10 Great Movies Reddit Users Think Are Timeless

10 Great Movies Reddit Users Think Are Timeless

Within the world of cinema, there is a space reserved for older movies that continue to be spoken about even today, but what is it about these flicks that makes them classic pieces? For a movie to find its way into this space it must prove itself as a timeless flick, meaning that as time passes, it still finds a well-deserved place on viewers’ TV screens.

Redditor Visible_Doughnut-783 sought the help of other Reddit users to compile a list of movies that viewers will still watch for pleasure in years to come. With the continuing evolution of the film industry, it is impressive that a movie released in 1947 can still remain as prominent now as it was when it was released, but these movies have defied the odds and continue to remain timeless classics.

 Jurassic Park (1993)

10 Great Movies Reddit Users Think Are Timeless

Jurassic Park is a movie that almost everyone has at least heard of, with it occupying the role of the highest-grossing movie of all time in 1993. The movie was Stephen Spielberg’s biggest blockbuster and just further proved his ability as a filmmaker through his combination of CGI, special effects, and an incredible soundtrack that complimented the adventure story.

The movie earned its title as a timeless flick for many fans, including raya__85, who expressed that “Jurassic Park holds up both visually and as an adventure.” The movie is still a great watch that continues to entertain fans, but its overall story has been reimagined through several modernized spin-offs, proving the iconic role the movie still occupies within cinema.

The Matrix (1999)

Neo stopping bullets at the end of The Matrix

The Matrix is one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time and it created something of a cultural phenomenon when it was first released in 1999, as well as inspired many fans’ stylistic choices. The movie was littered with intense action scenes that left fans’ hearts racing alongside the complex element of the movie’s intricate storyline, which was all brought to life through stunning visuals.

Redditor Empirerules explained how “everything from the action sequence, CGI and the overall cultural impact it had is still yet to be taken” and is part of how the movie became such a timeless masterpiece. The movie continues to have a large fanbase, with many hardcore fans selling out cinemas after the announcement of The Matrix Resurrections in 2021.

The Lord Of The Rings (2001)

Frodo The Lord of the Rings

The Lord Of The Rings is a movie that put fantasy movies back on the map. The trilogy first made its way to the big screen in 2001 and has since occupied a firm place in many viewers’ hearts. The first movie has been listed as a timeless epic due to its innovative storytelling through the use of incredible special effects, editing, and stunning performances.

When asked to recall a movie that is now considered timeless, TheHolyShrimp was quick to state that “The Lord Of The Rings deserves a mention here without a doubt.” Aside from its phenomenal music score, the movie continues to be rewatched on many TV sets even today with many claiming it encourages them to use their imagination.

The Incredibles (2004)

The Incredibles and Frozone

The Incredibles remains a timeless flick for many reasons, with the movie being way before its time. Its high level of animation shocked even die-hard fans of the medium in its animation of things like clothing fibers and stray hairs, with raya__85 claiming that the movie “stays stylish.”

The Incredibles remains iconic for its great superhero costumes as well as the way it reimagined the family structure whilst simultaneously entertaining a wider audience. Its stylish and slick tone created a large fanbase that made the movie timeless as fans anticipated the release of The Incredibles 2 over a decade later, proving how much fans continue to love this superhero family.

Titanic (1997)

Jack holds Rose at the front of the ship in Titanic

Titanic wasn’t just a great movie but also a flick that created conversation regarding how many people could fit on a door if it meant surviving an icy cold death. The movie was a success from the moment it premiered. It may have left fans in tears for decades, but there was one thing fans couldn’t disagree on and that was the movie’s high-quality special effects.

Titanic was much more than just a story of love, class division, and tragedy due to the true story that prompted its creation. Kore624 explained how “the detail and research that went into this movie and the action and drama and plot overall is just perfection in my opinion,” as it provides generations to come with an insight into history through the art of honest filmmaking.

Spirited Away (2001)

Chihiro sits next to No-Face on a train in Spirited Away.

Spirited Away is one of the best anime movies of all time and continues to be an acting reminder alongside all Studio Ghibli movies of how much talent goes into producing animation. The movie is visually stunning in its representation of Japanese culture, but also in the intricate details of each character.

The reason why Studio Ghibli movies continue to be so popular is partly due to how visually stunning they are and also how they reference the surrounding world with the ability to resonate with an international audience. Schotty-Mac explained how “it honestly gets better each time I see it” and its reference to the ecosystem is still a powerful and timeless reminder.

The Silence Of The Lambs (1991)

Hannibal Lecter staring into the camera

The Silence Of The Lambs terrified fans back in 1991 and in 2022 it continues to do that very thing, Antony Hopkins gave many goosebumps in his role as Hannibal Lector with many still quoting his famous “Clarice” line. The movie was mysterious, frightening, and vital in terms of its representation of women within a male-dominated workplace, which proved to be quite revolutionary.

Redditor textbook_narcissist gave a review of the movie, stating that it “builds suspense by the narrative and character-building without relying on cheap CGI. Sublimely terrifying. A masterpiece.” The movie remains as terrifying now as it was then due to the incredible performances and lack of CGI, which only aids towards its label as a timeless movie.

Rocky (1976)

Stallone as Rocky Balboa training

Redditor walklikeaduck stated that “movies that survive the test of time have simple themes, and the most admired almost always show the triumph of the human spirit” and Rocky is definitely one of those movies. It is a story of dedication that showcases the true realities of working toward one’s dream and provided many viewers with the motivation they lacked.

The movie prompted viewers to get up off their couch and begin working towards the thing they wanted most, which is why it remains one of the best motivational movies to date. Rocky was not only a beautiful story of inspiration but also had a brilliant soundtrack that is now on many viewers’ gym playlists.

Its A Wonderful Life (1946)

George on the bridge after his night with Clarance in Its a Wonderful Life

There are many heartwarming quotes in Its A Wonderful Life, but the story itself is why it finds its way onto many viewers’ Christmas movie lists. The movie provides its viewers with several important reminders that have stood the test of time and are perhaps even more relevant today now than they were in 1946.

Redditor IMovedYourCheese shared how the movie’s 75-year streak makes it “hard to see it ever going out of fashion unless the meaning of […] human nature itself undergoes major changes.” It reminds its viewers that money is the least important thing but rather it is the impact one has on the people around them that means the most, something that viewers still need to be reminded of.

Casablanca (1942)

Rick and Ilsa part ways on the runway

Casablanca is a guaranteed find on any classic movie list, continuing to be a firm favorite among movie buffs. But why is this 1942 flick still a timeless watch? The movie was revolutionary for its time due to it being a romantic film made during the war. It is also action-packed, mysterious, and dramatic, which encouraged many different audiences to be attracted to the movie.

Redditor ithinkther41am shared that they “stand by the opinion that Casablanca is as close to a perfect movie you can get” and its continuing success proves that. Its stunning style and memorable poetic quotes remind viewers today of how precious life truly is alongside the relationships people make throughout it.