10 Most Hilarious Sam & Bucky Banter Quotes In Falcon And The Winter Soldier

10 Most Hilarious Sam & Bucky Banter Quotes In Falcon And The Winter Soldier

Heroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are known almost as well for their banter as they are for their powers. No matter what the situation is, whether New York is being invaded by aliens or Thanos is trying to restore balance to the universe, there’ll always be time for countless one-liners from main characters that take shots at their compadres.

And that’s no different when it comes to Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Bucky is more of a sad sack at times than anything, and he rarely stops scowling, which is what makes it all the more hilarious when Sam relentlessly busts his chops. And it’s the banter between them that has left fans wanting a second season more than anything.

“The Incredibly Annoying Guy In Front Of Me With The Staring Problem”

10 Most Hilarious Sam & Bucky Banter Quotes In Falcon And The Winter Soldier

Though there was little awe or fanfare when the two first came in contact with each other in episode 2, it was more than made up for in the dialogue that was thrown about.

Throughout the whole series, Bucky anxiously stares at everyone, whether it’s an enemy he’s about to take down or even his therapist, and Sam hilariously points that out. The quote comes when Sam compares the Flag Smashers to Bucky, as they’re not supernatural, but simply brutal.

“That Little Girl Kicked Your Ass”

Bucky and Sam work together in The Falcon And The Winter Soldier

In the very first team-up, when Sam and Bucky first meet Karli and they’re up against several members of the Flag Smashers, it takes the heroes a while to get back in the swing of things. It could be even said that they lost the fight.

Bucky finds himself hanging off the bottom of a truck, about to be flattened between the giant wheel and the tarmac. Sam glides in to save him, but more importantly, blasts him for not holding up in the fight against Karli, which he does before anything else.

“And I Can Fly, Who Gives A S***?”

Bucky and Sam smile looking at the sunset

Both heroes have different ways of approaching enemies. Bucky thinks they should always jump into the action, whereas Sam has more of a logical head on him.

In the instance where the Flag Smashers are loading up trucks, Bucky wants to go in vibranium arms blazing, bragging about his protuberance, to which Sam responds with this quote. However, by the end of the series, it’s arguable that Sam finally came to Bucky’s level, as the two of them left a path of destruction on more than one occasion.

“A Little Time In Wakanda And You Come Out White Panther”

Bucky in Wakanda in Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Even when they’re not together, the odd couple can’t help but bust each others’ chops. Speaking on their trusty earpieces while they’re infiltrating a Flag Smasher hideout, Sam calls Bucky “White Panther.” But it isn’t just a throwaway joke, and there’s a deeper meaning to it, as Bucky responds by saying, “Actually, it’s White Wolf.”

At the end of 2018’s Black Panther, Bucky was shown waking up in Wakanda. He was called the White Wolf by the residents of the country and seemed to like that name.

“It’s In Every Action Movie!”

Falcon and Winter Soldier buddy comedy Sebastian Stan Anthony Mackie

At this point in the series, the odd couple almost seems like pals. They’ve had their therapy, they’re working well together, and everything is hunky-dory. But it doesn’t stay that way for long.

As they are cornered in the dockyard in episode 3, there’s some miscommunication between the two of them, and they both expectedly blame each other. But Sam takes it a step further, by hilariously blaming Bucky’s inadequacy in the field on him not having seen enough movies.

“You’re Not Gonna Move Your Seat Up, Are You?”

Sam sits in the back of the car in the dockyard in Falcon and Winter Soldier

There’s actually a history to this joke, and it goes all the way back to Captain America: Civil War. In the 2016 movie, Sam and Bucky are stuck in a tiny car together while Steve Rogers makes out with Sharon Carter. Whilst sitting in the back seat of the car, Bucky asks Sam to move his seat up a bit, and Sam responds simply with, “no.”

Sam is always rude to Bucky, but in FATWS, Bucky gets him back, as he’s sitting in the front of the car. And it’s obvious in the way he asked that Sam foresaw the karma before it even happened.

“What’s Going On In That Cyborg Brain Of Yours… Gears Turning. Oh They’re Malfunctioning! They’re On Fire!”

Bucky and Sam in therapy together in Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Continuing on after their first fight with Karli, Sam and Bucky have no alternative other than to walk along the side of the road for miles on end. Bucky and Sam have no alternative but to speak with each other, and it doesn’t take long for Sam to start antagonizing Bucky.

Though calling Bucky a Cyborg couldn’t be further from the truth, as all Bucky has is a vibranium arm, it doesn’t mean the insult is any less priceless.

“Don’t Flirt With My Sister”

Bucky Sam and Sarah on the boat in Falcon and Winter Soldier

It’s a tale as old as time and it has been done in almost every buddy cop movie, as one of the best friends has an attractive sibling that the other friend will inevitably fall in love with. And it’s no different here.

Though it’s great that Bucky now has a support system, Sam isn’t totally on board with the flirtatious back and forth Bucky has with Sarah, but it doesn’t stop them. And it’s likely going to pay off in the second season or in Captain America 4.

“A Sorcerer Is A Wizard Without A Hat”

Bucky stares down a hallway while Sam watches him in Falcon and the Winter Soldier

It isn’t just that one line of dialogue that’s genius, but the whole conversation in which the two argue over semantics more than fans have ever seen before. There are a lot of powerful characters in the show, but none of them are a part of the “big three.”

After Sam explains to Bucky that the big three are androids, aliens, and wizards, it leads to Bucky calling Sam out because he doesn’t believe in wizards. Bucky calls Doctor Strange a sorcerer, to which Sam replies with the zinger above. The “big three” is surely going to become an MCU staple after this, and it’s surprising that it isn’t already.

“Sorry, I Was Busy Texting And All I heard Was ‘A Black Guy In Stars And Stripes’”

Sam as Captain America and Bucky in Falcon and Winter Soldier

At this point in the series, Bucky and Sam have gone through so much together, whether it’s fighting terrorists, couples therapy, or bonding over their old friend Steve, and that’s why this one-liner hits the hardest. After Sam gives an emotional five-minute speech about what it feels like to be a Black man taking up the mantle of Captain America, Bucky gets in one last jab, and for possibly the first time, they’re both laughing.

Though he doesn’t find humor in things as easy, this simple throwaway line shows just how far Bucky has come since the first episode. And they both walk off into the sunset, if the sunset is debris and ash, that is.