10 Quotes That Prove Lilo And Stitch Have The Best Disney Friendship

10 Quotes That Prove Lilo And Stitch Have The Best Disney Friendship

With its upcoming 20th anniversary in June, it’s only right to take a look back at Disney’s Lilo & Stitch. The first film not only led to two spin-offs but a television series as well, making Lilo & Stitch a family comedy the first of its kind on Disney. Additionally, the film introduced some dynamic childhood characters that are still as relevant today as they were back in 2002 with Lilo and Stitch remaining fan favorites years later.

Believed to be the best friendship in Disney history with their undying support and loyalty towards one another, Lilo and Stitch have proven to be true partners in crime, never letting anyone get in between their bond.

Don’t Hurt Stitch

“Be Careful Of The Little Angel”

10 Quotes That Prove Lilo And Stitch Have The Best Disney Friendship

A puppy is a girl’s best friend and they’re there for their owner through the good and bad. Stitch is initially purchased as a puppy from the animal shelter by Lilo and Nani and this began their chaotic and fun adventures together as a family.

When Lilo brings Stitch home from the animal shelter, things don’t go as smoothly as Nani would have hoped. Stitch is disobedient and destructive and this leads to Nani snatching Stitch up and Lilo stating the quote above defending Stitch, calling him an angel, even though he’s anything but.

Ohana Means Family

“Ohana Means Family. Family Means Nobody Gets Left Behind Or Forgotten”

When Stitch is adopted by Lilo and Nani, he’s believed to be just an unruly dog, however, this is far from the case and he’s an alien created to destroy things. When it becomes clear that he’s just too unruly for the Pelekai household, Nani decides to return him to the animal shelter.

The quote above is Lilo calling out Ohana to Nani. This ultimately means Nani is unable to just give up Stitch because he’s now considered family and you don’t turn your back on family. Although he has a rough start, Stitch soon becomes a model pet and one of the most likable main characters in Lilo & Stitch. 

Only True Friends Can Understand

“I Know That’s Why You Wreck Things And Push Me.”

Why Lilo and stitch darkest scene was cut

One similarity between Lilo and Stitch is that they’re both going through the same personal things. For Lilo, she’s dealing with the loss of her parents and the same can be said for Stitch in this department. He was created to be this destructive thing and was never cared for or taught to care for anything or anyone?

When Lilo expresses the loss of her parents, she states that she can understand why Stitch wrecks things and pushes her. She sees her and Stitch as kindred spirits who are trying to get through the loss of the ones they love, so, she places herself in his shoes and expresses that she understands why he’s so destructive and angry.

Flush The Evidence

“Next Time, Flush The Evidence”

Lilo and Stitch dancing.

Lilo and Nani might be the best Disney siblings, however, Lilo and Stitch are undoubtedly friendship goals with the way they have each other’s backs. With Lilo’s anger problems manifesting at inappropriate times and Stitch’s part being a chaotic and destructive creature, the two of them understand each other as no one else can.

When Mertle decides to push Lilo’s buttons and state that Lilo will never be like her mother, Lilo launches at and attacks Mertle. In the process, Stitch takes pictures of the attack, leading to the photos being used as evidence after getting caught by Nani and Moses. Because of this, Lilo states to Stitch that next time, they should flush the evidence, making them true partners in crime.

You Can Never Forget Someone That Leaves

“I’ll Remember You Though. I Remember Everyone That Leaves.”

Nani, Lilo and Stitch on the beach in Lilo and Stitch

With Lilo suffering so much loss, she’s not used to people sticking around for long. She doesn’t experience the traditional family and this leaves her as an outsider when it comes to the other kids her age and making new friends. When Stitch comes along, she hopes to have a true friend and this hope makes Lilo the best character from Lilo & Stitch.

The quote above comes from Lilo, who states that if Stitch wants to leave, he can and she won’t be sad. She’s used to people leaving her and she won’t hold it against him if he decides to do the same. Her statement is even sadder because she states she will remember Stitch because she remembers every important person that leaves her.

 Broken But Still Family

“This Is My Family. I Found It All On My Own. It’s A Little Broken…But Still Good”

Lilo and Stitch in a hammock

Stitch has never known a true family until he met Lilo and the Pelekai family. Always used to destroying things, he came into the Pelekai family ready to do the same thing. This eventually changes once he becomes ingrained into the daily lives of Nani and Lilo,  making him a part of the Pelekai household and Ohana.

The quote above is Stitch acknowledging that he knows that they have problems and argue at times, yet, they are a family and what family doesn’t. He knows that they’re broken but it’s the family he’s found and he loves them.

 Elvis Was A Model Citizen

“I’m Sure Elvis Had His Bad Days Too”

Stitch dressed as Elvis in Lilo and Stitch

After Lilo and Nani receive a visit from the social worker Bubbles, Stitch is introduced to Bubbles as Lilo’s new dog, however, this meeting doesn’t go in favor of Nani and her guardianship of Lilo. Stitch causes trouble during this meeting, and it’s up to Lilo to turn him into a “model citizen” before Bubble’s next visit to the Pelekai household.

To make Stitch the most upstanding citizen she knows, Lilo uses the image of her favorite person, Elvis Presley. When Stitch, dressed as Elvis, performs for beachgoers and attacks when they start taking pictures, the quote above is Lilo acknowledging that although their attempts weren’t successful that day, even Elvis Presley had a few bad days but he never gave up.

We’re All Capable Of Goodness

“Your Goodness Level Is Extra High”

Stitch reading the ugly duckling to ducklings in Lilo and Stitch (2002)

Everyone is afraid of their bad side sometimes and Stitch is no different. Created to destroy, Stitch can change for Lilo. However, this doesn’t mean that he doesn’t fear turning bad again and losing Lilo and his Ohana.

Stitch is having a bad dream of destroying his new home and hurting Lilo in the process that he awakens in a panic and expresses his fears. Lilo takes it upon herself to test Stitch on his goodness and the quote above is a result of this. After passing the test, Lilo expresses that Stitch’s goodness level is extra high and she believes in Stitch and his ability to be good.

 One Last Goodbye

“Can Stitch Say Goodbye?”

Stitch looking sad on the bed in Lilo and Stitch (2002)

In Lilo & Stitch, Stitch is not from Earth and he was not a creature created to love and be caring. He was made to wreak havoc and cause chaos everywhere he went. So, his ultimate bond with Lilo came as a surprise for not only himself but also for those from his home planet.

After he is captured, Stitch understands that he may never see Lilo and Nani again. Before his departure, Stitch asks if he could say goodbye to his family. Seen as a creature that had no redeeming or worthy qualities, however, this act proved otherwise and although there are many great quotes in the film, this is probably the best quote from Lilo & Stitch. 

Friends Stick Together

“We Can Do It Together”

Lilo and Stitch in hula class on Lilo and Stitch

True friendship is always trusting and believing in each other to achieve great things. Lilo and Stitch’s friendship is the epitome of this. They’re always there for each other in the hardest times, rooting for the other to succeed.

When there’s a hula competition coming, Lilo learns that her mother once won the competition in the past. After a run-in with Mertle, she begins to doubt her ability to win like her mother and in response to her doubts, Stitch states that they will win the competition together and Lilo will win just like her mother.