10 Period Dramas With A Romantic Dilemma Like Persuasion

10 Period Dramas With A Romantic Dilemma Like Persuasion

Persuasion finally hit Netflix this month after months of anticipation from fans of the period drama and is the third adaptation of Jane Austen’s famous novel. Starring Dakota Johnson as Anne Elliot, the movie takes fans on an adventure as she faces the decision to move on from her resurfaced lost love Fredrick or give him one more chance.

The romantic flick reignited viewers’ love for those all-important romantic dilemmas that period dramas are known for and encouraged fans to seek out more love stories that kept both their characters and fans guessing. Here are 10 period dramas with romantic dilemmas guaranteed to leave you shouting at the screen!

The Other Boleyn Girl (2008)

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10 Period Dramas With A Romantic Dilemma Like Persuasion

The Other Boleyn Girl stars Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson as the two Boleyn sisters, known by history buffs due to Anne’s marriage to Henry VIII, ultimately leading to her beheading. The movie shows the two sisters as they both attempt to woo the King and eventually become the next Queen, with the plot focusing solely on a romantic dilemma.

The movie remains close to the typical period drama by showcasing how women’s lives were usually dictated by their fathers and eventually their husbands, as the sisters choose between their bond or a romance with the King. The Other Boleyn Girl is a fiery drama that puts family relationships to the test and through incredible performances, acts as a cautionary tale that family should always come before love.

Titanic (1997)

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Jack holds Rose at the front of the ship in Titanic

Titanic tells one of the most epic movie love stories to date that left fans in tears before they realized that Jack and Rose’s romance was inspired by a true story. Rose may have climbed aboard the Titanic as an engaged woman but she was left deciding whether to fall in love with a poor man or save her family’s status by entering into a loveless marriage.

The chemistry between Jack and Rose was undeniable from the moment they met and made for some memorable scenes, with many referencing Rose’s famous “paint me like one of your french girls” line. However, their love story constantly saw Rose torn between true love and her loyalty to her family as the movie explored the role of wealth in regard to marriage, providing fans with a period drama that contained many moral and romantic dilemmas.

The Favourite (2018)

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Queen Anne in her crown in The Favourite

The Favourite reimagined the way viewers thought of the monarchy by delivering a hilariously funny representation of royal life through the story of Queen Anne as she falls sick. In her sickness, her closest aid Sarah takes over but soon finds herself in romantic competition with her cousin Abigail as the pair fight for the queen’s attention.

The two cousins have a tumultuous relationship centered around who is the queen’s favorite, resulting in many fans squirming as they watched the two women go above and beyond to achieve the love of Queen Anne. This led to the pair being met with a dilemma as to whether to get rid of each other (in any way they know how) or call a truce, making it an outlandish comedy that is as brutal as it is funny!

Pride And Prejudice (2005)

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Elizabeth Bennet (Keira Knightley) and Mr. Darcy (Matthew Macfadyen) in

Pride and Prejudice may contain some of the best costumes out of all the Jane Austen adaptations, but it’s the unlikely romance between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr.Darcy that truly entranced fans due to its famous enemies-to-lovers trope.

This romantic flick toyed with the idea of class with Mr.Darcy seeing Elizabeth and her family as below him and in a turn of events, sees her reject as well as scold him. The pair build a reputation for their squabbling, which results in them both having their own doubts about their obvious love for one another and whether they can overcome their pride and prejudices.

Poldark (2015-2019)

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Demelza and Drake looking frightened in Poldark

The love story between Demelza and Ross may have captured fans’ hearts, but it was Demelza’s brother Drake and his romance with Morwenna that led to the ultimate dilemma. After falling in love with Drake, Morwenna is forced to marry Reverend Whitworth when George frames Drake for stealing due to his ongoing feud with Poldark.

Morwenna’s storyline goes from heartwarming to heartbreaking, with many fans holding George accountable for the abuse she suffers by saving Drake’s life. The dilemma she faced offered fans an accurate depiction of how women and marriage were handled in the 18th century and eventually resulted in fans cheering as Morwenna finally got her happy ending at the expense of Reverend Whitworth.

Dickinson (2019-2021)

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Emily and Sue kissing by a tree on dickinson

Dickinson is one of the best original TV shows to grace AppleTV and explores the constraints put on women in the 19th century through the eyes of Emily Dickinson as she delves into a less than simple romance with Sue Gilbert.

Their relationship begins as a friendship and slowly edges towards something more romantic, but both characters are left deciding whether to pursue one another or go with the norm. Their relationship is a complicated one that fans praised for its LGBTQ+ storyline whilst simultaneously rooting for Emily and Sue to remain true to their love rather than please those around them.

Far From The Madding Crowd (2015)

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Bathsheba and Mr.Oak

The 2015 version of Far From The Madding Crowd sought to revamp the 1967 movie and tells the story of Bathsheba as she finds herself being pursued by three men who are all very different, but that’s not without its problems.

Throughout the romantic flick, viewers get to know each suitor alongside Bathsheba and are eager for her to marry the right man. However, the conundrum as to who will be the better husband sees her value lust over love which is ultimately the wrong decision and resulted in many viewers rooting for the lovely Mr.Oak to save her from her inevitably miserable life with Seargent Troy. Luckily for fans, it was Mr. Boldwood that provided them with the happy ever after they wanted for Bathsheba.

Little Women (2019)

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Saoirse and Timothée in Little Women

Little Women originally hit the silver screen in 1994 but returned in 2019 with a star-studded cast that captivated fans just as much as the first movie. The film follows the March girls as they grow into women and decide who to marry alongside what they want from their future, but Jo and Amy find themselves at the center of a love triangle.

The romance between Laurie, Jo, and Amy is a major plot point of the film and is the root of many heartbreaking scenes, with fans feeling empathy towards all three characters but particularly Amy, who longs for Laurie. Laurie often makes Amy feel like a second option as Jo shuns him for her freedom, creating a dilemma where each character has to pick between love and logic.

Emma (2020)

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Emma's nose bleeding

Emma is easily Anya Taylor-Joy’s best movie as she embodies the role of a matchmaker and continuously attempts to set her friends up with unique suitors which leave her in quite a predicament.

Whilst the movie offers fans a tongue-in-cheek period drama, it also contains many emotive scenes with the most notable one showing Emma in tears as Mr. Knightley asks for her hand in marriage. Emma is then faced with the issue of whether to go through with it or tell her friend Harriet who is also in love with Mr. Knightley, showcasing how horribly wrong matchmaking can be, especially when it affects one’s love life.

Bridgerton (2020- )

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Bridgerton Season 2 Kate Anthony Races

Bridgerton sparked something of a cultural phenomenon when it hit Netflix in 2020 and its second season proved to be just as popular as its first. The series follows the Bridgerton family as they seek to find the one, but it was Anthony that faced the dilemma of all dilemmas when he had to pick between the Sharma sisters.

The chemistry between Kate and Anthony was off the charts, despite the pair having a tense relationship due to Kate being proudly independent and not quite fitting the standard of a bride, unlike her sister. But fans were happy when Anthony chose his heart over his head. Many swooned over his unforgettable speech at the end.