10 Pals That Prove Palworld Is Secretly A Horror Game

10 Pals That Prove Palworld Is Secretly A Horror Game

Palworld is a survival and monster-taming game, but in some cases, it can feel more like a horror game when some of the Pals can come out of nowhere and cause jump scares. Furthermore, delving into the Paldeck and reading more about some of these Pals can make even the more benign-looking creatures sound a bit horrifying. Even once they have been tamed, some of these Pals might be worth keeping an eye on, although they probably are good for defense.

Pals in Palworld can range from being incredibly cute to serious and useful to have around the base or out adventuring. While only a few are outright scary in appearance, the in-game Paldeck reveals more of the creepy anecdotes and facts about these monsters. From the adorably fluffy Wumpo who is hiding a secret to the downright terrifying Astegon, The Ravager of Stars, Palworld hides some dark and horror-laden themes behind its cheerful graphics and gameplay.

10 Pals That Prove Palworld Is Secretly A Horror Game


7 Things You Can Do With Your Caught Human In Palworld

Palworld will allow players to capture humans the same way as Pals, but there aren’t very many good uses for them after being caught.

10 Wumpo’s Hairy Little Secret

Ice Element Pal, Paldeck #091

Wumpo and its Grass Element variant, Wumpo Botan, look like giant fluffballs, suggesting nothing scary or dangerous about them. True, their massive claws could do some damage, yet they look like sweet friends once they are tamed. After reading Wumpo’s Paldeck entry, however, a mystery is uncovered about the hairy beast: “Researchers once tried to shave off its hair to reveal its true form. In the end, only hair was left, as if that was all there was to begin with.” Whatever Wumpo is made of is apparently housed within the fur itself, as once Wumpo has been shaved there is simply nothing left. The eyes, body, and soul are simply gone along with the hair.

9 Killamari Mummifies Its Victims Alive

Dark Element Pal, Paldeck #023

Killamari paldeck entry in Palworld

Killamari is a purplish-colored squid-like Pal that can be used as a pretty effective glider for Palworld players until they can get a flying mount. Additionally, they are useful around the base as they will continue working through the night and do not require a bed, because they never sleep. That is right, these little Pals’ glowing eyes will always be watching and waiting, and never need to nap. Even more horrifying is the Paldeck entry that states that Killamari will wrap around the head of its victim and suck out their insides so effectively that mummies of Pals are sometimes found left behind.

Depresso mining a crate with Kingpaca in the foreground.


10 Funniest Pals In Palworld

The Pals in Palworld each bring their own special little qualities and quirks to the game, and some of them are actually pretty hilarious.

8 Friends Of Maraith Should Beware

Dark Element Pal, Paldeck #066

Maraith in the wild in Palworld

Maraith is known as the Messenger of Death in Palworld, and its appearance can be terrifying for more than one reason. Not only does its morbid appearance and glowing skeletal wings and tail present a fearsome front, but it is known to love the smell that comes when something is about to die. Like Killamari, Maraith never sleeps and does not need a bed. When killed, it has a chance to drop a Small Pal Soul, which is a glowing blue flame eerily similar to the glow of a living Maraith’s wings and tail.

7 Helzephyr May Have Underworld Ties

Dark Element Pal, Paldeck #097

Palworld‘s Helzephyr can make a beautiful flying mount, with a vibrant purple flame coming off the top of its head and blue lightning bolts on its wings and tail that match the blue of its face. Even without thinking too hard about its skull being purple flames, its Paldeck entry can certainly raise one’s eyebrows: “It calls forth lightning from the depths of hell. One who dies from Helzephyr’s inferno is sure to be sent to the underworld.” This statement not only sounds terrifying but also denotes that Helzephyr may have direct ties to the underworld itself.

Palworld Preview


Palworld Preview: “For All Its Faults, It Teeters on the Edge of Early Greatness”

Palworld wears its many inspirations on both sleeves, but this monster-catching open-world survival sim could have some serious legs.

6 Daedream’s Cute Appearance Can Deceive

Dark Element Pal, Paldeck #019

Daedream is a beautiful and cute Dark Element Pal with a sweet smile and mesmerizing hair that features a purple cosmic, glowing pattern. Daedream is another nocturnal Pal who never sleeps and is very playful and cheerful when tamed. This belies a more horrific undercurrent in Daedream’s desires and goals, however, as is found in Daedream’s Paldeck entry: “It puts those it is interested in to sleep and shows them an endless stream of happy dreams. Those who fall under its spell are never to wake until death takes them.” Suddenly, Daedream’s impish smile takes on a new and more malicious feeling, and knowing that they do not sleep can quickly cause some insomnia for those around them.

5 Menasting’s Dinner Could Be Screaming Inside It

Dark/Ground Element Pal, Paldeck #099

Menasting from Palworld

A giant scorpion with glowing red eyes can be a creature of horror without any additional information, particularly with an armored body and blue flames emitting from its back. Those flames are pure energy, in fact, and Menasting’s insides are completely hollow underneath that armor and flame. This makes it possible for Menasting to sting enemies and then place them inside its body where they are slowly absorbed, while still alive.

4 Astegon, The Ravager Of Stars, & Provider Of Jump Scares

Dragon/Dark Element Pal, Paldeck #098

Astegon in Palworld

Coming across Astegon in the wild, particularly in a dark cave where it resides, can immediately increase a player’s heart rate, as the glowing red wings and yellow eyes of this armored beast fill up the darkness. Astegon’s Paldeck entry says, “A savage beast born of the abyss. Thou shall not stand before the beast. Thou shall not heed the beast.” There isn’t too much known about the origins of the Paldeck, but whichever researcher listed this as Astegon’s entry likely had an interesting reason for recording that particular statement. Whatever Astegon’s backstory is, this certainly does not seem like a friendly little pet to want to have to hang around for fun.

The Black Marketeer from Palworld with Pals in the background.


A Diabolical Palworld Action Leads To The Capture Of An Iconic Pal

There’s only one way to catch the most iconic Pal in Palworld, and getting there isn’t easy. Luckily, there are other rewards to be found.

3 Hangyu’s Name Isn’t Just Ironic

Ground Element Pal, Paldeck #032

Hangyu in Palworld

Hangyu makes a fantastic glider when not using a flying mount; however, its name may not have derived from hanging off of it while flying. It appears that Hangyu was at one time used for a very painful type of public execution for criminals. The Pal’s gigantic arms are perfect for actually hanging a person, and the strength of those arms meant they would rip the skin off of a criminal’s bones while they were strung up on display.

2 Incineram Is A Terrifying Killer

Fire/Dark Element Pal, Paldeck #040

Incineram in Palworld

Not only can Incineram’s Fire Element help with the Work Suitability for Kindling, but they are also fantastic around the base for Handiwork, Transporting, and Mining. This Pal is not particularly a cute and cuddly type of friend though, and its Paldeck Entry certainly takes a dark stance: “In the dark of night, this Pal snatches prey to bring back to its territory.What happens to those poor souls afterwards isn’t too hard to imagine.Incineram is a very deadly Pal in Palworld and is not only intimidating looking but is highly aggressive. It combines the Fire and Dark Elements, and could be an evil Pal that should not be trusted.

1 Nitewing Has Horrible Parenting Skills

Neutral Element Pal, Paldeck #038

Nitewing Neutral-type flying mount from Palworld
Custom Image by Katarina Cimbaljevic

At first glance, it may not seem fitting for a simple Neutral Element Pal like Nitewing to top a list of Pals befitting a horror game. This simple bird makes a great flying mount and is useful in gathering. On its own, Nitewing could easily be the main antagonist of a horror film due to the psychological games it plays with babies. It is known for kidnapping helpless newborn Pals and raising them lovingly as a parent, slowly fattening them up while they grow. Once they are old enough and fat enough, it hunts them down and eats them. This twisted behavior is perhaps one of the darkest told in Palworld.

Palworld Game Poster


Palworld is an open-world crafting survival RPG developed by Pocket Pair Inc. and released in 2024. Set in a colorful, open-ended world, players will travel the land collecting creatures called “Pals” as they battle, build, travel across the world, and choose their path forward. From a ruthless creature boss to an anti-poaching activist hunter, players can tackle Palworld how they want.

PC , Xbox One , Xbox Series X/S

January 19, 2024

Pocket Pair Inc.

Pocket Pair Inc.

Crafting , Open-World , RPG , Survival