10 Quotes That Prove Mulan & Mushu Have The Best Disney Friendship

10 Quotes That Prove Mulan & Mushu Have The Best Disney Friendship

With more live-action Disney remakes such as Pinocchio on the horizon, fans are hopeful that this latest crop will capture their hearts better than less successful efforts like Mulan. The Disney fandom can agree that one key failure of the live-action Mulan was the absence of Mushu. The disgraced guardian dragon helped Mulan become a war hero and provided a lot of laughs in the animated original.

But Mushu goes beyond providing comic relief. Once he overcomes his selfishness, Mushu becomes a loyal and trusted friend to Mulan, who is without question one of Disney’s best heroines. This results in not only a dynamic and lovable duo but perhaps one of the best friendships in Disney movies.

Mushu Confesses To Mulan

“The Truth Is We’re Both Frauds… You Risked Your Life To Help People You Love. I Risked Your Life To Help Myself. At Least You Had Good Intentions.”

10 Quotes That Prove Mulan & Mushu Have The Best Disney Friendship

One thing Mulan and Mushu have in common is that they pretend to be someone they are not. While Mulan disguises herself as a man to join the army, Mushu poses as a guardian sent to help her. But once Mulan is exiled from the army after they discover she is a woman, Mushu confesses to being a fraud as well.

While Mushu’s confession is funny in a bittersweet way, it is also a poignant moment. He not only realized how selfish he had been in his actions, but he is also confessing this to help Mulan feel better. By admitting his charade, Mulan learns that they share a common bond and it ultimately brings them closer.

Mushu Makes Mulan Breakfast

“Get Ready! I Got Breakfast For You! Look You Got Porridge! And It’s Happy To See You…”

Mushu's porridge - Mulan

Without question one of the most iconic Disney foods is the congee rice porridge that Mushu makes Mulan for her first day of training. Complete with a cute little apron, Mushu acts like a parent sending their child to their first day of school, even scolding Mulan for talking with her mouth full.

Mushu could have just simply left Mulan be but he went all out to not only wake her up in time with homemade breakfast but breakfast with an adorable smiley face on it, which he promptly feeds to her while he gives advice. It’s a wholesome, funny, and memorable moment that shows how Mushu can really be a nurturing and caring friend.

They Can Read What The Other Is Thinking

“Way Ahead Of You, Sister!”

Mushu and Cri-Kee - Mulan

In the movie’s climax, Mulan is being pursued by Shan-Yu through the palace, admitting to Mushu she’s making up a plan as she goes along. She then spots fireworks outside and Mushu simply says “Way ahead of you, sister!” before flying off on a kite to retrieve the fireworks.

This simple moment shows just how much Mulan and Mushu are on the same wavelength. They are both quick-thinking and resourceful; their plan to defeat Shan-Yu was completely improvised but went off without a hitch. Their being so on the same page not only proves strong their friendship is but it ultimately saves China.

Mushu Protects Mulan’s Identity

“I Ain’t Biting No More Butts.”

Mushu with a toothbrush from Disney's Mulan

When Mulan is posing as a man in the army, she almost gets caught while bathing. She perhaps would have been if Mushu hadn’t acted quickly and bitten soldier Ling on the backside, frightening off the soldiers and giving Mulan a chance to flee.

Mushu is very vocal about his disgust with what he did, commenting how he “ain’t biting no more butts” after a swarm of naked soldiers dives into the lake in one of the funniest scenes in Mulan. Yet this really shows what a good friend Mushu is, as he considers what he did “vile.” He acted selflessly not only to protect Mulan’s identity but also perhaps her dignity.

Mulan And Mushu Are In It Together

“Let’s Go Kick Some Hunny-Buns!”

Mulan Horse

A particularly memorable moment in Mulan is when Shan Yu and some of his army are revealed to have survived the avalanche, and Mulan goes to stop them. The scene is made even better because of Mushu’s line: “Let’s go kick some Hunny-buns!”

It’s not only memorable for its comedic value but it’s a solid confirmation of their teamwork and friendship, as initially, Mushu is anxious until Mulan calmly asks him, “Are we in this together or not?” This pivotal scene happened moments after Mushu promises that he and Mulan will stick together no matter what, so their friendship and trust are strong at this stage.

A Declaration Of Friendship

“You’re More Than That, Mushu. You’re My Most Trusted Friend!”

Mu Shu and Mulan in 1998 Mulan movie

While not the highest-ranking of the Disney princess sequels, Mulan 2 ultimately put Mulan and Mushu’s friendship to the test, when Mushu learns that once Mulan marries Shang, he will be replaced by Shang’s family guardians. This doesn’t sit well with Mushu, who does all he can to break the couple up.

Yet before he learns of this, Mushu is over the moon about Mulan’s engagement, and the two share a tearful moment when Mulan tells Mushu how he is more than a guardian and her most trusted friend. It’s a very sweet and heartfelt display of friendship, bringing back the moments of their loyalty and trust in each other from the first (and easily superior) movie.

Happy For Each Other

“Mulan Is Happy. And If She’s Happy, I’m Happy.”

Mulan and Li

The events of Mulan 2 ultimately see Mulan furious at her friend after she learns Mushu had tried to break them up for his own selfish reasons. However, Mushu redeems himself and mends his friendship with Mulan by marrying her and Shang himself under the guise of the Golden Dragon.

As in the original movie, Mushu realizes how his friendship with Mulan is more important than his reputation and is willing to put it on the line for Mulan’s happiness. The fact that a selfish character can be changed for the better by caring for a loyal friend is just one reason why Mulan and Mushu are one of the best Disney friendships.

Proud Mushu

“My Little Baby’s All Grown Up And Saving China.”

Mushu received the sword of Shan Yu from the Emperor

A particularly heartfelt moment in Mulan is when all of China, including the Emperor, silently bows to Mulan for saving China from Shan Yu. It’s lightened with some comedy of Mushu crying like a proud parent and commenting “My little baby’s all grown up and saving China.”

Mushu may be a scene-stealing Disney sidekick who deserves his own spinoff series but even he does not take away from Mulan’s chance to shine. In fact, he is more proud of Mulan getting the recognition she deserves, and thoughts of his own reputation do not even cross his mind. It highlights both how proud Mushu is of his friend but also how much he has grown as a character.


“We Started This Thing Together, And That’s How We’ll Finish It. I Promise.”

Mushu and Mulan hug - Mulan

After her exile from the army, Mulan is despondent and decides to return home. It’s here that Mushu reassures her that things will work out and that they will stick together no matter what, with the two sharing a hug.

While a subtler scene, it’s a strong and defining moment in Mulan and Mush’s friendshipu. Although they bonded while training Mulan to be a warrior, it is ultimately this exchange that elevates the pair from misfit heroine and her wisecracking sidekick to best friends.

Final Words Of Gratitude

“Thanks, Mushu.”

Mulan pets Mushu in Mulan

The movie’s final scenes provide happy endings for both Mulan and Mushu. Mulan the war hero is lovingly reunited with her proud family, and Mushu has been given his job as guardian back, much to the chagrin of the head ancestor.

Mulan’s final words (and the movie’s penultimate line) are her thanking Mushu and giving him a kiss on the forehead. It is worth noting that while most Disney movies with female leads end with a scene of the heroine and her love interest, Mulan ends with Mulan and Mushu. Their friendship is so strong that it might be the most important relationship in the movie.