10 Movies That Reddit Users Think Best Capture The Teen Experience

10 Movies That Reddit Users Think Best Capture The Teen Experience

Many coming-of-age movies attempt to capture what it truly feels like to be a teenager, but only a few accurately capture the teen experience. These are the movies that stick with viewers throughout their transition from adolescence to adulthood.

From teen angst to prom pacts, Redditor -existentialyodeling sought the help of other movie buffs when searching for a movie that encompassed all the emotions that come with being a teenager. Reddit compiled a comprehensive list of coming-of-age movies that cover a variety of teen topics through a series of different genres. These movies are guaranteed to represent those awkward, angsty years everyone has been through, or is yet to go through.

The Inbetweeners Movie (2011)

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10 Movies That Reddit Users Think Best Capture The Teen Experience

For many Brits, The Inbetweeners represents everything British culture stands for which is why it continues to be such an iconic series but when fans found out that they would get a movie, they were thrilled and it didn’t disappoint. Through cleverly written dialogue, the movie accurately represents the teen experience of a first holiday away from home.

From questionable budget hotels to a queasy booze cruise, the movie perfectly captured the things teens get up to when they first taste freedom. It highlighted those awkward teen hormones and the desire to be in the club while also stressing the importance of non judgemental friendships,which is why many fans including issacpriestley “love[d] it!”

Juno (2007)

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Elliot Page and Allison Janney look at an ultrasound in Juno.

Juno is a hilarious yet heartwarming story that perfectly captures the harsh realities of teen life through themes of teen pregnancy, friendship, and first experiences. This indie flick was a hit with fans for its brutal honesty that didn’t sugarcoat things that were previously censored in other movies. Juno grows up before she has to and that is part of its charm.

For many fans including Redditor TheManInsideMe, “Juno is an excellent look at how baffling being a teen can be” through scenes of teen awkwardness that home in on the move away from childhood. The movie’s soundtrack represents the move from being a child to suddenly being an adult with responsibilities while stressing the importance of support and self-worth.

The Perks Of Being A Wallflower (2012)

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Charlie, Patrick, and Sam in The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

The Perks Of Being A Wallower is a great movie for fans of Euphoria and will fill the void after binge-watching season 2. The movie stresses the importance of lifelong friendships built in those adolescent years while also dealing with many important topics.

Showing the highs and lows of those teenage years, from getting into college to friendship breakdowns over who is kissing who, the movie gives viewers poignant insight into the modern lives of teenagers which is accompanied by a brilliant soundtrack that created the iconic tunnel scene. Redditor SoulxxBondz shared how “Perks of Being A Wallflower is my choice for modern teenager film” due to its ability to emphasize the crisis surrounding teenage mental health, making it not just a great representation of the teenage experience but an important one, too.

Superbad (2007)

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Superbad Cena Hill Mintz-Plasse

Superbad is one movie guaranteed to have older viewers feeling nostalgic over their teenage years and the need to be rebellious. The movie’s hilarious depiction of adolescents is actually a great representation of individuals feeling as though they need to do something rebellious while they can get away with it.

Redditor ExleyPearce explained how “Superbad really resonated with me as a teenager” and called it a “Surprisingly affecting film for me at that age, I could relate to something about pretty much every main character.” Viewers all feel this feeling, too. The movie shows the true awkwardness of being a teenager and showcases how open friendships are at that point in one’s life, making it a perfect coming-of-age movie.

Eighth Grade (2018)

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Kayla sitting at the table with her new friends

Eighth Grade is a must-see coming of age movie and depicts the modern-day teenager by delving into the role of social media. Kayla is a nervous teenager trying desperately to find her people and fit in. Despite her introverted nature, she posts confident words of motivation online, which is perhaps one reason why the movie resonates with today’s teens.

Redditor CJtheDog explained how “Bo Burnhams 8th grade was very good at Sundance” for its honest depiction of the teen experience through Kayla’s openness when discussing her struggles with self-image and confidence in social settings. Eighth Grade was a realistic and heartwarming portrayal that gave viewers a humble main character that many saw parts of themselves in.

The Edge Of Seventeen (2016)

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Nadine and Erwin looking at each other in class in The Edge Of Seventeen

The Edge Of Seventeen is a great teen movie that captures the emotional turmoil of adolescents, how they should take responsibility for their actions, and how they achieve personal growth. The movie is a refreshing addition to the coming-of-age genre and replaces the humble character so commonly seen in teen movies with one who thinks she knows best, resulting in some amazing scene of dialogue that sees Nadine eventually take accountability.

Redditor whendoesOpTicplay explained that “Edge of Seventeen really surprised [them], thought it would just be a hokey love story. It’s a really good movie about emotionally maturing”. In the end, Nadine heals her relationships and finds comfort in herself which acts as a great lesson for viewers, it promotes the idea of holding oneself accountable and apologizing when one needs to.

Love, Simon (2018)

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Nick Robinson as Simon Spier looking serious in Love, Simon

Love, Simon is one of the best LGBTQ+ coming-of-age movies and proved popular with readers of the book when it finally made its way onto screens in 2018. The movie was an important watch for many including Redditor _existentialyodeling who explained that “Love Simon meant so much to [them] as a fellow gay senior in high school” with the movie’s honest representation of sexuality and self-acceptance.

Overall, the movie is a beautiful teen drama that showcases the realities of accepting one’s self and seeking that acceptance from those that matter most. However, it also tackles subjects like blackmailing and outing which is why it is such a vital movie for teens as well as an older viewers who sought this type of representation from a big production company decades ago.

Lady Bird (2017)

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Sairose Ronan, Beanie Feldstein in Ladybird

Lady Bird was somewhat revolutionary when it was released in 2017 due to the way it represented relationships and teenage angst. Saoirse Ronan’s role as Lady Bird perfectly captured how it feels to be a teenager navigating their way through the world and feeling as though one’s own life is more important than everyone else’s.

The film didn’t just capture the teen experience through great acting and dialogue but also through perfectly timed camera shots equipped with a great soundtrack. Redditor Gerard54321 stated that “her face when she first sees Chalamet playing the guitar” encapsulates the feelings that surround that first teenage crush. The sound of the bass guitar is made louder to encourage viewers to encompass the feelings Lady Bird was experiencing, which is why the movie is such a wonderful and raw depiction of the teen experience.

The Breakfast Club (1985)

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John, Andrew, Allison, Claire, and Brian in The Breakfast Club.

The Breakfast Club is more than just an enemies-to-lovers story with the movie focussing on five very different high schoolers who have been placed in day-long detention together. The movie is a cult classic for being a great coming-of-age movie and despite being made in the 1980s, its themes are still highly relevant today and its dialogue is still quotable.

According to one Redditor, all John Hughes movies are “are classic ‘must-sees'” as they remove the labels placed upon teens, making space for unlikely friendships and memorable conversations that resonate with viewers even today.

American Pie (1999)

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Jim and his dad looking at the American Pie.

For many, American Pie is the only coming-of-age movie that matters. When it was first released in 1999, the movie shed a new light on teenage hormones and remains one of the funniest and most relatable teen movies to date.

Redditor DLun203 shared how “the soundtrack, the prom pact, the cliques of high school. All so reminiscent of [their] teenage years” with the infamous pie scene continuing to be one of the most outrageous movie scenes of all time. American Pie resonated with many for its honest depiction of sexual exploration, friendships, and peer pressure, resulting in its success and the movie developing into a well-loved franchise that accurately represents the good, the bad, and the ugly of those all so important teen years.