10 Quotes That Prove Lilo & Nani Are The Best Disney Siblings

10 Quotes That Prove Lilo & Nani Are The Best Disney Siblings

Nani and Lilo from Lilo & Stitch are extremely relatable to a lot of siblings. They scream, roll their eyes, kick, grab, and even lick. But, despite all of this, they love each other more than anything. Their family has gone through a lot, but no matter how much they disagree with each other or drive each other crazy, they do what they need to be each other’s Ohana.

Unlike fellow Disney sisters, Ana and Elsa from Frozen, Nani and Lilo don’t always play nice. However, the length they go to for each other, combined with their relatable conflict, makes them, by far, the best siblings in Disney, and several quotes from the movie prove it.

The Best Sibling Insults

“You’ll Like It Because It’s Stinky Like You!”

10 Quotes That Prove Lilo & Nani Are The Best Disney Siblings

Any good little sister knows how to grind her older sibling’s gears. Lilo was frustrated with Nani for yelling at her for leaving her school on her own, so she threw a grade-A fit. Nani announced that a pet rabbit would be much easier than taking care of Lilo, to which Lilo replied that Nani would have a lot in common with a smelly rabbit.

For such a little girl, this comeback was pretty witty. It may not have struck a chord for just anyone, but she knew it would get under her big sister’s skin.

They Aren’t Perfect

Nani: “I Shouldn’t Have Yelled At You.”

Lilo: “We’re Sisters, It’s Our Job.”

Lilo shows Nani her photographs in Lilo and Stitch

No two family members are perfect, and Nani and Lilo exemplify this exactly. Nani was working her hardest to be a good guardian to Lilo, but from time to time, her temper would get the better of her.

The important thing is that Nani took the time to apologize for losing control. But Lilo pointed out that sisters are supposed to yell at each other. This showed that while Nani had set her expectations for herself as Lilo’s mother so high, Lilo’s expectations of her big sister were already being exceeded.

It’s A Complicated Relationship

“I Like You Better As A Sister Than A Mom.”

Nani and Lilo talk in Lilo's bedroom in Lilo and Stitch

When it comes down to it, Lilo didn’t want a new mother. She was not only mourning the loss of her parents but the loss of her sisterly relationship with Nani. When Nani acted like a mother, Lilo would begin to act out.

This same difficulty existed from Nani’s perspective. She had no idea how to be a mother, and despite her love for Lilo, she often failed. Lilo is very intelligent for such a little girl, and she was able to communicate how she felt. What makes the two such great siblings is that they were able to work to find a balance.

A Fair Bargain

“I’ll Tell You What, If You Promise Not To Fight Anymore, I Promise Not To Yell At You. Except On Special Occasions.”

The playful nature of this sisterly duo is really what makes their relationship. Nani is doing her best to be as fair to Lilo as possible, understanding that Lilo has been through more than she ever should have.

After their big fight, they make a deal to both do the best they can to make things work. It wouldn’t be easy, and it would never be perfect, but as long as they both gave it their best shot and embraced their relationship for what it was, they would be okay.

They Still Have To Give Each Other A Hard Time

“You Rotten Sister, Your Butt Is Crushing Me! Why Do You Act So Weird?”

Lilo pushing Nani out of her room in Lilo and Stitch

After their touching connection in Lilo’s room, the two went right back to their relatable sister dynamic. Most siblings have the experience of trying to force the other out of their room, and that sibling acts as difficult as possible about it.

Lilo and Nani had agreed about how they would treat each other, but that by no means meant that they wouldn’t still insult each other from time to time.

Dating Help

“Don’t Worry. She Likes Your Butt And Fancy Hair. I Know I Read Her Diary.”

David takes Nani and Lilo surfing in Lilo & Stitch

David is one of the best male Disney characters, so he waited patiently for Nani to agree to date him. But, with so much going on in regards to her custody of Lilo, Nani just didn’t have time. However, Lilo made sure David knew that all wasn’t lost, sharing the information she had learned from Nani’s diary.

Nani probably wouldn’t have been thrilled that Lilo had gone through her things, but what are little sisters for. What counts is that Lilo made sure that David stuck around a little bit longer.

Nani Protects Lilo’s Feelings

“Nah. The Manager’s A Vampire. He Wanted Me To Join His Legion Of The Undead.”

David asks out Nani on a date in Lilo & Stitch

It would have been so easy for Nani to resent her little sister. After the death of their parents, Nani had to take on full-time care of Lilo, which could never be described as easy.

When Lilo went with her to her job, chaos broke loose which resulted in Nani getting fired. She could have screamed at Lilo and blamed her, but instead, she made a joke about the manager, which is one of the funniest quotes from Lilo & Stitch, successfully convincing Lilo that it wasn’t her fault.

Some Relevant Life Advice

“Sometimes You Try Your Hardest, But Things Don’t Work Out The Way You Want Them To.”

Nani singing to Lilo in Lilo & Stitch

Lilo and Nani had both been tasked by the social worker to achieve some important goals. Lilo had to teach Stitch to be a model citizen, and Nani had to prove that she was capable of being Lilo’s guardian.

After the disaster at the beach, Cobra Bubbles let them both know that they had failed. In a heartbreaking moment, Nani comforted Lilo, telling her she did the best she could. What Lilo didn’t know was that her sister was also talking about her efforts, attempting to comfort herself. This touching scene is what solidified Lilo and Nani as the best Disney siblings.

They Need Each Other

“I’m The Only One Who Understands Her!”

Cobra Bubbles puts Lilo in his car and Nani looks upset in Lilo and Stitch

Cobra Bubbles was unaware of the extraterrestrial events that were causing Lilo and Nani so much trouble. All he saw was Lilo in several dangerous situations (okay, maybe Nani had a thing or two to do with that also).

When Bubbles starts to take Lilo away, Nani yells out that she is the only one who understands Lilo. Bubbles pointed out that it sounded as if it was the other way around. In reality, both are true. Lilo and Nani had both lost everything. All they had left was each other, and without that, neither of them would stand a chance.

They Rebuilt Their Ohana

“This Is My Family. I Found It All On My Own. It’s Little And Broken, But Still Good.”

Nani, Lilo and Stitch on the beach in Lilo and Stitch

Stitch was an alien designed only for destruction, but the dysfunctional love between Nani and Lilo was everything he needed to see that he could be more. Their broken family provided him an opportunity to fix himself alongside them.

Ultimately, Nani and Lilo weren’t perfect sisters, but their love for each other and their strong belief in their Ohana was what made them the best Disney sisters, and the perfect family for Stitch.