10 Hilarous Baby Yoda Memes About Pets We Can All Relate To

10 Hilarous Baby Yoda Memes About Pets We Can All Relate To

The Star Wars universe has never been shy about containing and marketing insanely cute things throughout all its media. Whether you like droids such as R2-D2, aliens like the Ewoks, or creatures such as Porgs, there is a level of adorableness in Star Wars for everyone to enjoy.

When The Mandalorian was released, nobody have thought it would be the source of something so cute that it would become a worldwide phenomenon, that, of course, being the Child, aka, Baby Yoda. There are so many memes out there that are hilariously related to Baby Yoda. Here we look at 10 of the funniest and most relatable Baby Yoda pet memes.


10 Hilarous Baby Yoda Memes About Pets We Can All Relate To

Baby Yoda is the Child, and Din Djarin gives off massive Dad vibes as he looks after the little guy. He did not think he would be caring for another creature like the way he does when he and Baby Yoda first met, but look at them now.

This is shockingly similar to a lot of dads and the family pet. Almost everyone grew up asking for a dog, always getting the typical responses of “you need to look after it yourself, feed it, walk it, clean up after it,” and dads just generally not wanting dogs. Then, of course, you get a dog, and the two are inseparable.


Baby Yoda has a variety of cute facial expressions that are only really cute because it is Baby Yoda. One of these is the lookup, which can get seen in countless hilarious memes.

One such meme is above, and it is so relatable for all dog owners. Anytime you have food, whether it be a nice dinner, a quick snack, an all-out feast or a single piece of toast, your dog will be there. They will beg, and you will give them some.


Seeing Baby Yoda sad, crying, or generally anything that is not happy and content with life is pretty heartbreaking. Seeing tears in his eyes as he reaches out is likewise. But, it does make for relatable meme content.

Everyone has met cats on the street, or even the cats at home, and has done the ceremonial psipsipsi to attract its attention and get petted. Unfortunately, though not all cats are so desperate for attention and a lot of the time they just run away or sassily walk off. A sad state of affairs.


On the flip side, though, seeing Baby Yoda happy warms the heart and is some of the most wholesome Star Wars content out there. Couple happy Baby Yoda with him in his little traveler, and it is even more wholesome.

It may be more so a sudden realization that yes, dogs do get equally as excited, every day, for what is more often than not the same walk. Nevertheless, their faces when they want to go out, and you oblige are timeless and precious.


Baby Yoda is one of the most adorable things going around pop culture today, but it is hard to believe the world could process or handle having two of them around as in the meme. Nevertheless, we would love to show Baby Yoda how cute he is.

Everyone is guilty of this. Every pet owner, whether it be a cat, a dog, a hamster, a ferret, an alligator, or a bear, has held them up to a mirror and shown them themselves in the hope they will see how cute they are.


Baby Yoda’s facial expressions received a mention earlier on, and one of his absolute best is his shocked face. The combination of the ears and the open mouth is just amazing.

It is also an extremely relatable insight into the life of a cat. Whether they are outdoor or indoor cats, they will, at one point or another, decide, for some reason, to walk through your legs. More often than not, you end up stepping on them, and as bad as you may feel for hurting the little guy, why walk there, buddy?


Ewoks are another species in the Star Wars universe that has been deemed to be immensely cute. While they may be controversial to some fans, overall they have become something people are impartial too. Either way, baby Ewoks are adorable.

There may be no more heartbreaking daily occurrence as a pet owner than when your pet leaves. When you and your pal are up on the couch or in bed, and they all of a sudden decide they are finished with your cuddle, it is a little piece of daily heartbreak to keep you going.


The Baby Yoda peeking round the corner image is another one that has seen mass use in memes, and with good reason. It is gold and relates dogs’ obsession with food perfectly.

There is nothing quite like your dog being asleep. As much as you may want to play with them or pat them, they are so peaceful and adorable. That is until you decide you are hungry and open a snack, then they shoot up as if they never were asleep.


Baby Yoda’s eyes are one of his best features. While actual Yoda has more green eyes, Baby Yoda’s are far darker and brown. They are also absolutely adorable.

Any cat owner knows how much of a dreaded occasion it is to put up the Christmas tree. At least for the first couple of years of a cat’s life, they will look at your tree as if it is some sort of mystical being and will seek out to destroy the entire thing. Always fun to clean up.


Baby Yoda holding and drinking his cup of soup is one of the most iconic things, if not the most iconic thing to come out of The Mandalorian thus far, and it will be hard to beat. It has inspired an influx of hilarious memes.

One such meme above may be the most relatable pet meme ever for both pet owners and friends of pet owners. Every good pet owner out there adores their dog (or cat), and whenever possible will talk about them and show them off, especially in the early days or if they snapped a perfect pic. The friends of pet owners get bombarded with pictures, and the pet owners bombard right back.