10 Reasons The Traitors Fans Hate Paul

10 Reasons The Traitors Fans Hate Paul

The Traitors UK season 2’s new cast are doing their best in the game, but many are hating on traitor Paul Gorton for the way he’s been playing in the first several episodes of the season. After being chosen as a traitor alongside Ash Bibi and Harry Clark by host Allan Cumming, Paul took to the role quickly. Knowing he was meant to play the game as a traitor, Paul’s confessional interviews have been grating on the nerves of viewers who are looking to watch the game without much side commentary. While some are appreciative of Paul’s intense gameplay, others are overwhelmed by the way he’s taken to the role.

After the initial trio was chosen, Paul, Ash, and Harry had to pick another player to recruit as a traitor. While the discussion was intense, the traitors chose to recruit Miles Asteri, a choice Paul seemed happy with. Throughout the earliest phase of the game, many have been watching Paul navigate his way through the realm of deceit in shock. Despite sharing that he was hoping to be a traitor, some are still surprised to see just how devious Paul is being on The Traitors UK season 2. With viewers critical of his moves, many have found themselves hating Paul.

10 Reasons The Traitors Fans Hate Paul


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10 Paul Plays The Game Dirty

He’s Out For Blood

The Traitors UK Season 2 Cast

Although the point of The Traitors US is for the traitors to play an under-handed game, the majority of Paul’s game moves have been far dirtier than necessary. With Paul loving the idea of him being a traitor, it’s been clear that he’s happy to make difficult, dirty moves without much thought. Though he’s still playing fairly under the radar, Paul’s game moves haven’t always been the most strategic and ultimately, could cost him the game if others notice how unnecessary some of his dramatics have been. Paul making dirty moves, like banishing Ash from The Traitors UK season 2, could cost him in the long run.

9 Paul’s “I Miss My Kids” Story Rubbed The Traitors Fans The Wrong Way

He’s Being Too Manipulative

The Traitors Paul Gorton with son, Charlie and girlfriend Kate Waldron

Part of being a traitor is manipulating the rest of the players into believing that you’re not one, but Paul’s tactics surrounding his family and using them as a bargaining chip have rubbed some the wrong way. For Paul, using his family in discussion with the rest of the faithful has been a way for him to connect with people. He seems more human if he’s talking about his kids, and while he’s not sharing much in detail, many are irritated with the way he’s spoken about missing his kids. Even though he needs to appear “normal” to the rest of the faithful, some feel he took things too far.

8 Paul Is A Bad Actor

He’s Over The Top

As part of his role as a traitor, Paul has taken to being somewhat dramatic when he speaks both to the rest of The Traitors UK season 2 cast and during his interview segments. While he’s playing an inherently inauthentic game, Paul has been doing a bad job at masking his expressions in front of the faithful in the game, being over the top and over dramatic in nearly every moment he’s seen on screen. During his interview segments, Paul is making it clear he’s in it for the entertainment value, giving over the top metaphors to describe his time as a traitor and making viewers uninterested in watching him.

7 Paul’s Dungeon Plan Was Too Risky

He’s Not Considering The Long Game

Although Paul had to make a quick decision, his dungeon plan was far too risky and could easily backfire on him in the long run. Choosing to place himself and Ash in the dungeon together was a strain on the traitors team, and though he was doing this to ensure Ash gets more suspicion placed on her, the choice was far too risky as Paul was relying on his perception of the rest of the cast’s view of him. In believing he was popular enough to survive the twist, Paul put himself in some serious danger and made it clear he was not thinking far enough ahead.

6 Paul Turned On Ash Too Early In The Game

He’s Not Protecting Fellow Traitors

The Traitors Paul Gorton and girlfriend Kate Waldron

While Ash was getting to be a liability for the traitor team in the way she was playing the game, the fact that Paul turned on her as early as he did in the game is surprising. Paul found that Ash was being sussed out at the round tables as early as The Traitors UK season 2 episode 2 and felt that it was too tricky to have her as a part of the team. Despite also having to work with Harry and Miles, Paul stuck his neck out for himself and began to betray Ash rather than trying to throw suspicion elsewhere. Paul’s actions prove he’s only loyal to himself.

5 Paul Thinks He’s More Popular Than He Is

He Thought He Would Be Saved

While Paul has been getting some heat for the way he’s playing the game, during the time of filming he felt that he was quite popular among the rest of the cast. Though those of his The Traitors UK castmates who have been banished and murdered have all shared similar sentiments about Paul, explaining they had no idea he was one of the traitors, the fact that he’s playing the game believing he’s overly popular is shocking and off-putting. Paul believing he would be saved from the dungeon due to his popularity was surprising and seemed to be a move made on arrogance over actual intellect.

4 Paul Is Smug & Arrogant

His Attitude Is Too Much

The Traitors Paul Gorton with son, Charlie

Paul’s attitude has been called over the top throughout The Traitors UK season 2, and it’s not surprising to know that his smug, arrogant behavior is rubbing viewers the wrong way. While Paul seems to be owning his behavior for the most part, the fact that he’s been cocky instead of confident during the first several episodes has been unnerving to watch at times. Paul’s choices, while risky, may work out in the long game, but his attitude could easily give him away to the rest of the cast if he’s not careful to be a bit less smug.

3 Paul Is Being Way Too Obvious

He’s Not Playing It Cool

The Traitors Paul Gorton

After making some risky moves early on in the game, Paul’s behavior seems like it’s on the brink of being exposed to the rest of The Traitors UK season 2 cast. While he feels like he’s making the best possible game moves, he’s not playing it as cool as he believes. Paul’s being incredibly obvious in the moves he’s making, and while it’s most obvious to an audience, it’s only a matter of time until the faithful catch on to his behavior. If he wants to make it far, Paul will have to tone down his behavior in the coming episodes.

2 Paul’s Only In It For Himself

He’s Playing A Selfish Game

The Traitors UK Players

Although Paul’s playing a selfish game like many of the other traitors, he’s doing so in a way that makes it clear that even his fellow traitors can’t rely on him to help them out. While the whole point of playing as a traitor is to get rid of the faithful systematically, Paul has been working against his fellow traitors unnecessarily. In playing the game for himself, Paul has made it clear he’s a liability as he’d be willing to take out his fellow traitors at the drop of a hat. Playing a selfish game may be a strategy, but it’s not one most viewers enjoy watching.

1 Paul’s Acting Like He Knows What He’s Doing

He’s Just As Unaware As The Other Traitors

With Paul’s time as a traitor just as fresh as his fellow teammates, it’s shocking to see him working against everyone in the game as though he’s an expert. While Paul may feel he’s equipped to play the game at a higher level than some of his fellow players, it’s clear that his attitude is something he hasn’t been able to reckon with moving ahead in the game. Paul’s time on The Traitors UK season 2 may be cut short if he continues to act like he knows what he’s doing when he’s just as unaware of the game as the other traitors.