10 of Rotten Tomatoes’ Lowest Rated Movies of All Time

10 of Rotten Tomatoes’ Lowest Rated Movies of All Time

While it’s easy for some people to watch whatever’s trending on Netflix without a care in the world, the fact of the matter is that there are a large number of avid moviegoers who are extremely particular when it comes to the movies they watch. This implies doing a ton of research surrounding the movie, including — but not limited to — checking review scores.

This is where Rotten Tomatoes comes into play, with their consolidated review scores providing a basic idea when it comes to the quality of certain movies. Movies that come up as Rotten on their Tomatometer generally end up faring horribly at the box office, albeit with some notable exceptions like the Twilight series or any Michael Bay movie ever. So, in a celebration of recognizing the most Rotten movies on this platform, here are 10 movies on Rotten Tomatoes that have a whopping score of 0% on the Tomatometer.

American Pie 5: The Naked Mile

10 of Rotten Tomatoes’ Lowest Rated Movies of All Time

The American Pie series isn’t exactly considered to be the pinnacle of cinematic excellence, but the movies from the original trilogy aren’t all that horrible. However, the same can’t be said about the numerous direct-to-DVD spinoffs that this series has generated.

American Pie 5: The Naked Mile is easily the worst offender of the bunch, showcasing a complete lack of comedic tact or logical scriptwriting, making for a movie that is an absolute pain to watch.

The Walking Deceased

Spoof movies are generally considered to be dumpster fires, with maybe a few exceptions that turn out to be halfway decent, at best. Unfortunately, The Walking Deceased doesn’t fall in the latter category.

Even for a spoof movie, The Walking Deceased ends up being an example of unfiltered rubbish. The laughs that this movie elicits are virtually nonexistent, making one wonder if it can even be categorized in the comedy genre.


The fable of Pinocchio is an interesting one indeed, and a film that combines this age-old with masterful cinematography can definitely find the perfect recipe for success. Unfortunately, Roberto Benigni’s Pinocchio is anything but this.

A huge dip in quality from his work in Life Is Beautiful, Pinocchio is an uninspired mess that only cemented the fact that Benigni’s glory days are over and done with.

Staying Alive

While there are many movies that try to exploit the success of their prequel to get a quick buck, no movie does this as horrendously as Staying Alive, the much-reviled sequel to Saturday Night Fever.

Gone is the charm of the movie that defined a generation. Instead, what viewers get in Staying Alive is a bog-standard plot whose only function is apparently to set up soulless dance sequences.

National Lampoon’s Movie Madness

The tagline National Lampoon has been tacked on to numerous movies, with the quality of said films being anything but consistent. However, if you have to look at the lowest of the low, look no further than National Lampoon’s Movie Madness.

Serving as a supposed parody of Hollywood films in general, National Lampoon’s Movie Madness ends up being nothing more than a cookie-cutter comedy film with barely any laughs.

Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2

Baby Geniuses was far from a good movie, but at least one had the impression that the people behind the movie actually cared about it. The same can’t be said for Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2, which is just the absolute worst.

A sequel to a universally-reviled movie wasn’t going to break any new ground at all, but Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 somehow manages to fail meeting even the subpar expectations that were set for it.

The Crow: Wicked Prayer

The Crow is a cult classic, with the death of Brandon Lee haunting this movie ever since it was released. Unfortunately, it seems that nothing is sacred, and even this treasured gem has been exploited with horrid sequels.

The worst one in this regard has to be The Crow: Wicked Prayer, a completely uninspired movie that understood nothing about why its source was so special to watch.

Jaws: The Revenge

Vengeance leaping at Jake in Jaws the Revenge

Speaking of franchises that have been exploited with horrible sequels, how can we fail to mention one of the most iconic Hollywood movies of all time? Jaws: The Revenge is the fourth movie in the Jaws series, and happens to be the worst of the bunch.

The fresh concept of Jaws was recycled with zero inspiration, coupled with a script that’s so boring and nonsensical that people could genuinely fall asleep while watching this movie.

Mulan II

Mulan 2

Everyone who thinks that Disney has started shamelessly exploiting its established IPs to churn out as much money as possible may have a point.

The direct-to-DVD sequels of Disney’s animated classics are a great example of this, with the worst offender in this regard being Mulan II. This sequel completely destroys anything concrete established in the first movie and recycles age-old tropes to fabricate a thin veil of meaningless conflict.

I’ll Always Know What You Did Last Summer

When one talks about horrid movies, it’s a given that horror movies inevitably become a part of the conversation. This genre has a ton of potential but is unfortunately bogged down by cheap movies that utilize cheap jumpscares and age-old tropes in a bid to scare its viewers without actually bothering to make a good movie. And some of these horror movies tend to have horrible sequels, to boot.

This is precisely the case with I’ll Always Know What You Did Last Summer, the third movie in a “franchise” that should rightfully never have existed. To make things worse, none of the original characters even make an appearance in this film, making it an even more obvious cash grab.