10 Most Exciting Things To Expect From Silo Season 2

10 Most Exciting Things To Expect From Silo Season 2

WARNING! This article contains spoilers for Silo (2023) season 1 and the Silo book series by Hugh Howey!

With Silo season 2 just around the corner, there are many theories about what will happen next, and based on the Silo season 1 finale, the story will be even more exciting. The questions that Silo season 2 needs to answer build on the intricate mystery of the post-apocalyptic world that the show has created. Silo premiered on Apple TV in 2023 and has captured audiences’ attention because of the thrilling story and compelling characters.

Based on the series of sci-fi novels by Hugh Howey, Silo has remained reasonably faithful to the books while making strong changes to suit the TV format. Silo season 2 spoilers in the books aren’t new to anyone who’s read them, but for first-time viewers, every reveal about the world is shocking. Silo stars Rebecca Ferguson as Juliette, a resident of an underground silo where a community of people live in fear of the outside world. Season 1 ends with Juliette leaving the silo and setting out as the first person to live outside.

10 Who The Residents Of The Other Silos Are

Juliette will interact with people in other silos.

When Juliette stepped over the horizon, she realized there were many other silos just outside her own. Her logical next step is to explore them and see if she can find a way inside. If she can enter, there may be people inside, or she could find them empty, with only the remains of other populations. However, meeting new people would be a vital development, as she would learn about what the silos are, who created them, and why they’re underground. If the other silos are anything like silo-18, there are sure to be people questioning everything, just like her.

10 Most Exciting Things To Expect From Silo Season 2


Silo Season 1 Ending Explained

Apple TV+’s Silo season 1 introduces many mysteries and nagging questions in its dystopian drama and waits till its ending moments to resolve them.

9 Juliette Surviving Outside The Silo

Instead of turning around to clean, she kept going and went out of sight of the camera.

Rebecca Ferguson looking grimy and serious in Silo season 1 finale

Before Juliette, every person who was sent outside the silo to clean was equipped with faulty suits and a visor that changed what they saw. Her friend, Martha Walker (Harriet Walter), ensured that Juliette’s suit would protect her, and Juliette was able to see that the outside world was as bleak and destroyed as it looked inside the silo. However, since Juliette realized the ruse, she moved on and escaped. Walking around outside for the first time in her life is sure to be traumatizing, and experiencing this with her at the start of Silo season 2 will be heart-pounding.

8 Juliette Communicating With Silo-18

Once she reaches other communities, she needs to get in touch with her silo.

Though Juliette was sent outside, that doesn’t mean she would leave behind the people she cares about. She’s all too aware of Bernard’s (Tim Robbins) corruption as the Mayor, and now that she’s gone, he and Sims (Common), head of Judicial, will have total control of the silo. Juliette will ensure that the people still within the silo have free will and can decide their own fate. Additionally, Lukas (Avi Nash) was sent to the mines as Juliette left, and since their connection has been growing, he will be a big reason for her to make contact.

7 A Rebellion Inside The Silo

The people rising up and taking matters into their own hands.

A upwards shot of the huge staircase from Silo

Within the world of Silo, there are many unknowns, but the thousands of people living inside one silo have enough space and resources to last them as long as they need to stay underground. However, since they saw Juliette leave the silo unscathed and witnessed the tape of a safe outside world that she and Danny (Will Merrick) released, it’s unlikely that they will continue to be passive. The government’s corruption is a central theme of the show, and when governments are controlling their people instead of representing their best interests, citizens have a way of responding.

Juliette Nichols looking at the levels of the Silo


Silo’s Floor Levels Create A Glaring Plot Hole, But Season 2 Can Easily Fix It

As gripping as Silo season 1’s science fiction drama may be, the show has a glaring floor levels plot hole. However, season 2 can easily fix this.

6 Rising Tensions Between Bernard And Sims

They are both against Juliette, but that doesn’t mean they support each other.

As the head of IT turned Mayor of the silo, Bernard has more influence than people realize, as information is the real power in Silo, and the computers contain all the information left from the forgotten past. Conversely, Sims is centered as the main antagonist for Juliette throughout season 1 as head of Judicial. However, now that she’s gone, the struggle for power between the two men within the silo will only grow. If they’re also contending with a potential uprising, there are going to be tense scenes between them that could change the fate of the silo.

5 Lukas Getting Out Of The Mines

To get in contact with Juliette and continue their work.

Avi Nash in Silo 104

Lukas and Juliette became unlikely allies throughout season 1, and although Juliette kept her guard up, they did grow to rely on each other. Since he helped her, Lukas was sent to the mines in the finale, a brutal place that will keep him out of the public eye and unable to do any more to liberate the people of the silo. However, as a character whose importance only grows, it’s unlikely that he’ll stay there for long, and once he does escape, he’ll be leading the charge to challenge the control of Bernard and Sims.

4 The History Of The Silos

Where are they and how did they come to be?

Though the outside world is the immediate concern, the history of the silos is a key piece of information to unravel the reason for humanity’s containment. The books explain that there are many silos and that they came to be to protect humanity after a devastating nuclear attack, and that the Earth won’t be ready to be resettled for hundreds of years. While Silo season 2 might make changes to the books, the root of what caused these attacks and the delicate balance that is kept by the people who control the silos is too brilliant to change.

3 Donald And Operation Fifty

Will it be revealed in season 2, or will viewers have to wait?

Juliette shocked after seeing the reality of the outside world in Silo season 1's ending

Donald is part of the leaders living inside silo-1 who orchestrated the silo project and monitored the progress of humanity and the outside world. In the books, this plan is referred to as Operation Fifty, and its roots are shown becoming more insidious as Donald’s plotline progresses. Although he probably won’t interact with Juliette or silo-18 directly, changing the story’s format and introducing his history while Juliette’s immediate next steps take place would be an intriguing way to progress the series. This type of non-linear approach has already been proven to work for the show.

2 Juliette Becoming Taking Control Of Silo-18

She will come back one way or another to rescue the people of her home.

Once Juliette gets back in contact with silo-18, it won’t be long before she’ll be trying to get back there. If a revolution takes place, and if Lukas is leading the charge, there’s no way she’ll be able to stay away. If the revolution is successful, there’s one obvious choice for who should lead silo-18: Juliette. After all of her suffering, loss, and sacrifice, the burden of leadership might not sound good to some heroes, but Juliette is committed to justice more than anything. What she does next will be up to what she sees outside the silo.

1 The Residents Of Silo-18 Demanding Answers

They have seen a false video of the outside world, but there is something more going on outside.

Other Silos in Silo season 1's ending

Before Juliette left silo-18, she and Danny broadcast a video showing the fake imagery of a green and safe Earth outside the silo. They believed that it was the truth of what was outside, but not long after, Juliette realized that it was just as fake as the lies the leaders of silo-18 had been telling. One way or another, the citizens of silo-18 will discover what lies outside their underground world, and when they do, they’ll have to decide if they’re going to stay or go. Hopefully, no one else has to learn the hard way.

Silo TV Poster


Rebecca Ferguson , Rashida Jones , David Oyelowo , Common , Tim Robbins , Harriet Walter

Release Date
May 5, 2023


Streaming Service(s)
Apple TV+

Morten Tyldum , David Semel

Graham Yost