10 Missed Opportunities In Gotham Knights

10 Missed Opportunities In Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights recently released to mixed reviews, but hardcore fans are enjoying traveling across the fabled comic book city, defending it from the worst criminals in the DC Universe. The Rocksteady title has a lot of potential, but there were a few missed opportunities that could have been capitalized on further.

With a spinoff TV show also developed, the Gotham Knights franchise is sure to stick around for a while. Changes could still be made to the game, and whether it’s the characters included, the way the narrative took shape, or some of the gameplay opportunities, these shifts might have made a big difference.

Arkhamverse Crossover

10 Missed Opportunities In Gotham Knights

When it was announced that Rocksteady would be working on another Batman game, most people assumed it would be a part of the Arkhamverse. It was to everyone’s surprise therefore that despite using many of the same characters, Gotham Knights was entirely separate.

This allowed for a little more creative freedom, but ultimately the lack of continuity was likely saved for the last-act twist which wouldn’t have worked had the Arkham trilogy been canon. It seems like a real missed opportunity to ignore such a rich and much-loved universe.

No Batman

Batman, as depicted in Gotham Knights.

Gotham Knights promised fans that this would be a title set within the famous city that did not include the Dark Knight himself. It was a refreshing move to focus on the Bat-family rather than the Caped Crusader so that the wider franchise could be further fleshed out.

That was due to be the biggest difference between the Gotham Knights universe and the Arkhamverse and yet, Batman was actually included at the last minute. It’s a shame that the studio had to go back to Bruce once more when it could have established something different.

A Bigger Roster

Gotham Knights Robin

The Gotham Knights roster includes four of DC’s greatest heroes: Red Hood, Nightwing, Batgirl, and Robin. But there are so many other obscure characters that could have been included, that might have been intriguing to use to add to the roster and diversify the narrative.

Characters like Huntress, Spoiler, the Question, and Red Robin, alongside Batwing and Batwoman, are all perfect examples of figures that would have fit well into this unit and could have added alternative gameplay options alongside unique character interactions. Disappointed fans will be pleased to know that easter eggs for them can be found in Gotham Knightsthough.

Different Villains

Harley Quinn holding a mind-control device in Gotham Knights (2022)

The Gotham Knights universe had an opportunity to reinvent the traditional portrayal of certain villains, or perhaps utilize those characters that aren’t always given the spotlight, especially when compared to the Dark Knight-based games of the past.

There was definitely a hopeful optimism there based on the notion that the Court of Owls would be the leading enemies for the piece. However, from Man-Bat and Mister Freeze to Harley Quinn and the League of Assassins, most of the antagonists were unfortunately exactly the same.

A New HQ

image from the game Gotham Knights showing the new Bat-Family HQ in a clocktower called The Belfry

The Batcave is usually the main base for proceedings in Gotham, but occasionally the Clock Tower is used by the Bat Family and the Birds of Prey. When Gotham Knights were looking for a new HQ, they could have gone in any direction or even have created their own to fight villains from.

Instead, the Clock Tower, a location that is more than familiar to most fans, was chosen. It’s a shame, as a brand-new location might have helped to set the tone of the game and really emphasized that it’s trying to do things differently. Alas, it was a missed opportunity to be more imaginative.

Tie-In Comic

Starro is revealed in promotional art for Gotham Knights' 4-player Heroic Assault mode

Famously, one of the best ongoing comics from DC was actually based on a video game. The Injustice line was absolutely fantastic and helped to build on the narrative that had already been set out from the gaming experience. The Arkham comics did something similar but to slightly less success.

While there might be a TV show of the same name heading toward the CW, there are no proper tie-in comics that capture the depth and scale like those of Injustice or Arkham. Considering how popular they were and integral to understanding the story in more detail, it feels like a missed opportunity.

Nemesis System

A close-up on Mr. Freeze's face in Gotham Knights, after his boss battle has been won.

Warner Bros. own the rights to the Nemesis System, which was previously employed within the Middle-Earth series. When a thug is able to defeat the player, they rise in the ranks, with a hierarchy based on past experiences helping Mordor to feel like a living place.

That system would have been such a brilliant fit for Gotham Knights, with the various factions that the Bat Family must fight against, all contesting one another and looking to be the ones to take down these vigilantes. Using this program would have taken Gotham Knights to the next level.

Court Of Owls Boss Battle

Members of the Court of Owls from Gotham Knights

The Court of Owls were supposed to be the main villains of this title, and boasted incredible costumes to make them feel as if they were a significant threat. But when looking across all the boss battles, there are no definitive moments fighting off against the leadership.

That’s a shame as a character like Talon could have posed a big threat had they been fully adapted to the screen. The final boss went in a very different direction that did not rely on the fear and violence that had been centered around this cultish organization.

Expanded Cult History

Talia Al Ghul in her white uniform in Gotham Knights (2022)

Cults and ideological organizations have been in the very fabric of Gotham since its creation. They also have a major role to play within Gotham Knights, with both the Court of Owls and the League of Assassins battling against Batman’s vigilante prodigies.

The game could have taken the opportunity to dive deeper into this shady world and perhaps have fully capitalized on how corrupt every level of Gotham truly is. The plot didn’t take that next step though as it would have raised the stakes too high and thus left the thread dangling.

Alternate Suit Designs

Red Hood and Nightwing perched atop a Gotham City building in Gotham Knights.

There is a range of gorgeous suit designs within Gotham Knights, each of which takes inspiration from the comics. Although these suits are source material based, it would have been fantastic to have seen the team come up with some completely different and original ones.

None of the costumes in Gotham Knights will be specifically attributed to the game. While titles such as Spider-Man PS4 contain actual costumes that will forever be associated with that release, the look of Gotham Knights just isn’t easy to pin down, making it a missed opportunity.