10 Rarest Things That Can Happen In Hogwarts Legacy

10 Rarest Things That Can Happen In Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy‘s incredible open-world experience of allowing players to become students of the iconic Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the 1800s is full of mysterious and magical situations that add to the immersion. The developers of the game added so many intricate details to the game that there are many that most players will never find, including some interactions or events that are incredibly rare. Even playing through the narrative multiple times, choosing different Houses to join, and exploring new dialogue options, players can continue to see new things with every playthrough.

Randomized world events in Hogwarts Legacy also play a role in making each player’s journey different from the next. As the frequency of such events is entirely based on chance, there’s no way for students to trigger them of their own volition (not even by downing a vial of Felix Felicis, unfortunately). To experience them first-hand, players will simply need to continue exploring. At the end of the day, however, there’s no way to guarantee that even keen-eyed witches and wizards will be able to encounter the game’s rarest events and interactions.

10 Rarest Things That Can Happen In Hogwarts Legacy


New Hogwarts Legacy Content Coming Soon Alongside Exclusive Quest Fix

Nearly a year after it’s launch, Hogwarts Legacy has been slated to receive new content, and a platform-exclusive quest will become widely available.

10 Suit Of Armor Homicide

Humming Can Be Deadly

Hogwarts Legacy suit of armor fight

Most players will be familiar with the two suits of armor just outside Central Hall – one of which can frequently be heard humming a tune, which in turn prompts their miffed companion to give them a firm shove. In one rare Hogwarts Legacy event, though, students can witness the passive-aggressive nudging escalate into fully-fledged murder.

As xGarbett showcases on YouTube, the fed-up suit of armor will put their blunt weapon to use, bashing their neighbor into bits before casually returning to their post. The hilarious encounter is ultimately for naught, though, as the dismantled statue will continue with his now “whimpered humming.

9 House Elves Preparing Food With Feet

Hogwarts Kitchens May Not Meet FDA Standards

A male Gryffindor student in Hogwarts Legacy's kicthens, with a House Elf preparing food behind him.

Many players can play Hogwarts Legacy without ever learning that it is possible to visit the kitchens of Hogwarts Castle, by “tickling the pear” of a painting near the Hufflepuff common room entrance. Even those players who do enter may not get to witness one of the randomly spawned events of witnessing how some of the food is prepared.

Unfortunately, as the mistreated servants of Hogwarts Castle, house elves are responsible for putting all the food onto the tables of the Great Hall. Their hardworking nature, yet unsurprising disdain towards wizard food safety standards makes itself apparent in a YouTube video posted by Games Collectibles, where the house elves can be seen crushing grapes with their bare feet.

Ominus Gaunt from Hogwarts Legacy.


10 Things To Do In Hogwarts Legacy Most Players Never Discover

Some of the game’s most interesting quests and locations reside well off the beaten path, meaning most Hogwarts Legacy players will never find them.

8 Finding Shiny Beasts

Pokémon Meets Hogwarts Legacy With Its Creature Collecting

Although beasts are a major Hogwarts Legacy plot hole, they’re an important part of gameplay, as finding various species, caring for them in the Vivarium, and collecting their materials are essential to upgrading gear. That being said, however, only a small portion of witches and wizards will ever encounter or catch a shiny beast in Hogwarts Legacy. These rare variants, which see the magical creature take on a unique, often more noticeable color, are sadly only for show; they don’t provide any special perks. Nonetheless, they’re a magnificent sight to behold, so it’s a shame that they’re one of the rarest things that can happen in Hogwarts Legacy.

7 Wizards Flying Kites

Rare Spawn Event Can Happen Anywhere

Although no game mechanic allows the main character to fly a kite, it is fun to see, on a rare occasion, the wizarding folk engage in the very Muggle-like activity of flying kites. This event can happen in the open world while exploring and there is no known way to trigger it other than just exploring enough and keeping eyes peeled for a group of NPCs flying colorful kits in the breeze.

Adult villagers – as PirateSloth demonstrates in a YouTube video – will fly kites depicting various magical beasts, such as a phoenix or a dragon. Meanwhile, students will fly four kites representing each of the Hogwarts Houses. Hovering in the air next to the kites will prompt the protagonist to wave to the kite flyers in a wholesome interaction.

6 Failed Niffler Trade

Rare Hogsmeade Train Station Interaction

Hogwarts Legacy Niffler Magical Beast for Players to Capture and Gain Items from in the Room of Requirement

Students passing by the Hogsmeade Train Station have a chance to witness a slightly sad, yet nonetheless hilarious Hogwarts Legacy NPC interaction. As seen in a YouTube video posted by ECtcbPLAYS, one shaky-sounding poacher will try to convince an uninterested client to purchase a Niffler, which manages to escape the nab-sack while the two are conversing.

When the client asks to see the Niffler, the small, shrewd animal scampers away, scratching her ankles in the process. The now-panicked poacher will search for his escapee, trying to convince the angry witch that the creature is not a rat (to little avail).

5 Hogwarts Express

Sadly, Players Cannot Board The Train

Hogwarts Legacy player ROCKSTAROS jumping onto the Hogwarts Express

There are numerous Harry Potter references in Hogwarts Legacy, which is understandable as they are set in the same world only a century apart. One fun, but rare, find is the eye-catching Hogwarts Express steam engine, which can travel along the tracks between South Hogwarts and Hogwarts Valley.

Although it’s impossible to board the Hogwarts Express traditionally, watching the Scottish Highlands whizz by while munching on a treat from the snack trolley – but as ROCKSTAROS establishes in a YouTube video, players that are lucky enough to come across the train in-game can ride it in a less conventional way.

4 Ghosts Playing Catch With Decapitated Head

In The Graveyard Near Hogsmeade

When one is a ghost, trapped forever in the world of Hogwarts Legacy, it makes sense that they would want to come up with interesting games to entertain themselves. Some ghostly friends can sometimes be found playing a rather morbid form of catch, and it is such a funny interaction that one wishes that it was not so rare of a spawn.

Upon visiting the spooky graveyard near Hogsmeade, players have a chance to encounter two ghosts playing a game of catch by using one participant’s decapitated head (as Ethan Lappin demonstrates on YouTube). The pair seem to be having a blast, but it’s a hilariously odd and somewhat disturbing spectacle to behold.

A student wearing a top hat and floating next to an image of a Hogwarts Legacy protagonist looking concerned.


The 7 Funniest Hogwarts Legacy NPC Interactions You Probably Missed

The world and its NPCS can sometimes feel a bit bland, but these rare Hogwarts Legacy interactions can spruce up the experience unexpectedly.

3 Giant Squid Appears In Hogwarts Lake

The Challenging Creature Would Be Best Left Alone

Hogwarts Legacy giant squid in Hogwarts Lake

The Giant Squid is the largest and most formidable inhabitant of the Great Lake, and its short, surprise cameos are one of the rarest things that can happen in Hogwarts Legacy.

Just like the Hogwarts Express, the Giant Squid doesn’t show face all too often, instead opting to hide underneath the surface most of the time. Once in a blue moon, though, it’ll decide to poke a few tentacles out of the water, waving them around in a dramatic fashion before slowly returning to the depths of the Black Lake (as seen in Velakor’s YouTube video).

2 Giant Squid Appears In Slytherin Common Room

Inside The Common Room Somehow Feels Just As Scary

Although seeing the Giant Squid in the Great Lake is extraordinary in and of itself, there’s one, even less common location wherein witches and wizards can catch a glimpse of the massive water-dwelling creature. Due to Slytherin’s common room being partly underneath the Great Lake, it leads to some stunning views of the living aquarium, complete with water ripples reflecting in the light. If an irreverent Slytherin student chooses to cast spells on the glass of those majestic windows, there is a chance that the Giant Squid may become annoyed enough to suddenly appear and slap at the window.

The Four Houses In Hogwarts Legacy. Compilation of four images, with a student from each house looking into their common rooms.


All 4 Hogwarts Legacy Common Rooms, Ranked Worst To Best

Each of the four common rooms in the Hogwarts Castle are impressive, but in Hogwarts Legacy’s recreation of them, one of them feels more like home.

1 Dragon Getting A Snack

Thankfully, Its Chosen Prey Was Only Livestock

Hogwarts Legacy's protagonist standing off against a dragon in the Forbidden Forest.

Seeing the highly dangerous, winged dragons in the sky isn’t an uncommon occurrence; in fact, players can track the location of dragons in real time using their own maps. Only the luckiest of students, however, will have the opportunity to witness the rare event of a hungry dragon swooping down for a snack.

Indeed, if a dragon becomes peckish, it can dive from the sky and grab some livestock – whether that be a cow, like showcased in a YouTube video by ROCKSTAROS, or another animal entirely. Seeing a poor, harmless creature be abducted from above is somewhat macabre, but it’s something that most players won’t be subject to, as it’s the rarest thing that can happen in Hogwarts Legacy.

Hogwarts Legacy Game Poster

Hogwarts Legacy

Harry Potter

Xbox Series X , Xbox One , PlayStation 4 , PlayStation 5 , Microsoft Windows , Steam

February 10, 2022

Avalanche Software

Warner Bros. Games

Adventure , Action RPG , Open-World