10 Most Likable Ms. Marvel Characters, Ranked

10 Most Likable Ms. Marvel Characters, Ranked

Content Warning: The following article contains spoilers for the Disney+ series Ms. Marvel.

The ongoing series Ms. Marvel is centered on Kamala Khan’s origin story, as the average student gains extraordinary abilities after finding a mysterious bangle. The show has introduced several of Kamala’s friends, family, and enemies along the way.

The most likable characters in the series are mostly the protagonist’s friends, which is not surprising considering they’re her source of support during this trying time in her life. As fans eagerly wait to see what’s in store for the new hero, it’s the perfect time to look back and determine the most compelling people on the show so far.


10 Most Likable Ms. Marvel Characters, Ranked

When Kamala first meets her, it’s not immediately clear that Najma is a dangerous villain. In fact, she spends some time sitting down with the protagonist and explaining their heritage, which helps Kamala feel like she belongs to a group that accepts her for who she is.

However, her recent actions in the series underscore her more sinister side. The members of the Clandestine (also known as the Clan Destine) are willing to hunt down and hurt a young teen, which is exactly what happens when Kamala simply asks for more time to think about how she can properly help them get back to their home. Najma is now obviously the enemy and also the least likable character on the show.

P. Cleary & Sadie Deever

Two Damage Control agents discover Ms. Marvel

P. Cleary and Sadie Deever have been a consistently irritating duo in Ms. Marvel. The representatives from the Department of Damage Control are at it again, just like what they did to Spider-Man when Cleary barged into his home.

This time, they’re targeting an entire community and disrespecting people like the sheikh and Nakia in the process. Anytime they’re onscreen, it’s predictably for something bad. It doesn’t help that they’re not good at their jobs, which is actually their only redeeming quality at this point.

Zoe Zimmer

Kamala imagines Zoe with devil horns in Ms Marvel.

Zoe plays the role of the typical popular teenager who actually has a really bad attitude and a large ego. Her snooty behavior during her introduction and her outright bullying during a physical education class make her unlikable. This is why it’s at least a little bit satisfying to see what happens to her during Avengercon.

That said, Zoe is just a side character with no special powers (except her followers). She’s a minor nuisance at most, and has unsurprisingly taken the backseat as Kamala explores her newfound abilities with Bruno.

Muneeba Khan

Zenobia Shroff as Muneeba Khan in Kamala's bedroom in Ms Marvel

The protagonist’s relationship with her mom is complicated, to say the least. They’re always arguing about their differing views, with Muneeba’s parenting style often preventing Kamala from enjoying her teenage years as her friends do. For that reason, Muneeba can sometimes be annoying.

However, it’s worth noting that Muneeba worked hard to provide the comfortable lives her children have. Her overprotectiveness of Kamala is her way of showing love – it could also be rooted in something from her curious past. Her genuine concern is easy to see through their heartfelt conversations.

Yusuf Khan

Mohan Kapur as Yusuf Khan Ms Marvel

Much like Muneeba, Yusuf can also be extremely protective of Kamala. That said, he’s more passive compared to his wife and is more easygoing, which makes him more likable. He has that cheesy humor that only dads have, which often make tense situations more lighthearted.

He also tries to be supportive of Kamala’s interests even though he doesn’t understand them, just like when he insisted on going with her to Avengercon dressed in a terrible Hulk costume. It would be nice to see him pay as much attention to Kamala as he does to Aamir.


Ms Marvel Kamran

It’s hard not to see Kamran through Kamala’s dreamy perspective, as she’s instantly smitten by him when they first meet. She falls for him even harder once she learns how much they have in common – it’s amusing to watch them flirt and bond over their favorite movies.

Of course, comic fans knew Kamran wasn’t just an ordinary new student. His revelation that he’s part of the Clandestine group with Namja felt like a betrayal, especially after their nefarious side is uncovered. Kamran does rush to warn and defend Kamala before the group arrives, though. So far, his good qualities at least outweigh the bad.

Aamir Khan

Kamala and Aamir in her room in Ms. Marvel.

As her older brother, Aamir gets much more freedom compared to Kamala, which is a frustrating thing for the protagonist. Without their parents in the picture, though, he’s a decent sibling who tries his best to understand what Kamala is going through.

Despite being busy preparing for his wedding for most of the season, he makes time to support her. This is seen in the way he sits down with her and has a conversation about Avengercon, promising to talk to their parents for the protagonist.

Kamala Khan

Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan in Ms Marvel episode 1

It’s funny to think about how Kamala looks up to Captain Marvel so much, which she expresses during her first monologue. It’s incredible to see her slowly turning into her own kind of superhero, with each new challenge helping her learn how to make the right decisions when it isn’t clear what those are.

Since she’s a painfully ordinary teenager, she’s very relatable, which makes it easy to root for her success. Her faults are on full display as well, like her lack of control over her abilities that injures a young kid. This refreshing vulnerability only makes her even more compelling.

Nakia Bahadir

Nakia smiling in Ms. Marvel.

As one of her closest friends and confidants, Nakia’s support is integral to Kamala’s life. School is more bearable when she’s around, as her confidence and boldness are infectious. These traits are also seen during religious gatherings and festivities where she’s not afraid to suggest much-needed reforms.

Nakia is strong, beautiful, and daring – her campaign for a spot on the board in their mosque enabled her to show an even fiercer and admirable side. It’s fascinating to think about how she will react to Kamala’s betrayal, as she seemed hurt by the fact that her close friend hid something that big from her.

Bruno Carrelli

Matt Lintz as Bruno in Ms Marvel

Without a doubt, the most likable character in Ms. Marvel so far is Kamala’s reliable best friend, Bruno. He always has her back, even during the most dangerous situations. In fact, when the Djinn attack Kamala, he attempts to fight back despite having no special powers at all. It wouldn’t be too far-fetched to imagine that he would give up his life to defend his best friend (and long-time crush).

Bruno is also incredibly smart, which is how he got into that college program. Without him, Kamala likely wouldn’t be able to hone her ability as much as she has. What’s more, his jealousy about Kamran’s arrival only makes him more endearing.