10 Most Hilarious Wolverine Memes Of All Time

10 Most Hilarious Wolverine Memes Of All Time

When somebody says ‘a funny superhero’, Wolverine isn’t usually the first hero people think of, let alone superhero fans. Wolverine is one of the more serious and gruff heroes who no-one should mess with. That doesn’t mean he lacks a sense of humor – he just hides it well for most of the time.

Despite Wolverine’s no-nonsense personality, he still ends up in funny situations more often than not. Be it in the comics or his films, even Wolverine sometimes has to face the fact that life isn’t all dark and grim. His fans see it the same way and have created a lot of epic Wolverine memes.

Poor Logan

10 Most Hilarious Wolverine Memes Of All Time

Wolverine hasn’t had it easy. He’s lived for a long time and lost multiple people he cared about. It looks like he wouldn’t be able to catch a break in the future after a possible apocalypse had happened. Just like Wolverine, Deadpool can regenerate his body, and as a result, the two virtually immortal men would be the last surviving people. Deadpool loves to annoy people more than anything else, so it’s doubtful how long could Logan stay sane only with Deadpool for company.

He Stole The Pose!

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Wolverine is formidable and he knows that any superhero has to have the threatening pose at ready. Yet he suddenly becomes a lot less frightening when the truth comes out about Wolverine’s true inspiration source for superhero poses. It turns out he stole the pose from a cat. Another interpretation is that Wolverine himself turned into a fierce, but nevertheless still an adorable cat in this meme.

The Proper Use Of A Pun

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Everybody loves a good pun, let alone a law-related pun… and this is one of the best, at least when it comes to Wolverine and his retractable clause. Sorry, claws. The truth is it’s never a good idea to pick a fight with Wolverine considering it’s very hard to kill him and he can do a lot of damage in a short period of time. The one person insane and lucky enough to survive such a fight is Deadpool, but that’s another story.

The Eternal Struggle

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Even Wolverine’s healing factor and regenerative powers won’t change the fact he had his heart broken – multiple times. Most notably when Jean Grey chose Scott Summers over Logan.

Poor Wolverine was the third wheel for most of the time, and to top it all off, Jean died in the end. There are some things no superheroes can fix, not even Wolverine.

The Necessary Guide

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Despite his gruff behavior and ability to easily cut people into pieces, Wolverine still has a lot of fans. Not only between comic-book fans, but also among other superheroes. When someone wants to approach him, though, let alone touch Wolverine, they should be very careful – and use this guide to protect their lives and health. Wolverine’s hands are a big no-no, but there are other parts of his body that are also taboo.

A Proper Apology

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The sad truth is that not every superhero film is awesome. Some are only average, or worse. Even Wolverine had a bad movie. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) is nowadays best-known for its botched portrayal of Deadpool (who had his mouth sewed shut in the film). Luckily for Wolverine, he got his due when Logan (2017) came out. Many fans believe Logan is one of the best superhero films out there and an excellent way how to say goodbye to Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine.

A Familiar Problem

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Any person who didn’t grow as tall as they hoped for will no doubt sympathize with Wolverine in this meme. It’s easy to forget it thanks to Hugh Jackman’s portrayal of Wolverine but Wolverine is actually on the short side. He’s only 5ft 3inch tall in the comics which is much less than an average man.

In comparison, Hugh Jackman is 6ft 1inch tall. When Wolverine faces the much taller Cyclops, he uses his brain and comes up with a beautifully simple solution on how to level the height difference between them.

The Ultimate Crossover

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Marvel and DC heroes did appear side by side in the comics a few times, but they mostly stay separate. However, the fans were quick to point out that Wolverine is, in fact, comprised of two Batmen kissing. It’s not as crazy as it might seem because Wolverine can easily consider himself to be twice as great as Batman. He certainly doesn’t get injured as easily thanks to his healing factor.

The Strength Of Reputation

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Being a proper superhero isn’t only about having cool powers – it’s also about one’s reputation. According to this meme, Wolverine does everything in his power to convince others he lives a dangerous life. Even when he cuts himself shaving, he rather says it happened during a knife fight. Someone as badass as Wolverine can’t get hurt during shaving his face, that’s a simple truth.

What’s Happening

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The X-Men movies offered plenty of stories in the last 20 years – but also took place at different times which resulted in confusion on more than one occasion. Sometimes the times simply didn’t fit, the actors looked too young or too old – and Wolverine also noticed something was amiss. But he didn’t let it phase him and just continued to do what was best – enjoying the X-Men’s adventures.