10 Missing Features Still To Look Forward To In Palworld

10 Missing Features Still To Look Forward To In Palworld

As enjoyable as Palworld already is, some teased content that didn’t make the launch should be re-added in the future. These features were cut because Palworld‘s development shifted the engine from Unity to Unreal Engine 5. It has been duly reported that the team had little to no experience using the new engine, which is likely the cause for this missing content. For this content to have been in the game at launch, it is likely players wouldn’t have seen Palworld‘s release, early-access or otherwise, anytime soon.

The bright side of these missing features is the vast majority would not be hard to add, as they are mainly advanced versions of the mechanical foundations players currently have access to. The other huge boon has been the massive success and profit the game has already seen, giving developer PocketPair plenty of resources to work on these features. Currently, the main focus is to iron out any bugs and glitches to polish the game, but future content is likely already in the works and closer than most may think.

10 Missing Features Still To Look Forward To In Palworld


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Palworld wears its many inspirations on both sleeves, but this monster-catching open-world survival sim could have some serious legs.

10 New Pal Trainers/Bosses

More Endgame Content

The easiest option for more content would be to add new Pal trainers, likely in the form of additional Palworld tower bosses. Due to Palworld‘s lack of an overarching story, the chances of receiving friendly trainers are slim. Thus, receiving new bosses that have more mechanics than the current five would be a great choice. Early, now-deleted trailer viewable on YouTube (via Gematsu) showed off a blue-haired woman riding a Jormuntide, which would make the most sense for a new addition if her development was far enough along to be shown off in the first place.

9 Improved Farming Mechanics And New Crops

Quality Of Life Changes

Palworld using Wheat Seeds to farm Wheat material for making Flour ingredient for Pal breeding Cakes

Farming is one of the lightest mechanics in the game, which is surprising due to how crucial it can be for endgame buffs. Farming is also the easiest way to obtain cakes for breeding in Palworld, doubling its importance for most players. Early trailers showed off more diverse crops and multiple crops able to be placed in the same plot. With this, there would likely come more ways for Pals to interact with farming and perhaps even speed up the process. Overall, any improvements to farming would make the tedious activity feel worth doing, considering the generous rewards it can give.

8 Fishing In Palworld

Enhancing The Food Mechanic

Three Pals goofing around in the Palworld Early Access Launch Trailer

In one shot from the early trailers, players receive the sight of a Pal trainer fishing using a Jolthog as the bait/hook. This kind of feature opens the door for two things, the most obvious being more options for gathering food and what can be made from it. Seafood meals would add more variety to the game and could even lead to mechanics like Pals receiving more nutrients from specific dishes. The Jolthog being used as bait could mean a Pal sacrifice is required, or the Jolthog is used to shock the water and kill fish for easy gathering.

7 More Weapons/Weapon Addons

Gunplay Variety

Weapons available for player use in Palworld are fun if not limited, which opens the door for more additions to spruce up gameplay. Early trailers showed off a sniper rifle and scope attachments that cannot be found in the game. Not only would a sniper and other weapons open more and possibly safer options for players, but it would help give variety to encounters. Weapon mods would also be a welcome addition, giving players the ability to use scopes, faster reloads, better recoil control or more.

6 Items To Help With Catching Pals

Buffing Catch Rates

Lifmunk from Palworld with three different lifmunk in the background giving a happy look
Custom Image by Katarina Cimbaljevic

While catching the majority of Pals is not hard, it would be interesting for gameplay and ease of access to add more features. Currently, the only player-enforced boosts to catch rates are the back bonus and having a Pal be electrified. Early gameplay has shown off Pal cages for transportation and lassos used to immobilize Pals. The latter could be used to help boost catch rates and could stack with those currently in the game. Meanwhile, the former could be used to transport a large quantity of wild or tamed Pals for a variety of reasons outside of catching.

How To Craft Every Pal Sphere In Palworld


How to Craft Every Pal Sphere in Palworld

Crafting higher-catch rate Pal Spheres in Palworld helps players succeed in catching harder Pals at higher levels of progression within the game.

5 NPC Settlements Or Dungeons

Adding More Interaction With The World

Palworld base interior with Grass-type Pal watching over things
Custom Image by Katarina Cimbaljevic

Outside the towers, minimal NPC towns, and occasional enemy camps, the map of Palworld can feel empty. Especially when many trailers before the engine change showed off a modern-day city, entire enemy bases, and a giant sky castle to explore. Though unfortunate that none of these made the initial release, it would make for amazing content to add down the line. The experience and rewards alone would make them welcome additions, but this would also allow PocketPair to put more story/lore into the game if it so wished.

4 Breakable Structures

Affecting The World Around The Player

A character in front of several farms and hot springs with Pals working them in Palworld

While buildings in Palworld can be broken, as of now, they just disappear into nothing. Whereas, early gameplay showed that non-player-created structures would break apart into rubble. This kind of feature, while small, would be a nice addition due to the effect it could have on a player’s story of the world. An enemy base left in a pile of ruins to show that their actions shouldn’t be repeated, or an NPC village burned to the ground as a warning. Small features like this bring more immersion into the world and can only help buffer a game’s feeling.

3 Transportation Methods

Large-Scale Traversing

Three player characters gliding in a screenshot from Palworld. Two hang onto flying Pals, while one uses a Mega Glider.

With the fast travel system, getting around Palworld is not hard, but it could be made easier with some changes. Early ideas showed off carts, ships, and larger Pals that could move around the map. Carts and ships would be helpful for carrying access goods and avoiding over-encumbered debuffs, much like in Valheim, which Palworld has compared itself to. Larger fast Pal mounts could work similarly to Ark, where they could carry smaller Pals. In the case of early footage, which showed off a giant blue whale-like Pal.

2 Pal Interactions/Mechanics

Bringing The Catchable Creatures To Life

While Palworld‘s worker mechanics are extremely useful, albeit a bit clunky, previous images lead us to believe they were/are going to be more advanced. Images of Pengullets in hardhats building large houses and Mozzarinas mowing down wheat show how these ideas can come to life. Perhaps players could set the entire outline out for a house and then leave it to the Pals to build while they go off to explore. Craftable Pal items could even be introduced to help them speed up their tasks or be assigned to other ones, like the Mozzrina footage.

1 PvP/Fighting Arena

Giving A Reason To Battle

Pengullet and Penking with Pal trainer Zoe from Palworld

PvP is arguably the most requested feature and has already been promised by Pocketpair, but what form it will take is still unknown. Though it could have been purely promotional, trailers showed off teams of Pals preparing to fight in a large arena. This could be interpreted as the map having a space, or spaces, that are reserved for PvP. This might be the safer option but might not appeal to parts of the playerbase.

The other option would be a system similar to Ark, where PvP is active across the map, and fights can happen anywhere. This would appeal to more hardcore players and invite more chaos along with a higher skill ceiling. Though this kind of experience could push away casual players who don’t want to lose their hard work. The best option would be to use both of these features and allow servers to decide which they want to use more.

Two human characters from Palworld stand face-to-face.


Palworld Is Missing One Key PvP Feature That Would Make It So Much Better

Palworld is already a huge success, but it’s missing some features that could take it to the next level. Here’s how Palworld PvP might look.

Given the engine change and inexperience of the team, it is understandable why these features were not present on release. However, it does not mean players can’t be disheartened by it and hope they will eventually see the light of day. Though they range in difficulty when it comes to being added to the game, none seem like large tonal shifts or features that would change how Palworld currently plays. Thus, it makes sense these teased Palworld features should be re-added to the game at its official launch, if not during this planned year-long early-access.

Palworld Game Poster


PC , Xbox One , Xbox Series X/S

January 19, 2024

Pocket Pair Inc.

Pocket Pair Inc.

Crafting , Open-World , RPG , Survival