10 Hilarious Memes About Pokémon Special Attacks

The Pokémon franchise is no stranger to “evolution,” as even its signature battle style has improved over time. Gone are the simple days of Pokémon Yellow, in which there were no wild gimmicks, typings, and strategies for players to employ. Generation V introduced the special attack stat,which was a literal game changer for fans.Allowing for more strategy as well as inspiring some hilarious memes, special attacks have improved Pokémon in every way. In addition to the stats are some extra special moves assigned to specific Pokémon that only they can learn. As the Pokémon universe expands, so does the fan base, which continues to keep the community in stitches with memes.

HM Slaves

This meme features the two new legendaries of Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet, to be released in November of 2022. Koraidon and Miraidon are inspired by motorbikes, and it seems many players only intend to use them for that purpose, though they’re certain to come with special attacks as well.

These legendaries have seen a mixed reception by fans such as the creator of this meme, who foresees the legendaries being the new “HM slaves,” a reference to early-generation Pokémon games in which players needed to keep certain Pokémon in their parties for essential moves such as cut, flash and surf. This meme implies the new legendaries are the same way, Pokémon that players will have to keep around to utilize their biking abilities and special attacks.


This classic It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia meme has made it to the Pokémon fandom, depicting Magikarp. The meme references the pocket monster’s useless yet signature move, splash.

This funny meme is a great take on the original format that features Danny DeVito, which became popularized on Reddit, according to Know Your Meme. Every seasoned player understands the tedious process of using Magikarp’s special attack “splash” in order to level it up to Gyarados, a time-consuming but worthwhile endeavor. For this reason, Magikarp is the inspiration for many Pokémon memes that sum up water types.

A Single Blade

Swampert is a tank-y third gen Pokémon whose special attack “muddy water” is incredibly useful for players, as on top of the 90 damage it deals, it can lower opponents’ accuracy. However, when faced with a grass-type Pokémon, it quickly becomes useless.

This meme points out the hilarious irony of Swampert’s buff build yet weakness to a blade of grass. Appearances mean nothing when it comes to grass, leaves, or any grass-type move, which it is weak to. How a muscle-bound amphibian could be hurt by grass doesn’t make much sense, but it’s good to know for players looking to strategize. This hilarious meme found on r/pokememes points out the irony.


Pikachu was no match for Snivy in an iconic battle from the anime that fans are referencing in this meme. Snivy’s special attack “leaf tornado” was enough to K.O. one of anime’s cutest mascots.

Fans created this hilarious meme featuring Snivy looking down on Pikachu in a fancy suit. It isn’t too often Ash’s Pikachu loses a battle, even against the likes of Lucario and Latios, yet this baby Pokémon managed. This is a creative and hilarious depiction of this undersung gen five starter.

Strength V.S. Stats

Looking at Onix and Wurmple it’s seemingly obvious which Pokémon is stronger, but a look into their stats reveals they’re actually the same strength. This is another great example of Pokémon logic that inspiring funny memes.

Once Wurmple evolves, it becomes a strong special attacker in either Beautifly or Dustox form while Onix’s evolution Steelix can only learn one special attack. However, these two Pokémon make for an interesting juxtaposition that goes to show players can’t judge a Pokémon by its appearance. A look into the stats of many Pokémon goes to show how size and appearance are often misleading, inspiring funny discoveries and memes by players.

Special Abilities

The introduction of Pokémon abilities like Beast Boost, which increases a Pokémon’s special attack stat, are game changers. Upon their release though, players had little information to go off on when curating their strategies.

This funny meme discusses how Pokémon abilities have developed since their introduction in gen 3 where their effects were still unclear and unexplained to players. Thankfully with the evolution of the franchise came more information, helping players plan powerful builds and special attacks through utilizing abilities. The community continues to remind new players of Pokémon’s past, keeping it alive through memes.

Draw 25

Some of the most recognizable Pokémon of the franchise are normal types, such as Snorlax, Furret, and Blissey. Unfortunately, though their abilities can make them surprisingly useful Pokémon in battle, their typing makes them wholly disadvantageous.

Though normal types possess some devastating special attacks, like Drampa who is one of the strongest special attacking Pokémon of all, they still lack advantageous matchups. Even ghost-type Pokémon can learn alternate attack types, so normal Pokémon can’t seem to catch a break. As this hilarious meme depicts, it seems the Game Freak would rather draw 25 cards in Uno than change up the dynamics of the classic normal types.

Handsome Ice

Spongebob and Pokémon meet again in this meme which compares ice types with handsome Squidward and Squidward in his natural form. Ice-type Pokémon are known as being strong special attackers, but they are often glass cannons whose poor defensive skills make them great against dragon types but not much else.

Though Ice type Pokémon offer some of the coolest designs, ice types are often the butt of Pokémon attack memes. Their weakness against four typings, fighting, fire, rock, and steel make them a Pokemon that requires strategy to succeed. As this meme depicts, ready up an ice type against a dragon type for a suave face-off that even handsome Squidward would be impressed by.


It’s a good thing Infernape is a fire type, as he’s being roasted in this meme. Found on r/pokememes, this meme pokes fun at Infernape’s lack of a signature move of any kind. It seems this Pokémon has been left behind while others are let in on Game Freak’s latest and “greatest” gimmicks.

This Pokémon meme features fire types having a discussion with poor Infernape who is realizing he hasn’t been granted any special attacks. Thankfully, as Redditor DrABee mentions in the replies, Infernape is featured in one of the most iconic battles of the anime, helping Ash win the Sinnoh League and giving it the glory it deserves. This clever meme does a great job showcasing Infernape, despite his lack of special attacks.

Game Breaking

Spongebob Squarepants and Pokémon meet again in this hilarious meme regarding “Dexit” – the fan-given name for the controversial decision by Game Freak to not include all Pokémon in the Sword and Shield games. Why are there so many overpowered special attacks and gimmicks being developed for the games if there is a need to remove certain Pokémon for “game balancing purposes” players wonder?

Dracovish and Dracovolt, who were introduced in Sword and Sheild, are considered “broken” by many players because of their exclusive special attacks “fisheous rend” and “volt beak” which make for an attack with 170 damage if the Pokémon moves first. If Game Freak was serious about balancing the game, the addition of these two Pokémon during “Dexit” certainly doesn’t show it. This meme gives something for players to laugh at amidst the calamity as they await Pokémon Scarlet and Violet this fall, which will hopefully include all Pokémon.