10 Most Prominent Character Inconsistencies In Frasier

10 Most Prominent Character Inconsistencies In Frasier

Few comedy sitcoms can ever be as loved as Frasier; the show was the perfect antidote to Seinfeld’s NYC-style living room comedy. Mainly because it represented a very different type of humor which television could never work with until of course, the Cranes happened to pop culture. And despite the fantastic run, there have been quite a few character inconsistencies in the show; and while that’s a given, considering the show ran for 11 seasons, we’d think, given the Cranes’ love for perfectionism, the gaffes would be almost non-existent.

Like, remember when Frasier and Niles took the help of a dangerous mafia lord just to get Maris out of some parking tickets? Who’d have found that plausible? Or when Frasier thoughtlessly interfered in Niles’ marriage? As much as love the show, we’d be remiss if we didn’t point out some of the most obvious characterization blunders we’ve come to notice in Frasier:

Niles’ Entire Approach Towards Daphne

10 Most Prominent Character Inconsistencies In Frasier

It becomes very clear, very early on that Niles Crane has a crush on his father’s British healthcare provider Daphne; and throughout the next 5 seasons, Niles would make the most ill-planned attempts at hiding his true feelings. These gave way to a slapstick kind of cloying physical humor, which is not only inconsistent with Niles’ character but also not in sync with the tone of the show.

Frasier emerged as one of the only comedies with a laughter track the adults can enjoy without degrading it to a guilt watch, but Niles’ entire approach to Daphne was one of the biggest missteps in the show, something that only got more ridiculous with time.

The Bad Girl Episode

Kate Costas owns KACL on Frasier

Knowing Frasier as well as we do, the ‘Bad Girl’ stint becomes more implausible the more we think about it. Is it really plausible that the finicky, uptight radio psychiatrist would have sex with his boss on his work desk, that too on the air? It was not just poorly plotted but also something that the makers did not think through.

How did Frasier still have a job after this? He had sex on the radio for god’s sake! Plus, we also can’t really wrap our heads around Kate going along with this; both Frasier and Kate are too well-adjusted for this, and we will never be okay about this inappropriate public encounter.

The Party Special

Remember in Season 5, Episode 3 when Niles threw a literary-themed Halloween party and all Frasier cared about was getting the phone number of a girl, who was way too young for him? Not only did he ignore Roz, who was going through a major personal crisis, he also told everyone about Roz’s supposed pregnancy which she was clearly trying to hide.

Moreover, he was rude to Daphne who was having a difficult time with her supposed eye infection and just wanted to go home. The whole episode was quite ill-scripted because fans had no idea why Frasier suddenly only cared about chasing a girl and was being so inconsiderate to Roz.

The Headmaster Debacle

Frasier with Lilith making a weird face

In Season 4, Episode 4, Frasier and his ex-wife Lilith visit the headmaster of Marbury Academy Dr. Campbell on Thanksgiving; they are eager to make a good impression as they want their son Frederick to enroll in the very prestigious school. Not only did the meeting go awry with Frasier breaking a chair at Campbell’s home, but things get weirder when Frasier and Lilith go back under false pretext just to make a better impression.

This was obviously too much of a gaffe as no one would take up someone else’s time for something this vague, that too on Thanksgiving! Especially not two highly established psychiatrists!

Martin’s Tub Confession

Martin Crane is perhaps the most lovable character on the show; the ex Seattle cop is not as tightly wound or posh as his sons, and he’s one of the wisest characters on the show. This is why we find it very hard to believe that the good ol’ Martin ditched all his clothes and underwear at a community hot tub, which is quite the misdemeanor.

Though he says he did it because no one was around and felt embarrassed when Condo president Mrs. Langer showed up. But the Martin we know would never just ‘float free’ in a public space!

The Talking Bird Situation

One of the most hysterical Frasier episodes is also one of its weirdest. In season 5 episode 14, Niles invited people over to his plush new apartment for a housewarming party but is caught in a fix when his pet cockatoo digs its claws into its hair and wouldn’t let go. The entire evening his family pretends that everything is okay while Niles hides in the kitchen trying to come up with a solution.

Clearly this is quite serious and Niles was possibly hurting quite acutely; anyone watching the episode would obviously exclaim, ‘Why aren’t they rushing him to a hospital? Or maybe calling animal control? Or at least doing something instead of serving hors d’oeuvres!’

Remember The French Restaurant?

Frasier and Martin at the breakfast table

Martin Crane thinks that starting their own French restaurant was the dumbest decision ever made by the Crane siblings, and we can’t help but agree. Granted Orsini is an old favorite with the brothers and they have happy childhood memories associated with the place, but they can’t possibly be as delusional to actually think they can run such an upscale eatery without any experience in the industry.

The fact that they had no one helping them out, even as a consultant is also quite baffling. Things get even weirder when Niles himself takes over the kitchen and actually thinks he can pull off a successful opening night all by himself.

A Joint Practice?

frasier and niles crane toast with two cups of coffee

Anyone who’s ever met Frasier and Niles – well fictionally – knows that the two brothers can’t possibly work together, that too under the same roof. As Frasier reveals he doesn’t feel professionally fulfilled with his radio gig, Niles suggests that they can jointly try their hands at group therapy where they treat patients together.

The two shrinks obviously have huge egos and are threatened by each other on some level, and things obviously go awry on their very first day. But being so successful in their fields, shouldn’t they be more aware of each other’s psychological hang-ups? Why they would agree to such a proposal is beyond us.

Too Much Of A Prank?

One of the most inappropriate episodes in Frasier happened in Season 3 when Bulldog won’t stop pranking Frasier on-air; not only was it too humiliating for Frasier but the station manager Kate won’t stop it because it fetches more ratings. We may not know a lot about the ‘90s radio biz, but this can’t be very professional or even ethical.

Plus, Kate is one of the most level-headed characters on the show and she’d be the first person to stop Bulldog on his tracks for mocking the station’s most famous name. Instead not only does she not help Frasier but also gives Bulldog her approval to make a fool of Frasier and even encourages Frasier to prank right back. That’s not right!

Mafia Troubles?

Daphne and niles Frasier

The Frasier siblings are the last people we’d expect to have mafia connections. But in Season 3, Niles and a reluctant Frasier take the help of a mafia boss called Jerome Belasco to get Maris out of some unpaid parking tickets. Not only is it totally surprising that Niles would think of approaching a gangster for something so trivial, but it’s even more ridiculous that Frasier would agree to this.

Granted Niles was desperate to help Maris and thought this would bring him closer to her, but going to the mafia is a tad too far, especially when you’re the erudite and the tightly wound Cranes!