10 Mulan Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

10 Mulan Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

While it’s highly unlikely that the cast of Disney’s animated feature Mulan might ever visit Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, it’s fun to imagine how each character might place into the four Wizarding Houses of the school: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.

On the surface, it seems obvious for many of the characters to be sorted into Gryffindor, given how brave and daring they are in the movie. Digging a little deeper reveals that as bold as most of the characters in the movie are, their personalities vary much more widely. Each character’s motivation, in particular, demonstrates their House affiliations.

Mulan: Hufflepuff

10 Mulan Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Many people might expect the Sorting Hat to place Fa Mulan into Gryffindor given her incredible courage and brave spirit, but that isn’t what truly motivates the young warrior. Mulan’s personality stems completely out of her loyalty to her family and, even more so, from her desire to protect her beloved father. Her kindness toward her friends and fellow soldiers is also worthy of Hufflepuff status.

Bringing honor to her family is a big deal and Mulan would do anything to fulfill her role as a dutiful daughter. She’s also highly trustworthy and a good friend, which are trademarks of a Hufflepuff.

Mushu: Slytherin

Mushu in Mulan with his hand up talking outside

Mushu’s prime motivation is to demonstrate that he can be a capable guardian who will bring honor to the Fa family. Tired of being nothing more than a gong ringer, Mushu sets out on his adventure under false pretenses, bold enough to assume that he can masquerade as a real guardian without anyone finding out until he achieves the glory he’s after.

The sidekick’s deception is a Slytherin tactic utilized for nothing more than personal gain. As loveable and funny as Mushu is, and as much as he proves himself as a helpful companion, the fact remains that it was his own personal ambition that got him there.

Grandmother Fa: Ravenclaw

It’s really too bad that Grandmother Fa is in so little of the film given how clever and witty she is. A true Ravenclaw, she has a sharp mind that is the source of some of the best quips of the movie.

She is also knowledgeable about everything from what jade is used for to how to provide your granddaughter with luck using a cricket. This might be written off as folk knowledge or even superstition but that cricket really did turn out to be lucky for her granddaughter. Grandmother Fa is like Luna Lovegood, one of the most famous Ravenclaws, in this way.

Li Shang: Gryffindor

Like Mulan, Li Shang has a strong sense of responsibility and will do whatever it takes to fulfill his duties, both as a leader as well as a son. Unlike Mulan, he actually wants to serve in the military, and if given the choice between the two Houses by the Sorting Hat, he would certainly choose Gryffindor. Like any Gryffindor, Shang is chivalrous and brave, refusing to bow out of any confrontation, even when the odds are completely against him.

While Shang doesn’t seem to have the same disregard for the rules as many Gryffindors at first, his willingness to join in Mulan’s plan and accept her prove that, much like Hermione Granger, he really can kick the rules to the side when the situation calls for it.

Yao: Gryffindor

Several of the soldiers in Mulan are rightfully Gryffindors, and one of these is Yao. Bold and full of swagger, Yao would fit perfectly in the Gryffindor common room as he shares his exploits and declares himself “King of the Rock.” He might even pal around with Sirius Black, especially given how much he likes to horse around with his buddies.

Yao plows right into battle without question, whether it’s assisting Mulan when she’s in trouble in the snowy mountains or even boldly dressing up as “ugly concubines” in order to help execute her plan. He has no regard for rules and lives for adventure and action.

Ling: Gryffindor

Yao, Ling and Chien-Po in Disney's Mulan

While Ling doesn’t exhibit the same level of bravado that Yao does, he is nevertheless a brave Gryffindor who doesn’t shy away from a fight even though he’s a bit clumsy. If Ling were a Hogwarts character, he might be Ron Weasley due to his cheesiness and ability to be a good friend. He finds himself hilarious even if his friends roll their eyes at his antics.

Ling thinks a “girl worth fighting for” would “love a man in armor,” which he considers another perk of being a soldier. He also teases Mulan as “Ping” in a friendly way, much like a Gryffindor might.

Chien-Po: Hufflepuff

While Mulan’s buddies are all brave in battle, Chien-Po is much less fond of fighting and breaking the rules. He’s much more focused on being kind and thoughtful, encouraging his friends to meditate rather than give in to their anger and treating the Emperor with deep reverence. Chien-Po even apologizes for grabbing the Emperor in order to save him, something that the other Houses might not even consider doing.

Chien-Po is much more interested in food than he is in glory or action, and he is even based upon the buddha Budai, which makes him a prime candidate for Hufflepuff.

Shan Yu: Slytherin

Shan Yu in Disney's Mulan

Is there any doubt that Shan Yu is a Slytherin? It may seem as if it’s too obvious, especially given how shrewd he is, which could put him into Ravenclaw. But given the choice by the Sorting Hat between the two Houses, Shan Yu would certainly select Slytherin.

Shan Yu’s ambition to take over China drives every action he takes and he doesn’t care about a single person he steps on to achieve this goal. He destroys entire villages on the way, and his own ambition is his driving force. Shan Yu’s comments about “returning” a doll to its owner, one of the most chilling moments in the film, is something only a Slytherin might say.

Chi-Fu: Ravenclaw

As ambitious and selfish as Chi-Fu is, he didn’t get the role of the Emperor’s trusted advisor by being cunning. The shrewd Emperor would not have fallen for his antics. Instead, he had to use his wits, which he even alludes to when he notes that he obtained the position of his own merits.

His job is also an indication of his House. He is tasked with knowing and upholding all of the laws of China, something that takes a lot of knowledge and wisdom to do. Even if he’s pompous about it, Chi-Fu is devoted to his intellectual abilities.

The Emperor: Slytherin

Many leaders are Slytherins for good reason. It takes a lot of ambition to not only obtain a leadership position, but also to execute the work involved. The Emperor represents the type of Slytherin who honors his own pride and uses his cunning to help others, like suggesting that Li Shang chase after Mulan because someone like her doesn’t come along every dynasty.

A strong leader, the Emperor discloses a bit of his Slytherin side again when he casually fires Chi-Fu while offering Mulan his job. He has no qualms about doing whatever it takes to accomplish his goals.