10 Movies That Were Surprisingly Perfect, According To Reddit

10 Movies That Were Surprisingly Perfect, According To Reddit

The release of Everything Everywhere All At Once on April 1, 2022, seemed to reignite a sense among many that Hollywood movies were still capable of capturing something unique about the human experience, and it was widely critically lauded. For many, it encapsulates the perfection of film as a medium.

As such, it joins a number of other movies from various decades that, according to the users of Reddit, were surprisingly perfect. These are the types of movies that, as the comments make clear, remind people of why it is that the movies continue to exert a hold over the collective imagination.

Apocalypse Now (1979)

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10 Movies That Were Surprisingly Perfect, According To Reddit

Few war movies have achieved quite the status of Apocalypse Now. Though an adaptation of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, it is very much about the Vietnam War and the fearful toll that the conflict takes on the human mind and soul.

Redditor Paddlesons has this to say about the movie’s perfection: “That film is accidentally better than most ever made. What I mean by that is that it captures the essence of its subject matter so effectively that even themes that weren’t necessarily intended stand out and demand notice.” As a result, it stands as a testament to how effectively the movies can capture the experience of armed conflict.

Charade (1963)

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Charade Cary Grant

Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn were two of the great stars of Hollywood’s golden age, and Charade brings them together, allowing their significant chemistry to propel its narrative. A skilled blend of comedy and mystery, it allows each of its stars to bring their unique talents to the production.

Redditor Crawgust was particularly effusive in their praise for the movie, writing: “Pacing is awesome, script is clever and twisting, actors are charming- loved it to bits.” It is the type of movie that never loses sight of the fact that it is supposed to be entertaining in every way.

Lawrence Of Arabia (1962)

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Charging into battle in Lawrence of Arabia

When it comes to epic movies, Lawrence of Arabia looms large, standing as one of the best the genre has ever produced. Focusing on the famous T.E. Lawrence, who played a key role in the revolt of the Arab tribes against the Ottoman Empire.

Reddit user GandalfGreen95 writes: “I watched Lawrence of Arabia for the first time the other night. It’s a masterpiece. Honestly a perfect film.” It is the type of movie that weds form and function, so that its aesthetics perfectly buttress its thematic content; the viewer comes to feel as if they are literally bearing witness to the unfolding of history.

The Thing (1982)

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MacReady exploring the Norwegian base in The Thing

John Carpenter has established himself as one of the great creators of horror movies, and his filmography is filled with his best efforts. The Thing, however, is truly one of his finest creations, perfectly capturing the sense of claustrophobia and terror of its characters as they confront an alien entity with the ability to take on the appearance of any other organism.

Writing of their first time watching the movie, mikeywizzles says: “Movie just starts immediately and I was enthralled from beginning to end. Also shout out to the makeup team, that movie was GROSS.” Even 40 years later, the movie still has the power to chill the blood.

What We Do In The Shadows (2015)

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Viago holds up a glass of wine in What We Do in the Shadows

Over the past several years, Taika Waititi has shown that he is not only one of Hollywood’s most unique acting talents but also one of its most unique directors. What We Do in the Shadows combines both of his talents, as he directs a mockumentary about a group of vampires dwelling in modern Wellington.

Redditor Suspicious-Rip920 is particularly effusive about their first time watching the movie: “Was able to finally watch it and there were moments that had me in literal tears laughing so much. It was insanely funny and great.” With its subtle charm and its strong writing, it is a testament to Waititi’s formidable skills.

Amadeus (1984)

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Antoni Salieri looks angry in Amadeus

Amadeus has, over the years, come to be regarded as one of the finest musical biopics. Though it is, ostensibly, about Mozart, it is just as much about the rivalry between the composer and fellow musician Antonio Salieri.

Though it is not always the most historically accurate movie, it does nevertheless immerse the world in the splendorous and ornate world of the Viennese court, and it features strong performances from its main cast. Small wonder, then, that schmetterlingeffect calls “an absolute masterpiece.”

Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)

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Evelyn with blood on face in Everything Everywhere All At Once.

When it was first released, some must have wondered whether Everything Everywhere All At Once – with its bizarre story about a multiverse – would manage to succeed. Very quickly, however, it showed that it was one of the best movies of the year, in large part because of the powerful performance from Michelle Yeoh and the movie’s emphasis on such resonant themes as intergenerational trauma, parenthood, and motherly love.

Reddit user Allofthesandwiches had this to say: “I knew I’d enjoy the action and the visuals but I was soooo impressed by the acting too. For such a non-conventional movie the characters and story were surprisingly relatable.”

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

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Iconic shot from 2001 A Space Odyssey showing Keir Dullea as an astronaut inside a lit spaceship

During his career, Stanley Kubrick was responsible for many great Hollywood movies, and 2001: A Space Odyssey stands as one of his most notable triumphs. A profound, troubling, and exquisitely beautiful movie, it is a reflection on the big themes that so often motivate science fiction as a genre, from the nature of humanity to what helps the species evolve and move forward.

Redditor Rafaeliki writes movingly of how they “thought it was just some old sci fi and didn’t realize it was something that would touch something inside of me that I still don’t fully understand.”

Field Of Dreams (1989)

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Ray and John talking in Field of Dreams.

The 1980s was something of a golden age for nostalgic and sentimental movies, and Field of Dreams is in many ways the epitome of this trend. It is about many things, including baseball, the shadows of the past and, perhaps most importantly, the bond between fathers and sons.

Redditor SteelerFan97 had a particularly strong emotional response to the movie: “The ending also hit so hard for me on a personal level that I just sat and cried. Great movie.” The movie demonstrates the wisdom to the old axiom that sometimes a simple story is the best one.

The Northman (2022)

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Amleth looking serious in The Northman,

The Vikings have occupied a particularly prominent place in the popular culture imagination, but rarely have they been depicted with such brutal beauty as in The Northman. A visceral retelling of the story of Hamlet, it features powerful performances, stunning cinematography, and a gritty story that captures the bloodiness of the Norse world.

Redditor GingerMau makes this point very powerfully, writing: “cruel, hard and miserable (IF you could manage to stay alive…because everything and everyone was indifferent to your survival). Aside from the brilliant storytelling, I feel like it really made that point very well.”