10 Most Tragic Star Wars Character Fates

10 Most Tragic Star Wars Character Fates

Even though Star Wars is known for its uplifting narratives and generally happy endings, the franchise also has its own fair share of tragic stories. Despite having a familiar cast of characters that shows up between movies and television series, there are many heroes who meet a grizzly end. The Star Wars franchise has its ups and downs, but despite the sad nature of these tragedies, some of the most powerful stories are the most well known and best written parts of the entire series.

Tragedy can strike at any moment in the series’ history. After all, the original series began with the destruction of an entire planet when Alderaan was blown to pieces. This sort of tension and high stakes has only continued as the franchise has progressed, leading to some incredibly painful character moments. Below are some of the characters with the most intense and heart-wrenching finales.

10 Rogue One

Moments Before The Destruction Of Scarif

10 Most Tragic Star Wars Character Fates

Despite the fact that Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is a spin-off of the main movies, this movie has one of the most compelling plots in all of Star Wars. It follows the characters operating under the call sign Rogue One, including Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor. The operation was set on finding the plans for the Death Star so that the Rebels could finally take it down. They were eventually successful at the Battle of Scarif, but before they could evacuate Scarif, the Death Star destroyed the entire planet, killing them all in a single blast. The conclusion was heartbreaking, not least because viewers had plenty of time to come to care about the stars.

9 Satine Kryze

Satine Dies In Obi-Wan’s Arms In Star Wars: The Clone Wars

ONi-Wan Kenobi holds Satine After she is killed by Maul in The Clone Wars

Duchess of Mandalore, Satine Kryze was Obi-Wan Kenobi’s old flame, leader of a pacifist group of New Mandalorians. During the Clone Wars, when Darth Maul was preparing to stage a coup on Mandalore, she appealed to her sister Bo-Katan Kryze and old friend Obi-Wan Kenobi for help. Though all she wanted was peace for the Mandalorian people, Darth Maul killed her right in front of Obi-Wan. She died in the Jedi’s arms moments after telling him how much she loved him.

8 The Clone Troopers

The Clones Throughout The Clone Wars

One of the most tragic fates in all of Star Wars is one that often goes unrecognized – that of the clones. Not only were they created for war, but the clones also had their agency ripped away from them when The Emperor executed Order 66. Order 66 forced the clones to turn on the Jedi they had worked so closely alongside, and not only did this often lead to the clones’ deaths, but it also resulted in the deaths of countless Jedi as well. Through no fault of their own, the clones were forced to participate in a massacre, all because of the Sith who wanted to control them.

7 Han Solo

Han Solo Dies At His Own Son’s Hands In Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Han Solo is stabbed by Kylo Ren

Han Solo’s death in Star Wars: The Force Awakens is one of the most powerful scenes in the sequel trilogy, as he allows his son to kill him. Though Han may not have fully understood it, Supreme Leader Snoke had wanted Ben Solo to kill his own father to bind him to the dark side. It was an old Sith ritual, but Han’s willing sacrifice subverted it, tainting it with goodness and selflessness. Han’s death may be tragic, but he is a major reason Kylo Ren never truly fell to the dark side. It’s telling that Kylo Ren experienced a vision / hallucination reliving this when he was finally redeemed.

6 Qui-Gon Jinn

Qui-Gon Dies In Obi-Wan’s Arms In Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace

Qui-Gon's death in Obi-Wan's arms in The Phantom Menace

Although Qui-Gon Jinn only appeared in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, his loss can be felt throughout the entire franchise. He was killed in his prime, before his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi could finish his training and before Anakin Skywalker could even begin his. He was to be a father figure to both of them, and he died at the hands of Darth Maul before he had the chance to finish filling that role. This not only deprived Anakin of a father figure, but it also stole away precious years of learning about the Force through his eyes, less intent on following the Jedi Code and more connected to the world itself.

5 Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru

Owen And Beru Lars Died In The First Star Wars Movie

Some of the first real deaths in the Star Wars franchise, Owen and Beru Lars were killed when the Empire tried to track down the droids they’d bought. There’s a tragic irony here; they had lived their lives carefully avoiding the Empire’s attention, secretly raising the next Jedi, but they were killed for a simple purchase. The pain of their deaths is only doubled after seeing the love and care they put in through shows like Obi-Wan Kenobi, where Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru play an important part in the story’s plot, keeping Luke safe from the Inquisitors.

4 Padmé Amidala

Padmé Died in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

From the very beginning, Padmé Amidala was destined for tragedy. Not only did she fall in love with a Jedi whose code forbade attachments, but she was also killed at his hands. Padmé was choked by her husband Anakin while pregnant with his children, only to die of a broken heart during childbirth as the twins were separated from one another. What makes this worse is that there was a point where she and Anakin loved each other unconditionally, but Anakin was eventually manipulated by Chancellor Palpatine to a point where this was no longer possible.

3 Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Burning On Mustafar In Revenge Of The Sith

Anakin burns on the Mustafar floor while talking to OBi-Wan in Revenge of the Sith

Anakin’s fall from grace and subsequent transformation into Darth Vader lies at the heart of the Star Wars saga. After being lured to the dark side and turning against the Jedi, he was manipulated by Chancellor Palpatine. Then, he killed countless other Jedi along with his own wife. After his disfigurement at the hands of Obi-Wan, the Anakin Skywalker that everyone had once known was dead and Darth Vader was all that remained, using Anakin’s body to kill. Anakin was only revived decades later by his son Luke in Return of the Jedi, prompting the Chosen One to kill the Emperor before dying in his son’s arms.

2 Shmi Skywalker

Shmi Died In Her Son’s Arms In Star Wars: Episode II – Attacking of the Clones

Shmi Skywalker dies in Anakin Skywalker's arms in Attack of the Clones.

Anakin Skywalker’s mother, Shmi lived a life of incredible hardship. She struggled as a slave on Tatooine, only for her son to be taken away from her by the Jedi. And though this was the best way for her son to survive, it left Shmi on Tatooine alone. Once she was freed as a slave and married into the Lars family, tragedy struck again when she was taken by Tusken Raiders, where she was tortured and eventually killed at their hands.

1 Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Was Killed By Darth Vader In A New Hope

Obi-Wan Kenobi battling Darh Vader aboard the Death Star in Star Wars A New Hope

Throughout the entire prequel franchise, Obi-Wan has watched everyone close to him die. Beginning with Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan has also been there for the deaths of Satine Kryze, Padmé Amidala, all the clones under his command, and even Anakin Skywalker in a way. He was cursed by outliving them all. Not only this, but when Obi-Wan does die, it is at the hands of Darth Vader, the husk of a man he believes he has failed. Not only is Obi-Wan’s death tragic, but his life might be the most depressing in all of Star Wars – if not for the fact he lived on after death, and thus saw his friend and brother return to the light.