10 Hogwarts Legacy Mysteries That Are Still Unsolved

10 Hogwarts Legacy Mysteries That Are Still Unsolved

So much of Hogwarts Legacy has been intricately crafted with great attention to detail and nods to the Harry Potter universe. It is truly an impressive and immersive experience that muggles are allowed to enjoy in the open-world of its video game form. Even with the developers’ passion and focus, however, there are still many questions left unanswered regarding everything from important details about the core premise of the game, to the smaller queries about the significance of toast.

[Warning: The following article contains spoilers for Hogwarts Legacy.]

There are many subtle details in Hogwarts Legacy that add to its replayability, and which make it possible for players to continue discovering unsolved mysteries in the quietest of corners in the game. Especially for those who are well-versed in Harry Potter lore, there are many details to attract one’s attention. Digging deeper into the game, though, there are several questions prompted from the game that seem to have no answers. Perhaps these are being left for future DLCs or sequels to Hogwarts Legacy, or perhaps, like magic itself, they are simply without explanation.

10 Hogwarts Legacy Mysteries That Are Still Unsolved


Hogwarts Legacy Review: A Living, Breathing, Wizarding World

Hogwarts Legacy beautifully recreates the world of Harry Potter and fills it with quirky characters, tense combat, and a huge amount of collectibles.


Levioso Or Leviosa? Or Accio?

Magic Can Be A Bit Confusing For Even The Best Of Wizards

One of the most recognizable Hermione quotes from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is when she corrects Ron’s pronunciation” “It’s leviOsa, not levioSA!” This exchange has solidified the name of the spell in the minds of fans of the series, which makes it perplexing that in Hogwarts Legacy, the spell that is often used is Levioso rather than Leviosa.

In fact, Hogwarts Legacy features both Levioso and Wingardium Leviosa in it, although players gain Levioso much earlier. Levioso (a yellow spell in the game) is a charm that levitates objects or victims off the ground, and they remain still. Meanwhile, Wingardium Leviosa (a blue spell in the game) will levitate objects and allow for them to be moved around. The similarities can be confusing, but it is even more perplexing because holding the spell Accio will automatically have the same effect as Wingardium Leviosa in Hogwarts Legacy, leaving all three spells discombobulated.


Why Did The Main Character Not Start Until 5th Year?

How Do They Already Know So Much?

It is commonly understood that Hogwarts Legacy wanted to start players as a fifth year student to avoid having the game appear too juvenile playing as a first year. This also allowed for a greater amount of magic to be taught and darker, weightier themes involving death and morality. From a roleplaying perspective, however, that puts an awful lot of questions on the main character.

Supposedly, the protagonist had never cast a spell prior to Professor Fig coming to mentor them, and they have no familiarity with the wizarding world. Ancient magic seems to make its users into late bloomers, but there is no other explanation. That said, they seem to have a massive amount of luck or talent for magic at the start of the game, and a very easy-going approach to everything that most muggles would be dumbfounded by.


What Did Dumbledore Know?

Dumbledore Began Attending Hogwarts The Following Year

Hogwarts Legacy is set in 1890 to 1891, according to the date of the newspaper reporting the goblin rebellion that Ranrok is starting. According to Harry Potter lore, Harry’s headmaster, Professor Albus Dumbledore, began his time as a student at Hogwarts in the autumn of 1892. This means that not only was he entering the school right after many of the events in Hogwarts Legacy took place, but the protagonist of the game could still be a student there when Dumbledore attended.

Even though a lot can happen in a year or two, the world-changing events that happened in Hogwarts Legacy would likely still be discussed at the school, and beyond. Particularly if the main character is still at the school.


Why Does The Giant Squid Like Toast?

And How Does It Survive In A Freshwater Lake?

Within the Great Lake at Hogwarts Castle lies a semi-domesticated Giant Squid known, fittingly, as the “Hogwarts Giant Squid.” In the Slytherin common room, which looks out into the watery depths of the lake, sometimes the squid can be seen swimming around. Other than its size, Hogwarts Giant Squid is not known to be a magical creature.

Squids cannot live in freshwater, but the Great Lake at Hogwarts is unlikely to be a salt lake. Secondly, in the Slytherin-exclusive house quest, students are able to open a secret area by placing a piece of toast as an offering on a pedestal in front of a massive painting of a red squid. This leads to many unanswered questions, including: why toast, who first gave toast to a giant squid and why, and would the squid like bread that is not toasted?

Hogwarts Legacy Professor Weasley and Student in from of a Bubbling Lake


Secret Hogwarts Legacy Interaction Brings To Life Harry Potter Character Missing In The Movies

Not all content in the Harry Potter books made it into the movies, but Hogwarts Legacy brings a cut character to life if you look close enough.


How Did Professor Fig And The Main Character Seal Ancient Magic By Themselves?

Seems A Daunting Task For The Two

Prior to coming to Hogwarts, the protagonist had supposedly never used magic before, although they are a quick study, and have an obvious grasp on the use of ancient magic. In one of the endings of Hogwarts Legacy, Professor Fig and the student have an intense battle with a magic-filled Ranrok dragon and then manage to seal away the ancient magic in a repository.

Although this is clearly a difficult task that proves too much for Professor Fig, ultimately there is still the question of how the twosome managed it at all. In such dire circumstances with threats all around, containing such a powerful force should have required many more powerful witches and wizards than the two of them alone, even with the main character being as impressive as they are.


What Was Professor Fig Doing For Headmaster Black?

Why Is Professor Fig Never Teaching His Class?

Professor Fig teaches Magical Theory at Hogwarts, or at least supposedly he does. Throughout Hogwarts Legacy, this Professor never seems to actually be around to teach a class, as he is always either off doing some mysterious quest for the Headmaster, or helping the main character chasing after the mystery of ancient magic and the goblin rebellion.

At the start of the game, Headmaster Black quite serendipitously sends Professor Fig to mentor the student and help them get up to speed as a Fifth Year. The Headmaster seems to rely on Fig for many secret missions, however, which never become revealed. Although these were likely plot devices to allow the player to explore without the Professor hanging around and helping, it is still a mystery as to what he was up to for the Headmaster.


Was The Dragon Attack At The Beginning Connected To Ranrok?

Where Did That Dragon Go?

At the beginning of Hogwarts Legacy, the player’s character is riding in a flying carriage alongside Professor Fig and George Osric, who had come to discuss with Fig some new information regarding the Professor’s late wife and a container that ended up having ancient magic associated with it. While traveling, the carriage was attacked by a dragon and George Osric lost his life.

Ranrok was said to be behind the attack, but if Ranrok had a dragon under his control, then where did it go after that attack, and why was it not seen again in the game? The dragon that is seen later with Poppy is a different dragon, so why does Ranrok not use his controlled dragon more in his rebellion? It seems as though a dragon would be a useful ally in a war.


Why & How Did Ancient Magic Disappear Originally?

The Keepers Hid Some Of It, But How Did It All Vanish?

The concept of Ancient Magic leaves so many unanswered questions in Hogwarts Legacy. Years before the events of the game, when the Keepers locked away some of the Ancient Magic to prevent it being used for evil, how did it disappear so completely? Was there truly nobody else on the planet who used Ancient Magic, anywhere beyond the five told of in Hogwarts Legacy?

The Keepers hid Ancient Magic away, but until that point it is unlikely that the form of magic had been a secret prior to Isidora Morganach’s dark motives. How did the entire wizarding community forget about the existence of Ancient Magic, and was there really no other wizard that had the ability to wield it since it was locked away? The Keeper’s trials to protect Ancient Magic could have made it more difficult for some to reach it, but not erased it from memory.

A pensive guardian exploding in a flash of yellow light as a Hogwarts Legacy player with green hair looks on to the right.


Hogwarts Legacy’s Ancient Magic Makes No Sense

Players will often use this ability against their foes in battle, but one aspect about Hogwarts Legacy’s Ancient Magic reveals a gaping plot hole.


Who Is The Main Character & Where Is Their Family?

Why Do They Never Contact The Student?

It is said that the backstory for the main character was left intentionally mysterious so that players could have a blank slate to work with in designing their character to be whoever they wished it to be. Creating a unique roleplaying experience with an imagined storyline can be a fun take, yet it leaves the protagonist missing some pieces, such as any history or family.

While attending Hogwarts, students often get letters from family members and travel home for the holidays. The main character never has any communication from anyone from their past, however, and it is not even clear if they were a muggle or pure-blood. Whatever happened to the student’s family was probably not good for there to be no mention at all, yet, the student remains almost creepy in their stoic approach to everything going on.


How Did Ancient Magic Originate & What Is It?

What Makes It Ancient?

Everything about Ancient Magic is mysterious, particularly the lack of any information that even the professors at Hogwarts seem to have about it. From its name, it is easy to surmise that it is a very old form of magic, but was it at one time widely used or known about? Nothing seems to be known regarding where it came from or what about it makes it possible to be contained as it is.

The Keepers were all powerful users of Ancient Magic, who existed at the same time, as did Isidora. Theoretically, there are – or were – many more users of the magic, so where did it come from, and what was it used for before the Keepers hid it? What makes it so vastly different from other magic in the wizarding world? These questions and more are all left unanswered in Hogwarts Legacy, but hopefully will be addressed in a sequel.

Hogwarts Legacy Game Poster

Hogwarts Legacy

$54 $70 Save

Set in the 1800s in the Wizarding World universe, Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world action RPG where players get to live out a student’s life in the hallowed halls of Hogwarts and beyond. Aside from Hogwarts, players can also travel between iconic locales such as Hogsmeade and the Forbidden Forest. Starting as a fifth year, players will pick up more advanced spell casting and potion crafting and discover both friendly and antagonistic magical beasts across the entire Harry Potter universe, as they follow the path of light or darkness on their own wizarding journey.


Harry Potter


Xbox Series X
, Xbox One
, PlayStation 4
, PlayStation 5
, Microsoft Windows
, Steam


February 10, 2022


Avalanche Software


Warner Bros. Games


, Action RPG
, Open-World



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$54 at Amazon