10 Movies That Could Be Quentin Tarantino’s Final Movie After The Movie Critic’s Cancellation

10 Movies That Could Be Quentin Tarantino’s Final Movie After The Movie Critic’s Cancellation

Quentin Tarantino’s The Movie Critic has officially been scrapped, and here are 10 other unrealized Tarantino projects that could be the director’s final film after The Movie Critic‘s cancelation. Tarantino has explained that his 10th movie will be his final one for years now, and with Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood being Tarantino’s ninth movie, his next film should be his last according to this plan. Tarantino initially said that The Movie Critic would be his final project, but plans have just changed, leaving Tarantino’s true final movie a complete mystery.

Quentin Tarantino is one of the most critically acclaimed directors of all time, with him being the visionary filmmaker behind classics like Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Inglorious Basterds, Django Unchained, and more. The director’s filmography reflects a quality-over-quantity approach, with his projects often being sandwiched between years-long gaps. Quentin Tarantino’s cancelation of The Movie Critic came as a surprise to many, but it does open up the door for another one of his scrapped projects to come back to life as his true final film.


Killer Crow

The Inglorious Basterds Sequel

Killer Crow is one of the most disappointing entries in the incredibly long list of Quentin Tarantino’s canceled projects, as it sounds like it had so much potential to be a Tarantino classic. The film was set to follow a group of black American soldiers during World War II who decide to defect and head to Switzerland while killing as many white soldiers as possible.

Tarantino described the film as the third entry in his trilogy that would have been made up of Inglorious Basterds, Django Unchained, and Killer Crow, with all three of these films being ultra-violent movies set in the background of a war that explores stories of revenge. Sadly, Tarantino stopped giving updates on Killer Crow after 2012, with the incredibly exciting movie spin-off of Inglorious Basterds being presumed dead ever since.

10 Movies That Could Be Quentin Tarantino’s Final Movie After The Movie Critic’s Cancellation


10 Quentin Tarantino Projects That’ll Never Happen If The Movie Critic Is His Final Film

Quentin Tarantino will shoot his 10th film The Movie Critic this fall. If it really is his final movie, then these projects will never get made.


The John Brown Biopic

A Perfectly Tarantino Biopic

Quentin Tarantino’s movies tend to tell original stories, with his writing and story structure being one of the most critically acclaimed parts of his filmography. However, Tarantino once had the idea to make a biopic, with it being about the famous American abolitionist John Brown. John Brown was a white abolitionist who started a violent revolution in order to end slavery, with his violent actions playing a big hand in abolition in the United States.

Due to Quentin Tarantino’s films often centering on ultra-violent but morally right characters, it makes sense that he would be attracted to the story of John Brown. When Tarantino was first tossing the idea of making a John Brown biopic around back in 2009, he stated that it would probably be one of his last films if he were to make it. Thus, now would be the perfect time to bring back the story of John Brown in the wake of The Movie Critic‘s cancelation.


Tarantino’s Star Trek

He’s Been Trying To Get This Made For Years

Quentin Tarantino is famously a big fan of Star Trek, so much so that he has even expressed interest in making a Star Trek movie. The story of Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek movie is a long one, and while the movie didn’t end up happening, the possibilities of the film were incredibly exciting.

Quentin Tarantino announced in 2017 that he had pitched a Star Trek film to Paramount, with it being in active development as of May 2019. However, the idea was scrapped soon after for unknown reasons. Tarantino has explained that the film would have been based on the Star Trek: The Original Series episode “A Piece of the Action,” in which the Enterprise crew is transported to a planet inspired by 1920s gangsters. This type of story is perfect for Tarantino, and it would be great for it to come back now.



A Weird Tarantino Crossover

One of Quentin Tarantino’s weirdest canceled projects would have been titled Django/Zorro, with it being a crossover between the two titular characters. Dynamite Entertainment released a Django/Zorro comic in 2015, with Tarantino expressing interest in making a movie based on the comic, with this being a sequel to his 2012 film Django Unchained. It presumably would have followed the story of the comic, albeit with an even greater amount of Tarantino flourishes.

Not much is known about the fate of Django/Zorro, as very few updates were given after Tarantino initially expressed interest in the project. It is possible that Tarantino simply moved on to something else. However, celebrating the legacy of Django Unchained would be a great way to wrap up Tarantino’s career, which is why Django/Zorro should come back to life as Tarantino’s 10th and final film.


Django In White Hell

A Django Sequel Is Needed

Django/Zorro isn’t the only time that Tarantino has played around with the idea of making a Django Unchained sequel, as he actually expressed interest in the concept much earlier with a potential film titled Django in White Hell. Although Tarantino intended to make a movie out of it, Django in White Hell started out as a sequel novel to Django Unchained, before it transformed into something else entirely.

In the process of writing Django in White Hell, Tarantino eventually decided to remove Django from the script entirely, with it instead focusing on original characters. This caused the Django Unchained sequel to be turned into The Hateful Eight, with Tarantino’s eighth movie being the final product of this idea. However, a proper Django Unchained sequel could still work, with it being a great choice for Tarantino’s next movie.


The First Blood Remake

Tarantino’s Take On Rambo

Another interesting idea that Tarantino has played around with in the past is a film based on First Blood, the David Morrell novel that was adapted into the first movie in Sylvester Stallone’s Rambo action movie series. Tarantino first expressed interest in the project in June 2021, with him deciding that he would make a more serious version of the film than his prior movies would lead viewers to believe.

Tarantino wanted to cast Adam Driver as John Rambo and Kurt Russell as the sheriff, which both sound like fantastic casting choices. It isn’t known what changes Tarantino would have made to the First Blood novel and movie, but this idea could work, with the story suiting Tarantino’s typical filmography with the Rambo IP making it an incredibly marketable final movie for the beloved director.


The Cliff Booth Prequel

The Movie Critic Is A Good Sign

Cliff Booth is the name of Brad Pitt’s character in Tarantino’s ninth film, Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood, with this character actually being the subject of another Quentin Tarantino project that didn’t come to fruition. In Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood, Cliff Booth has a mysterious past, one that Tarantino wanted to explore in a prequel movie surrounding Booth’s time in a prisoner of war camp during World War II.

Although this movie didn’t happen, it seems like a likely project to return based on The Movie Critic‘s development history. As it turns out, Brad Pitt’s Cliff Booth was going to appear in The Movie Critic, showing that Tarantino still has an interest in exploring the character. This is one of the few details about The Movie Critic‘s story that has been revealed, possibly teasing a future for Brad Pitt’s Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood character.


Snake Belly

Tarantino’s Third Western

Snake Belly is another incredibly odd project that Tarantino has expressed interest in making, with him first discussing the potential movie in 2021. The film would have been a spaghetti Western, with the gimmick being that each actor was going to speak a different language. Not much is known about the story, aside from a few genre tropes that Tarantino said would be in the film.

While not much is known about Snake Belly, the idea of Tarantino returning to the Western genre for his final film is incredibly exciting, meaning that he should revive this project. Django Unchained and The Hateful Eight are two of Tarantino’s most beloved movies, and wrapping up his career with a third Western would be a great idea. While Snake Belly could turn into something else entirely, it is a possibility that the film could be revived.

Margot Robbie in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


The Movie Critic Is Continuing One Of Quentin Tarantino’s Biggest Trends (& It’s Perfect For His Last Movie)

The lead character of The Movie Critic, Tarantino’s tenth and final movie, already suggests the film will continue with a fifteen-year trend.


1 Of Tarantino’s Many Unrealized Superhero Movies

Which Superhero Will He Tackle?

Early in Quentin Tarantino’s career, he tried to get a lot of superhero movies made, although none of them came to fruition. However, in the modern era of superhero movies being one of the most popular genres at the box office, pairing up a superhero franchise with Quentin Tarantino seems like it could lead to a massive commercial success.

Back in the 1990s, Tarantino expressed interest in making movies based on Luke Cage, Iron Man, the Silver Surfer, and Green Lantern, with all of these being possibilities for Tarantino’s next film. It is also possible that Tarantino could tackle a different superhero, one that he hasn’t talked about yet. While it is unlikely that Tarantino would want to end his prestigious film career with a superhero movie, it is a possibility, with it being a great callback to Tarantino’s early passions.


Kill Bill: Volume 3

Will It Finally Happen?

Out of all of Quentin Tarantino’s unrealized projects, the one that keeps getting discussed by Tarantino and fans alike the most frequently is Kill Bill: Volume 3. Kill Bill: Volume 3 would continue the epic kung fu saga from Quentin Tarantino’s early-2000s two-part action series, with him explaining all kinds of different ideas and storylines that could be explored in the third Kill Bill film.

Although the timing has never been right for the third movie to come together, The Movie Critic‘s cancelation means that Kill Bill: Volume 3 could finally happen. Since Tarantino has become more interested in sequels to some of his classics in recent years, it would make sense for him to go out with Kill Bill: Volume 3, with this being the perfect replacement for his sadly canceled film The Movie Critic.

The Movie Critic

The Movie Critic is a new film by writer/director Quentin Tarantino. No information on the film has been unveiled yet.


Quentin Tarantino


Quentin Tarantino


Brad Pitt