10 Green Lanterns That Aren’t Hal Jordan

10 Green Lanterns That Aren’t Hal Jordan

Comic book audiences that know of the Green Lantern Corps continue to wait for updates on the HBO Max series that has been in the works for years. While Hal Jordan is often the most well-known Green Lantern, there are other excellent members of the Corps to explore as well. With the galactic influence that spreads across the universe, the Green Lantern Corps are full of some of the most diverse and fascinating characters out there from the villainous Sinestro to the living planet Mogo.

All Green Lanterns have something unique and special about them that makes them loved by fans. Earthing or aliens, these Green Lanterns deserve for their might to be shown instead of the classic Hal Jordan.


10 Green Lanterns That Aren’t Hal Jordan

Although he has traded his ring for a yellow ring and became part of Hal Jordan’s rogues’ gallery, he is an honorary member of the lantern corps. As a Green Lantern, Sinestro kept his sector safe as a hero helping the weak. However, unknowing to the Guardians of Oa Sinestro took the ring of the dying Prohl Gosgotha and used it to rule his home planet.

Sinestro would always use his ring as a source of power. Even before forming the Yellow Lantern Corps (the Sinestro Corps), fear was always in Sinestro’s thoughts as he would use it to rule over others. The ring was a source of power that would slowly corrupt him. The Green Lantern ring would remain in the family as his daughter Soranik Natu would reluctantly become a green lantern and fight against her father and the Black Lanterns.


Kilowag motivates the Lanterns.

From sector 674, Kilowog was a geneticist who turned into a trainer once receiving his ring. Kilowog is the drill instructor that is responsible for training many of the new Green Lanterns such as Hal Jordan.

The heart of the corps at times, he’s shown through his speeches and actions that he always has the willpower to fight. He may appear big and intimidating but he is a respected companion to all Green Lanterns and has the heart to protect the universe. Kilowag is a loyal dedicated soldier to the lanterns that is often the first to represent them in battle.


Mogo with an army of Lanterns.

While Oa is the home planet of the Green Lanterns, Mogo is a planet of his own. This literal living planet is not like traditional Lanterns as it uses its ring to create shields, ray blasts, and create images of loved ones as shown in Green Lantern’s Corps: Recharge comic. Mogo is the being that guides the rings towards their new host when a Lantern passes.

The sentient planet often guards the other Lanterns in dire situations by housing the other Lanterns. Mogo often serves when a secret weapon is required. Mogo’s size and power are built for taking out world-ending threats such as Brainiac and Darkside.

Simon Baz

Green Lantern Simon Baz

One of many Green Lanterns of sector 2814, Simon Baz was a target of prejudice, often suffering physical abuse from bullies. A Lantern ring found him when he was being interrogated by FBI agents for a crime he didn’t commit.

Simon Baz separates himself from being similar to how Jordan by what he can do with and without the ring. Simon has the rare emerald light ability that allows him to see the near future. Despite relying on this power, he is skilled in firearms, making sure to carry a handgun with him just in case. Hal Jordan shows his will through being an air pilot, but Simon Baz proves his will to live through his life struggles.


Green Lantern Chip vs Superman

An alien that resembles a rodent, Chip is a Lantern that is more dangerous than his looks would suggest. Chip uses the Green Lantern emotional spectrum of will to create attacks that his opponents don’t see coming.

Hal Jordan’s method of fighting is brute force while Chip uses his intellect. His way of thinking separates him from other Lanterns as he thinks small over big, which allows for creativity with his constructs. This allows him to use the ring to stop his opponents from thinking.

Abin Sur

Abin Sur staring at his torn costume on the cover of Flashpoint

While audiences have split opinions about the 2011 Green Lantern movie, the movie does have Abin Sur giving the ring to Hal Jordan, which is canonical in the comics as well. Abin Sur was a respected Green Lantern that was considered the best by many in the Corps including Tomar-Re and the villainous Sinestro. Sinestro would become close friends with Abin Sur to the point that Sisestro married Arin Sur, Abin’s sister.

Not much is known about Abin Sur or his fighting ability but that it took multiple people to defeat him. What makes Abin Sur so important is the effect he had on the Green Lantern Corp by bringing the ring to earth. Earth would not have its own Green Lantern if it were not for his crash landing. By making Hal the first Green Lantern of Earth, he opened the doors for many other human Lanterns to have a position.

Green Canary

Black Canary as Green Lantern Comic

In the DCeased miniseries, Hal is infected by the disease that kills him. In the aftermath, the ring passes onto Black Canary for her lack of fear. Dinah Lance takes the ring and regroups with the surviving Justice League members.

As Green Canary, she uses the ring to enhance her own powers over the typical use of constructs. A metahuman first, she doesn’t rely on the ring heavily the same way Hal does. She may have a different name, but she proves that she is still Black Canary at heart as she relies on her fists and sonic screams.

Kyle Rayner

Green Lantern Kyle Rayner

A character that could be the face of the DCEU, Kyle Rayner is a fan favorite lantern. Kyle Rayner becomes the Green Lantern after Hal sacrificed himself in the sun, which gave Kyle’s ring extra power. In addition, he is free to guard any section of Earth as he is rewarded to be an Honor Guard-elite of the Lanterns.

Kyle Rayner surpasses Hal Jordan in strength, power, and creativity. While Hal Jordan was the first Green Lantern, Kyle had the power of all rings and the life equation through being the first White Lantern. With either ring, Kyle proved that he serves more as a symbol of light than Hal ever could.

Arisia Rrab

Hal Jordan and Arisia Rrab in Green Lantern Corps #206.

A 5th generation Lantern, Arisia was born on Graxos IV in space sector 2815. She received her ring when she was a teenager. Arisia’s thoughts and willpower allow her to use her ring to change her age.

The use of the Green Lantern ring to change her age and appearance is something that has not been done by any other Lantern. The rings are often used as weapons in battle. However, as Arisia’s use proves, it is capable of more. She proves through this action that the rings truly can create anything that the wearer imagines. Her use of the ring is unorthodox and unconventional, but it is one that shows the readers that its power is only limited by imagination.

John Stewart

john stewart green lantern new 52

John Stewart has experience working with a group of soldiers on Earth as he was part of the Marines. His military experience allows him to use the constructs of the ring to strategize for battle in space like on Earth.

Hal learned how to be a leader through the Lanterns while it came more naturally to former soldier John Stewart. Hal Jordan has a cockiness to him that makes him think of himself instead of his team. His resilience, bravery, and skills in combat are what make him a member worthy of being part of the Justice League.