provides

Pride and Prejudice Charlotte and Elizabeth at the dance with quote

Despite the dramatic nature of Darcy and Lizzie’s romance, there’s no denying that Wright’s retelling of Pride & Prejudice oozed comfort. Not only did the couple did get their long awaited happy ending, but the film also tempered a beautiful serenity through the visuals and accompanying music.

Ewww_David mentioned how “That’s [my] comfort film! The cinematography, soundtrack, costumes. It’s so beautiful,” with camerontbelt also commenting that “It’s just one of those movies that’s so comforting to watch.” As a whole, the film clearly resonated with audiences for the solace that can be found in the story it relayed, and has an uplifting quality that allows for many a re-watch.

The Soundtrack

Pride and Prejudice Cropped

Of the many re-imaginings of Austen’s novel, Wright’s ranks high against the many TV and movie adaptations of Pride & Prejudice due in part to the stunning cinematography and melodious soundtrack. The Oscar nominated score was composed by Dario Marianelli, and was the perfect accompaniment to the romantic story.

Kids_see_ghosts wrote “I love the soundtrack,” and they would “watch [it] for that alone,” recognizing how much of a stand-out the music was. Another user commented that Wright’s adaptation is their “favorite version,” singling out an affecting use of the soundtrack: “the music that plays while she is walking through the fields at sunrise..birds chirping. Perfection.”

The Chemistry Between Elizabeth and Darcy

Pride and Prejudice

One of the things that made Wright’s version of Pride & Prejudice so compelling was the undeniable chemistry between Darcy and Elizabeth. Their relationship was captivating to watch, and the connection they shared was palpable, whether they were arguing with each other or confessing their feelings.

Lady_Disco_Sparkles reasoned that the film is their “favorite romantic and feel-good film,” mainly in part to “the chemistry between the actors.” For a story all about romance, it would have been necessary to show such a connection between Darcy and Elizabeth, and Knightley and Macfadyen’s chemistry truly elevated the narrative.

Darcy’s Realization

Pride and Prejudice 2005

The conclusion of this adaptation found Darcy walking dreamily towards Elizabeth, as he romantically confessed that she had “bewitched” him “body and soul,” and it was one of the most memorable quotes in Wright’s Pride & Prejudice. The scene has a special place in fans hearts, for the vulnerability conveyed by Darcy and the fact that they actually got to have a happy ending.

Possiblyhysterical commented that they “melt every time” in the scene “when he walks through misty fields to her in [that] long coat.” The moment was indeed incredibly romantic in all aspects, and gave Darcy and Elizabeth a moving reconciliation that they truly deserved.

The Rain Scene

Elizabeth & Darcy - Pride & Prejudice

The scene in which Darcy attempted to confess how he truly felt towards Elizabeth was as equally romantic as it was tense. As he tried to explain his feelings toward her, he actually ended up offending her by mentioning that her class status had initially begrudged him.

However badly Darcy’s attempt went, the scene is still one of the best in the film for the tension it built, and the intensity of their argument showed the depth of their respective feelings for each other. prettyroses commented how this scene was “straight fire,” and highlighted the “almost-kiss” in particular. The whole scene was evocative of the yearning nature of Darcy and Elizabeth’s early romance, and marked a significant change in their relationship.

The Cinematography And Visual Aesthetic

Pride and Prejudice 2005 Elizabeth and Darcy

A particularly revered aspect of Wright’s adaptation was the beauty of the cinematography and how the visuals always complimented the narrative, creating a complimentary and pleasing overall aesthetic. Throughout the whole film, the stylistic choices and shots of the surrounding scenery were implemented perfectly.

Quirky-Clock-2573 commented that “[its] visually such a beautiful film,” and that “something about the tone and style was really magical,” whilst another user admitted that “this was the first film that [I] really paid attention to the cinematography,” because of the “quiet tension” that it evoked.

Keira Knightley And Matthew MacFadyen’s Performances

Elizabeth Bennet (Keira Knightley) and Mr. Darcy (Matthew Macfadyen) in

At the heart of Pride & Prejudice was the stellar performances given by Knightley and Macfadyen. Aside from the chemistry they brought to their characters, they also gave incredibly nuanced accounts individually, that helped to elevate their respective narrative arcs and give more breadth Austen’s story.

One user commented how Matthew Macfadyen was their “favorite portrayal of Mr. Darcy in any medium,” whilst SamJGetty1 noted that Keira Knightley’s “performance [is] so charming.” Both actors gave memorable performances, and, most notably, her embodiment of Elizabeth Bennet was one of Keira Knightley’s best roles to date.