10 Of The Best Female Characters In American Horror Story, Ranked

10 Of The Best Female Characters In American Horror Story, Ranked

The entire American Horror Story series has been a showcase of talent, allowing for performances ranging from incredibly nuanced to borderline grandstanding. Each season has given its actors an opportunity to completely reinvent themselves with new narratives, and nowhere more dynamically than with its female characters, who are some of the most well-written and complicated in recent television.

Powerhouses like Jessica Lange and Sarah Paulson continue to embody a plethora of human emotions with characters like Sister Jude and the Tattler Twins, while even with just one performance like Adelaide Langdon, Jamie Brewer can make her mark on the anthology franchise. While there are far too many to choose from, the best female characters have been ranked by an actor’s performance, emotional depth, fan response, and screen presence.

Adelaide Langdon (Murder House)

10 Of The Best Female Characters In American Horror Story, Ranked

One of two teenage girls in Murder House, Jamie Brewer stole the show as the cryptic Adelaide Langdon, whose unnerving line, “You’re gonna die in here” set the tone for the entire series. Struggling with an abusive mother, a homicidal brother, and the setbacks from Down Syndrome she felt prevented her from being “pretty”, she was much more layered than your typical girl-next-door.

Willful, curious, and unafraid of ghosts, Adelaide provided both a character to root for and a stand-in for the audience, often voicing their concerns whenever something suspicious happened involving the other creepy characters. Fans hated watching Adelaide get sent to the “bad girl room” whenever her mother was irritated with her behavior, but loved watching her emerge stronger than ever.

Sally McKenna (Hotel)

Sally putting on lipstick in front of a mirror in AHS Hotel

With her leopard print jacket and crimped hair, Sarah Paulson’s melancholy addict Sally McKenna became a fan favorite in Hotel, despite the fact that some of her manipulative behavior was frustratingly and even dangerous. Viewers just couldn’t stay mad at Sally, whose sweetness shined through her sometimes selfish tendencies.

Sally’s relationship with love was very like an addiction, and her darkest fantasies equating lovers and drugs were both poignant and tragic — she would never get enough to feel less abandoned than she was. This drove her -in a drug induced haze- to try to literally sew all her friends together into one perfect person, her soulmate for life, but like Sally herself, it was not meant to be.

Donna Chambers (1984)

Donna Chambers (Angelica Ross) in a yellow sweater in American Horror Story 1984

American Horror Story: 1984 had many homages to the slasher movies of the ’80s, but none so deftly crafted as the methodical and maniacal doctor whose desire to see the fruits of their psychological experiment play out. Brought to life by the landmark performance of Angelica Ross, Donna Chambers was also a role within a role, posing as “Nurse Rita” at Camp Redwood to watch serial killer Benjamin Richter in his natural environment.

Far from being confined to a one-dimensional role involving Machiavelian medicine, Dr. Chambers vacillates between wanting to understand the mind of a serial killer and wanting to remain safe from their killing spree. Thanks to her resourcefulness and quick thinking (as well as her friendship with Brooke Thompson), she managed to be one of the only survivors of the season.

Sister Jude (Asylum)

Sister Jude (Jessica Lange) in American Horror Story: Asylum

One of the most compelling characters Jessica Lange ever played on American Horror Story was her most duplicitous and pitiable. A spiritual advisor for the patients at Briarcliff Manor, Sister Jude never believed in sparing the rod, considering a double dose of canings and degradation a routine part of their treatment at the mental hospital.

Atoning for an accident in her youth in which she killed a young child, her subsequent years at the convict and then the asylum turned her into a pillar of self-righteousness. Despite her resilience she ended up succumbing to her own demons, eventually becoming committed herself, but not before taking on serial killers, a Nazi doctor, and even Satan himself like the holy warrior she was.

Marie Delphine La Laurie (Coven)

Delphine LaLaurie smiling in AHS Coven

Bringing to life the very real New Orleans murderess Marie Delphine LaLaurie was Kathy Bates, who found a way to make a vengeful racist unintentionally hilarious and make a psychopath unexpectedly vulnerable. Trying to make her way in a world that was changing drastically around her, she found control in abusing her daughter and her house staff in the 19th century, before being condemned for centuries by her enemies.

Upon reawakening in the present day, she learned about fast food, zombies, and developing a conscience. The role demanded commitment for its extremes, and in the hands of lesser performers it might have been at beast a paradoxical mess and at worst a complete caricature, but Bates made it difficult to look away from her even as she was performing extreme acts of villainy.

Tattler Twins (Freakshow)

Sarah Paulson as Bette and Dot Tattler American Horror Story Freak Show

Sarah Paulson has played the most characters in the American Horror Story franchise to date, but her dual turn as Bette and Dott, two conjoined twins who killed their guardians to escape captivity and get rescued by Elsa Mars’ Freak Show remain her most impressive. She managed to portray two distinctly different women, each with their own traits, personalities, and aspirations.

The twins’ bickering was a highlight of the season (especially given the visual effects magic it took to help Paulson argue with herself), but watching them work together to seize their dreams was an even greater accomplishment, especially since theirs seemed to be a life doomed to perpetual compromise and division.

Fiona Goode (Coven)

Fiona Goode sitting at a table smiling in American Horror Story Coven

Conniving, power-hungry, and impeccably dressed, Jessica Lange’s Fiona Goode was an apt Supreme witch, who ruthlessly defended her title throughout American Horror Story Coven. Her need to retain her position (and the glamorous lifestyle that came with it) was cultivated at the expense of having a meaningful relationship with her daughter, beset as she was by enemies both within and without.

Far from being heartless, she perhaps cared too much about the young women under her charge, all of whom she protected from the forces trying to wrestle her authority away. Lange deftly handled the nuances of Fiona’s character, someone who both fought for -and used- the people around her, a complicated woman who could save a life only to use it for some more nefarious deed.

Marie Laveau (Coven)

Marie Laveau doing a ritual In American Horror Story Coven

Midwife, voodoo practitioner, and herbalist, Marie Laveau was a powerful and influential woman in the magick circles of New Orleans. To this day, traces of the real Laveau can be found throughout the city in shop altars, shrines, and historical centers. Embodied by the formidable Angela Bassett in one of her most compelling roles in the franchise, she was the enemy of Fiona Goode and Madame Delphine LaLaurie in American Horror Story Coven.

Her justifiable hatred for the two women aside, she was compelled to fight the injustices she found around her living through slavery, the Jim Crow era, and beyond. Using the powers and abilities granted to her by a dark deal with Papa Legba, she was able to get her revenge as well as make the world a little better than she found it.

Countess Elizabeth (Hotel)

Countess Elizabeth (Lady Gaga) smoking with her silver glove in American Horror Story Hotel

It stands to reason that when introducing a ubiquitous horror archetype, Ryan Murphy was going to do something different. Like the vampire David Bowie never got to be in The Hunger, Lady Gaga swept through American Horror Story Hotel like a glistening gossamer cloud, the bloodthirstiness of her Countess buffeted by couture gowns, shimmering accouterments, and handsome attachés.

For all the bloodbaths she took, she valued life very much, and pined for one in particular cut short, truncating all of her romantic dreams. She obliged the hotel proprietor with a once monthly dinner to supplicate him, but hers was a soul that couldn’t be satiated no manner how many lovers or children she took.

Liz Taylor (Hotel)

Liz Taylor looking surprised in AHS Hotel

Dennis O’Hare played plenty of self-serving characters on American Horror Story, but Hotel allowed him to embody someone much more complex and multi-dimensional, with complicated motivations — Liz Taylor. While learning to love herself she learned to love others and found the courage to be her true self, which included a sensational array of costumes and quick comebacks.

While death seemed to be an inherent part of the season, the environment treated passing on into the incorporeal realm as a mercurial concept meant to be interpreted, allowing her death to mean something far from sadness, but a rebirth.