10 Movies Reddit Users Think Are So Visually Stunning You Can Watch Them On Mute

10 Movies Reddit Users Think Are So Visually Stunning You Can Watch Them On Mute

Movies are a combination of auditory and visual media but some movies are just so visually stunning they are best when on mute. From beautiful cinematography to vibrant coloring and intricate mise en scene, movies can create some of the most powerful visuals that don’t need audio to be nominated for an Oscar.

Reddit user [deleted] shared their love of visually stunning movies and even advocated that there are some which could be easily viewed without sound, in order for the viewer to fully immerse themselves within the world of cinema. Here are just 10 visually stunning movies to watch this weekend but just make sure the mute button is on for a true experience.

Midsommar (2019)

10 Movies Reddit Users Think Are So Visually Stunning You Can Watch Them On Mute

Midsommar may be a horror movie but visually there is nothing horrifying about its visuals in fact it is one of the most beautiful flicks created within the horror genre. The hazy glow placed over the camera is one that symbolizes what some would hope was a dream sequence but this ethereal light is also synonymous with a cult.

Reddit user karmaylore explained how they aren’t “usually into horror/thriller films but that movie blew [them] away with its visuals”. From the movies, vibrant coloring, and endless amounts of flowers, it interestingly employs contrasting visuals to create an unusual horror movie that strays away from darkness. Midsommar could be viewed as an equally terrifying but beautiful horror flick with or without sound due to its intense visuals that are completely captivating.

HER (2013)

Theodore talking to Samantha in Her

HER is an unconventional romance movie that is a perfect watch even without sound. The movie omits the usual visual love story that distracts viewers from the mediocre cinematography seen in other romance movies, instead creating the love story through audio. This means HER knew it couldn’t compromise on the movie’s visuals.

RorasaurasRex praised Spike Jonze before stating how “he really knows how to bring so many beautiful elements together for a near-perfect film”. The movie’s cinematography plays into the futuristic elements of its narrative but also the corporate way of living with a need for aesthetically pleasing workplaces, apartments, and even cities. If one were to watch the movie without sound, they would miss out on the movie’s incredible dialogue but what they would see is something of a visual masterpiece.

Portrait Of A Lady On Fire (2019)

Two women touching foreheads and smiling on the beach in Portrait of a Lady on Fire.

Portrait Of A Lady On Fire is a story not just about love but also art, conveyed beautifully through its artistic scenes. The movie’s coast setting creates a somewhat summer glow, continuously complemented by the rich colors worn by each of the main characters.

Reddit user kasharayu advocated for the movie’s poetic filmmaking stating how “every frame is like a painting!”. Portrait Of A Lady On Fire is one movie viewers could watch on mute in a bid to create a visual story as alluring as the love between the two main women. Through its golden tone of romance which is soon met with bleakness, the movie symbolizes a time that is now just a memory.

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (2018)

Miles Morales swings through New York City in Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is among several movies that Reddit Users believe deserve a perfect 10/10 and for many that top-notch score is due to the movie paving new ways for animation. The movie employed new ways of animation that even included many hand-drawn characters and scenes which certainly paid off due to many claiming the movie’s visual style is outstanding.

Reddit user [deleted] shared that “it took 1 week to animate every 1 second of footage [with] the attention to detail [looking] incredible”. The movie’s animation style allows viewers to immerse themselves right within the comic adaption whilst simultaneously nodding their head along to the movie’s brilliant soundtrack, making it an incredible sensory experience.

WALL-E (2008)

Wall-E looking up at the stars.

WALL-E is not just a stunning animated flick but also one littered with reminders about the beauty of the earth and how it can easily be ruined by consumerism. Despite the movie’s intelligent and subtle messaging, it is also a stunning movie that contains many mind-blowing visuals that defy the odds of animation.

Reddit user cant_be_me was quick to explain that “this movie could be equally enjoyed both visually without sound, or auditorially without visuals” due to the movie’s amazing soundtrack and animation style. The quality of animation within WALL-E creates some intricate scenes that are brought to life through a series of stunning colors and perfect rendering, resulting in it being a beautiful watch with or without sound.

The Tree Of Life (2011)

Mr. O'Brien leads his son Jack in The Tree of Life

The Tree Of Life is an experimental drama that replaced dialogue with poetic prose to create a complex narrative that is both heartbreaking and warming. Whilst the movie proved to be a controversial watch for some viewers, others felt that its cinematography made up for its unusual auditory style due to its focus on nature as its center of beauty.

FaerieStories was just one fan who stated that “the pretentious and crap poetry of the voiceover manages to spoil the magic of the gorgeous cinematography”. Emmanuel Lubezki created interesting cinematography through the use of high and low angles whilst also manipulating the use of the natural world around him. The movie showcased the true beauty of the world’s natural elements, making it such a poetic watch that some fans believe should omit sound completely.

Lost In Translation (2003)

Charlotte and Bob sitting side by side in Lost in Translation

Lost In Translation is an amazing movie that left many infuriated with its final cliffhanger but this story of friendship proves to be an interesting watch. Many even claim that without the movie’s immense soundtrack Lost In Translation would still be a worthy watch.

The movie employs the city of Tokyo and unsual lighting to convey the ever-growing relationship between Bob and Charlotte, making it a refreshing and beautiful cinematic experience. Reddit user givedyingbeeshoney shared that “the visual storytelling of Tokyo plus Bill Murray’s face throughout basically tells the whole story” meaning that the movie could easily be enjoyed without sound due to its warm lighting and city setting.

Romeo & Juliet (1996)

Romeo kisses Juliet's hand

Romeo & Juliet is a well-known love story but it is specifically Baz Luhrmann’s version that captures the true essence of falling in love through a romantic hazy glow that is placed upon the camera. This particular version of Romeo & Juliet has an incredible soundtrack whilst simultaneously accommodating the viewer’s senses.

The movie went against its typical historical conventions and replaced it with modern and somewhat gothic locations that exemplified the tragedy hidden between the puppy-eyed lovers. The movie was so popular that even those who previously shunned the director like staythepath explained that they “hate everything Baz Luhrmann has done EXCEPT Romeo & Juliet”. The movie represents falling in love which can easily be enjoyed without the movie’s exceptional soundtrack or Shakespearian dialogue.

My Neighbor Totoro (1988)

My Neighbour Totoro, Bus Stop/Umbrella Scene, Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli

My Neighbor Totoro is listed as one of the best Studio Ghibli movies of all time and remains a firm favorite among fans due to the studio’s ability to create such intricate and endearing hand-drawn characters that are breathtakingly beautiful. When asked what movie is so visually stunning it can be watched without sound, Nini423 was quick to respond “My Neighbor Totoro or really any studio ghibli movie!”

Studio Ghibli has a reputation for creating traditional Japanese art through its animation style, which has led to an ever-growing fan base of dedicated art lovers. The movie is so intricate in terms of its animation that viewers can see clothing fibers and textures so clearly among the impressive landscapes that depict Japanese culture.

The Fall (2006)

The five characters stand ready to fight in The Fall

The Fall is a seriously underrated movie that somehow slips through the cracks but those that have seen it comment on its beauty. The movie provides an interesting representation of storytelling that brings the vivid imagination of Roy Walker to life through vibrant coloring and magnificent costumes.

The Fall combines strikingly beautiful location shoots with intricate and well-detailed costumes that left viewers completely in awe that some even had to watch it twice to take in the story. Reddit user sneakyminxx explained that they were “left literally breathless after this movie ended” due to the heavenly visuals that saw it occupy the top spot!