10 Hogwarts Legacy Mistakes New Players Can Avoid

10 Hogwarts Legacy Mistakes New Players Can Avoid

With the release of Hogwarts Legacy on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, a whole new batch of players are starting their term at the school of witchcraft and wizardry, and they have the luxury of avoiding the same mistakes that others have made during their first playthroughs. Those on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S, who have had access to the game since February, have had ample opportunity to make poor decisions (and to feel the consequences). Luckily, new players can take a preemptive page out of their books, and thus avoid some of the worst Hogwarts Legacy mistakes.

Unfortunately, Nintendo Switch users will have to wait a while longer to embark upon their own magical journeys. After being delayed multiple times, Hogwarts Legacy‘s release date for the Switch is now slated for July 25 – over two months after the PS4 and Xbox One releases, and a whopping five months after initial launch. Regardless of platform though, those who are preparing to enter Hogwarts for the first time can get a head start by familiarizing themselves with – and avoiding – the biggest Hogwarts Legacy mistakes.

10 Not Using The Transmog Option On Gear

10 Hogwarts Legacy Mistakes New Players Can Avoid

One of the first things that many players will want to do in the Harry Potter RPG is find new outfits. As charming as the traditional school robes are, the game contains dozens of outfits, cloaks, scarves, gloves, face accessories, and hats for players to find and wear. However, newcomers might not realize that they don’t actually need to sacrifice style for gear stats. By hovering over an equipment slot in the gear menu and selecting Change Appearance, it’s possible to transmog any item to look like another.

9 Keeping Unnecessary Gear

A player character wearing a brown fur coat and the Dark Garrison hat next to Augustus Hill from Hogwarts Legacy.

Once students realize they can change the appearance of items, they may be inclined to keep all of their favorite clothing so that they can continue to wear those particular styles, but this is another big mistake in Hogwarts Legacy. Once a player picks up an item of clothing for the first time, its appearance is permanently added into the transmog menu – even if the item is sold. Thus, it’s best to sell any gear that isn’t being worn, as it’ll free up some much-needed inventory space (plus, it’s one of the best way to make money fast).

8 Ignoring Messages From The Owl Post

Hogwarts Legacy Owl flying amid floating candles above the Great Hall.

As the student meets new characters and progresses through the main story, they’ll begin receiving quests from NPCs. However, it’s easy to miss out on a lot of these missions, as quite a few of them tend to hide in the Owl Post tab of the menu. Oftentimes, when characters send the protagonist a letter via the Owl Post, the quest described therein won’t be automatically added to the player’s quest log. It’s crucial that players periodically navigate to this tab and check for any unread letters, lest they miss out on some of Hogwarts Legacy‘s best side quests.

7 Not Using Plants In Combat

Hogwarts Legacy Mandrake Plant Pulled in Herbology Class Main Story Quest

Herbology may not be every student’s strongest suit, but not using plants in combat is one of the worst mistakes that new Hogwarts Legacy players can make. Herbology Professor Mirabel Garlick will teach them how to grow and use plants quite early on, but it’s easy to forget that they’re not only good for potions. These violent plants make for powerful allies in a pinch; the high-pitched scream of a Mandrake, or the sharp fangs of a Chinese Chomping Cabbage, for example, can turn the tides of battle surprisingly fast, and all it takes is a quick press of a button.

6 Skipping Dueling Feats

A Hogwarts Legacy student casting an orange spell at an enemy, sending sparks flying.

Combat plants can give players a significant leg up, but the main way that they’ll be striking down their foes in Hogwarts Legacy is with their wands. Though they’re free to use any combination of spells, ignoring dueling feats will put them at a major disadvantage in the long run. These mini objectives (which reside in the bottom-right corner of the screen) are easy to overlook in the middle of the fight, but players should always try to complete them if possible. They’ll reward them with valuable XP, and they’ll even earn exclusive rewards in the Collections tab after they’ve completed a certain amount.

5 Not Asking For More Money After Quests

Close-up shots of J. Pippin and Sacharissa Tugwood from Hogwarts Legacy blended together.

Although some witches and wizards may feel tempted to play the role of the altruistic hero, not asking for extra money after side quests is actually a big Hogwarts Legacy mistake. It may seem that the risks outweigh the rewards, and that in doing so, players might ruin their reputation or relationships with NPCs. However, there are no long-term consequences for demanding an additional payout after missions. Some vendors might make an angry or passive-aggressive comment, but they’ll still cough up a few extra Galleons, and they’ll still sell their wares to the student all the same.

4 Not Doing Merlin Trials

Hogwarts Legacy Player Standing At Glowing Merlin Trial Circle Near Hogwarts

With a total of 95 Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy, students may start to skip a few as they continue to encounter them during their adventures. This is understandable; after a while, it can become frustrating to interrupt a pleasant broom ride or a side quest to solve these mini-puzzles and then watch an unskippable cutscene. As annoying as they may be, though, it’s better to roll with the punches and complete them as they come. Solving Merlin Trials is the only way that players can increase their extremely limited inventory space, so it’s worth getting them out of the way as soon as possible.

3 Staying Away From The Dark Arts

Sebastian looking concerned on the left and a wizard casting Avada Kedavra on the right.

When given the chance to learn the Unforgivable Curses in Hogwarts Legacy, players – especially those well-versed in Harry Potter lore – may be hesitant to take the leap. However, when comparing the pros and cons of the dark arts, it turns out that in contrast to the canon rules of the wizarding world, there are virtually no downsides to these cruel spells. Crucio, Imperio, and Avada Kedavra are all incredibly powerful, and those willing to join the dark side will find that the only consequences are a few harmless comments from their peers.

Plus, if the student refuses to learn the Unforgivables from Sebastian Sallow when he offers, they risk losing the chance to unlock them permanently, depending on the choices they make during the “In The Shadow of Fate” quest. Thus, players can avoid one of the worst Hogwarts Legacy mistakes if they simply learn the dark arts right away, even if they don’t plan on using them anytime soon (or ever).

2 Spending Talent Points Haphazardly

A screenshot of Hogwarts Legacy's talent menu.

Upon completing the “Jackdaw’s Rest” quest, players gain access to the Talent tree, which contains a myriad of useful and exciting perks. Since Talent Points are awarded each time the character levels up, it may seem that with enough time and effort, all the various Talents can be unlocked. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Students can only earn 35 Talent Points in Hogwarts Legacy, and with a total of 48 Talents to choose from, there are some that they simply won’t be able to unlock. It’s important that players put careful thought into each perk they purchase, especially since there’s currently no way to reset Talent Points.

1 Exploring Too Much Right Away

Hogwarts Legacy Open World Backdrop Image to Showcase Graphical Fidelity Related to Certain Settings

With the game’s gorgeous (and massive) map, students may be tempted to make the world their oyster and discover all of its secrets right away – but doing too much exploring during the early stages is actually the worst mistake in Hogwarts Legacy. As with many open-world RPGs, doing too many side quests and gaining too much XP too quickly can result in an overleveled character, which can oversimplify the game’s main story and make it less enjoyable.

However, Hogwarts Legacy‘s loot scaling system poses an even greater issue in this instance. Loot scales with the player’s level, which means that if they find a majority of the game’s chests too early, they’ll receive weaker rewards. It’s not necessary to actively avoid treasure, but it’ll serve the student far better if they naturally progress through the game’s quests, looting as they go. It can be difficult to resist the urge to explore the entirety of the map straight away, especially for longstanding Harry Potter fans, but doing so will ensure that they don’t fall victim to the biggest mistake in Hogwarts Legacy.