10 Reasons Star Trek: Legacy Needs Captain Shaw Back

10 Reasons Star Trek: Legacy Needs Captain Shaw Back

Captain Liam Shaw (Todd Stashwick) became a breakout fan-favorite character in Star Trek: Picard season 3, and there are many reasons why he should be back in Star Trek: Legacy. Captain Shaw made his debut in the first episode of Picard season 3, “The Next Generation,” in a scene that immediately put him at odds with Starfleet legends Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and Captain William Riker (Jonathan Frakes). While this did not exactly endear him to fans, his actions became clearer after more of his backstory was revealed.

A survivor of Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s Battle of Wolf 359, one of the most devastating battles in Starfleet history, Captain Liam Shaw had a regimented approach to command and an understandable hatred of the Borg. This history not only informed the way he ran the USS Titan-A, but also his opinion of Picard and his relationship with his First Officer, former Borg drone Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan). In Star Trek: Picard season 3, episode 9, “Vox,” Liam Shaw heroically sacrificed himself to allow Picard and his friends to escape. Despite this, Picard season 3 showrunner Terry Matalas has confirmed that Shaw will be a part of the proposed spin-off Star Trek: Legacy. While it’s unknown how exactly Liam Shaw will return, here are ten reasons why he definitely should.

10 Shaw’s Comeback Will Be “Amazing”

10 Reasons Star Trek: Legacy Needs Captain Shaw Back

Terry Matalas apparently already has a plan in place for Shaw’s return in Star Trek: Legacy. In an interview with Screen Rant, Matalas revealed a few details about Shaw’s potential return in Legacy, saying that “there was a plan from Day One for Todd [Stashwick] as Shaw to be a part of it. How, you ask? It’s AMAZING.” Though little else has been revealed about Shaw’s potential return, the next chapter of his story have already been discussed. Star Trek characters have returned from the dead before, but Matalas described Shaw’s proposed story as “incredible and moving and fresh.” Considering the showrunner and actor seem to be so enthusiastic about this new story, it would be a shame if viewers never got to see it.

9 Shaw and Seven of Nine’s Story Must Continue

Star Trek Picard Shaw Seven

As Captain Shaw’s First Officer on the Titan, Seven of Nine developed an interesting relationship with him. Shaw insisted on referring to Seven as Annika Hansen, her human name, rather than the Borg designation she now identifies as. While this made sense considering Shaw’s history with the Borg, it felt disrespectful to Seven. However, at the end of Star Trek: Picard season 3, Seven realized Shaw respected her, and Liam finally called Seven by her preferred name as he died. Shaw left a message recommending Seven be promoted to Captain, but their story does not feel complete. Star Trek: Legacy has the potential to upend their dynamic and continue their story by putting Seven in the Captain’s chair and Liam under her command.

8 Shaw Can Keep An Eye On Picard’s Son Jack Crusher

Star Trek Picard Jack Crusher Ed Speelers

One of the major revelations of Star Trek: Picard season 3 was that Jean-Luc Picard and Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) had a son, Jack Crusher (Ed Speelers). Jack’s presence on the Titan put the entire ship in danger, so Captain Shaw’s opinion of Jack was not immediately favorable. The two did not have much screen time together before Shaw’s death, and it would be interesting to see them interact more. With Ensign Jack Crusher now stationed on the Titan as a Special Counselor to the Captain, Shaw could look out for him. Jack skipped most of the standard Starfleet training, landing an immediate position on the bridge. With his apparent disregard for rules and regulations, Jack could use someone like Liam Shaw to keep him from straying too far off the Starfleet path.

7 Shaw Is A Perfect Character For Star Trek: Legacy’s Post-Borg Starfleet

Star Trek Picard Shaw Todd Stashwick 6

Considering Liam Shaw’s history with the Borg, he will be more relieved than anyone to know the Borg has been all but eradicated. Without the looming threat of a Borg attack, Shaw could continue to heal from his traumatic history and help Starfleet rebuild after the Frontier Day disaster. As Captain of the Titan, Shaw played by Starfleet’s rules and wanted, more than anything, to ensure the safety of his crew. As they rebuild, Starfleet will likely want officers who trust in rules and regulations, and Liam would be a great character to help lead this new era of Starfleet officers. Though, with Captain Seven of Nine, First Officer Raffi Musiker (Michelle Hurd), and Jack Crusher all on the rechristened Enterprise-G, Shaw may be needed there just to ensure they stay out of too much trouble.

6 No One Knows The Enterprise-G Better Than Shaw

Star Trek Picard Shaw Todd Stashwick 4

Liam Shaw was given command of the USS Titan-A when it first launched, and he served as Captain for several years. Shaw knows that ship better than anyone. Plus, Shaw spent his early Starfleet career in engineering, so he knows the ins and outs regarding the Titan’s engines. In the Star Trek: Picard season 3 episode “No Win Scenario,” Shaw uses his old-school engineering knowledge to hot-wire the nacelles on the Titan. Though the ship has now been rechristened as the USS Enterprise-G, it remains the same ship Shaw commanded for the last five years. With his engineering experience and familiarity with the former Titan, Liam would be a tremendous help when the ship inevitably encounters problems.

5 Shaw Needs To Meet Q

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Shaw got to meet several legendary Star Trek characters, buthe never interacted with the omnipotent being known as Q (John de Lancie). Q only appeared briefly in an after-credits scene in the final episode of Picard season 3, a year after Captain Shaw had been killed. Q expressed an interest in Jack Crusher, which suggests that Q will be a part of the story of Star Trek: Legacy. Based on his interactions with Picard and Riker, Liam Shaw would have no patience for Q’s antics and would not be afraid to tell Q exactly what he thinks of him. A meeting between Liam and Q would undoubtedly be fun to watch, and the prospect of this meeting alone is enough reason to bring Shaw back.

4 Shaw Will Probably Be Relieved NOT To Be Captain

Star Trek Picard Shaw Todd Stashwick 5

In the Star Trek: Picard season 3 episode “Seventeen Seconds,” Shaw was injured and temporarily transferred command of the Titan to Captain Riker. Because of the incredibly dangerous and somewhat ridiculous situation Picard and Riker had gotten the Titan into, Shaw seemed relieved to hand over command. Now that the Titan-A has been renamed Enterprise with Seven of Nine as Captain, it will likely end up involved in some interesting situations of its own. Ships named Enterprise have a habit of getting into trouble, and Seven has been known to act recklessly. Plus, Jack Crusher’s presence among the crew means Q might make an appearance at some point to wreak havoc. Shaw would likely be happy to allow someone else to deal with any future catastrophic scenarios that the Enterprise finds herself in.

3 Shaw is Willing to Challenge Star Trek: TNG’s Legends

Star Trek Picard Shaw Picard Riker

From his very first appearance, Captain Shaw had no reservations about challenging even the most famous of Star Trek legends. He was openly dismissive of Admiral Picard and Captain Riker when they arrived on his ship unannounced, and then frustrated when they plunged the Titan into danger. Shaw criticized many of Picard and Riker’s past actions and pointed out the times they had gone against Starfleet regulations. Liam did not hold the same feelings toward all of the original crewmembers of the Enterprise-D, though. As a former “grease monkey” himself, Shaw looked up to Commodore Geordi La Forge (LaVar Burton) and geeked out upon meeting him. A show like Star Trek: Legacy will likely have cameos from Star Trek legends, and it would be refreshing to have someone like Shaw around to call out any questionable advice.

2 Shaw Has Fantastic Dialogue

Star Trek Picard Shaw Todd Stashwick 3

For most of its history, Star Trek shows have tended to be very dialogue-heavy, and Picard season 3 had its fair share of monologues and inspiring speeches. Captain Liam Shaw delivered many of Picard season 3’s best lines. His often-humorous remarks and biting sarcasm made him more personable and realistic, but Shaw got his fair share of serious dialogue, too. In “No Win Scenario,” Shaw delivered a truly heartbreaking monologue about his experience at TNG‘s infamous Battle of Wolf 359. A few scenes earlier in that episode, Shaw referred to Changelings as “goo people; walking, talking clay-dough” and it’s this juxtaposition of devastating truth and witty quips that made his dialogue so great. Shaw’s dialogue gave viewers insight into his character and made him feel like someone who had always been part of this universe.

1 Shaw Actor Todd Stashwick Wants to Return

Todd Stashwick as Liam Shaw in Star Trek: Picard.

Based on various interviews, as well as posts on his social media accounts, Todd Stashwick loves Star Trek and would happily return to the franchise. Securing particular actors can be one of the biggest hurdles to overcome when creating a spin-off or reunion series, but Stashwick seems just as excited to play Shaw again as the fans are. Star Trek: Picard showrunner Terry Matalas and Stashwick have already discussed the next chapters in Shaw’s story, and it would be a shame if that story were never told. Whether he returns with the help of Borg technology or as a hologram or in some other creative way, Star Trek: Picard’s Liam Shaw will be a welcome face to see in any future Star Trek projects.