10 Hilarious Baby Yoda Memes About Siblings We Can All Relate To

10 Hilarious Baby Yoda Memes About Siblings We Can All Relate To

Among the bounty hunting, double crossings, and the “I have spoken” quotes is an adorable standout of the Disney Plus series The Mandalorian. Set in the Star Wars universe, The Mandalorian follows a notorious bounty hunter as he takes care of The Child, or as we like to call him, Baby Yoda.

Baby Yoda memes have been flooding the internet ever since his debut. He’s simply a well of cute and hilarious potential. Even though the Mandalorian takes care of Baby Yoda only, there are plenty of memes featuring him about siblings. We may not see Baby Yoda with a sibling anytime soon, but that won’t stop us from enjoying these ten memes.


10 Hilarious Baby Yoda Memes About Siblings We Can All Relate To

Even if a game only has a single player option, there’s still enjoyment to be found when playing it with others. It looks like that’s what’s happening in this meme, where Baby Yoda represents a younger sibling, and the Mandalorian represents an older brother.

In the meme, Baby Yoda is being a helpful copilot and telling his big brother Mando where an enemy is in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Many people with older siblings are familiar with this experience. Helping them play their games is probably part of the younger sibling job description.

Unplugged Controller

Younger siblings always want to play video games with their older brother or sister. Not only is it a good bonding experience, but it’s like a sign of respect when the older sibling lets them join in something so important to them. Unfortunately, the older siblings don’t always share that same sentiment.

In the meme above, the Mandalorian represents an older sibling playing a video game, while Baby Yoda represents the younger sibling, who is using an unplugged controller. Baby Yoda doesn’t realize that his controller is unplugged, because he’s having so much fun with the Mandalorian.

Fake Stomach Ache

Many people are guilty of faking being sick to get out of school (or even work). It’s another thing if your brothers or sisters know that you’re faking, but they can’t actually prove it. So they’re forced to go to wherever they need to, while you get to simply watch them and relax.

One can’t help but feel that Baby Yoda would try this in real life, if he had brothers or sisters. He’s already shown to be mischievous in The Mandalorian, so something of this nature seems like it would be right up his alley. Maybe one day he’ll get the chance, if the Mandalorian is looking to adopt more younglings.

Sibling Rivalry

It’s not uncommon for siblings to have disagreements with one another. But it’s something special when you’re not the one involved in the disagreement, but it’s your other siblings who are. You don’t have to worry about being right or wrong. You can just sit back and enjoy the show.

It may seem cruel to only watch as your siblings fight with one another, but it’s rare when you’re not actually the one fighting. You want to absorb this moment and appreciate it for what it is, because you don’t know when it may come up again.

Pizza Time

Being short like Baby Yoda can be disadvantageous, especially when it comes to reaching microwaves. How’s he supposed to heat up his pizza rolls, with The Force? It looks like he won’t have to rely on that, because in this meme, he has help from his big brother.

All of us with older siblings probably know this all too well. We may have been too young or too short to operate a microwave, but at least we have an older sibling by our side to give us a hand.

Night Out And About

A key moment in many people’s childhoods are their older siblings taking them out with them for the first time. It’s a great feeling to be old enough to be treated on the same level as your brother or sister’s friends, or at least on a level that’s close.

This screenshot is taken from the scene when IG-11 is carrying Baby Yoda while defending him against enemies. This is an apt analogy for the sibling relationship, because the younger sibling is excited to be out with the older sibling, while the older sibling wants to protect them.

Broken Lamp

The easiest way to get out of doing something you shouldn’t have is to blame it on someone else. It may not be the right decision, and it’s definitely morally wrong, but at least it gets you out of trouble, if only for a little while. Many people with siblings recognize this. Either they blamed their mistakes on their sib, or they got blamed for something themselves.

Sometimes you feel guilty for placing the blame on your siblings, but sometimes you’re more calm or relieved, like Baby Yoda. Whatever you’re feeling, it’s relatable, and you’re not alone in feeling it.

Third Wheel

When you introduce your best friend to your sibling, you’d hope that they would get along. After all, you wouldn’t want them fighting every time they were around each other. Still, if they start to get along a little too well, you begin to feel left out.

Baby Yoda certainly feels that way in this meme. It’s good that siblings and best friends get along so well, but it’s also good to be remembered and included.

Wii Can Relate

One way to get exercise, especially if you’re stuck indoors, is by playing with the Nintendo Wii. Not only is it fun, but its motion controls force you to move around and fill your daily exercise quota. You should probably make sure you have enough room to move freely before you start, though.

As seen in the meme, the original Yoda represents an older sibling who is so immersed in the game, he doesn’t realize that his younger sibling is so close behind him. This is likely a familiar situation for anyone growing up with siblings and a Wii console.

Boss Battle

For some reason, video games are a lot harder when you’re younger. You may be able to play that same game and beat it with ease now, but before, you’d lose to that boss battle time and time again. Maybe it does have something to do with age, as this meme suggests.

Baby Yoda represents the younger sibling, as he watches the “older sibling” Mandalorian get through a tough boss battle. As shown through this list, video games were, and still are, a great opportunity for bonding among siblings. Maybe one day we’ll even see Baby Yoda play a game in the series.