10 Great Biopics In Which The Subject Makes A Cameo Appearance

10 Great Biopics In Which The Subject Makes A Cameo Appearance

The movie biopic is one of the most compelling film genres because it allows the audience to learn about figures from history through cinematic storytelling. Seeing visual representation of the subject helps to bring the story to life, and occasionally the subject is still around to appear in the film.

Whether it be absurd comedies like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas or historical dramas like Erin Brockovich, the biopic genre is filled with fascinating cameos. By showing the subject on screen, the film is given an air of authenticity and the audience can more easily believe what they are seeing.

The Right Stuff (1983)

10 Great Biopics In Which The Subject Makes A Cameo Appearance

Based on the book by author Tom Wolfe, The Right Stuff attempted to capture an entire era of American space exploration in one film. The film follows the early days of the U.S space program from the first test flights to break the sound barrier to the launch of the Mercury 7 rocket.

The film’s central focus is on test pilot Chuck Yeager, played by Sam Shepard, who flew some of the earliest flights to break the sound barrier. Appearing in the film as Fred the bartender, Yeager watches over the three astronauts as they convene at a local bar. Though his role is small, the presence of the legendary figure is almost nostalgic as he watches a fictionalized version of the history that he made.

Big Eyes (2014)

Margaret Keane paints in the park from Big Eyes

Some cameos put the subject into the forefront of the film and make their appearance very obvious, while others are much more subtle. Big Eyes follows painter Margaret Keane who found sudden success with her unique style of painting. Unfortunately, Keane’s life was interrupted when her husband attempted to take credit for her paintings.

During a scene in which Keane, played by Amy Adams, is painting in the park in San Francisco, the painter herself appears in the background. Merely sitting on a bench and reading, Keane is barely noticeable to moviegoers until a photograph of Adams and Keane is shown during the end credits. Though different from many of his other films, Big Eyes still stands as one of Tim Burton’s best modern films.

The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013)

Jordan Belfort giving a motivational speech in Wolf of Wall Street

Though most biopics that feature cameos are flattering, Martin Scorsese’s classic The Wolf of Wall Street has a less rosy view of its subject. The film follows Jordan Belfort, a savvy stockbroker who has a meteoric rise, and eventual fall, in the world of corrupt stock market deals.

Appearing only briefly in the film as a motivational speaker, Belfort graced the screen in his own biopic. In a rare moment of reality, Belfort’s cameo allows him to flash a bit of the dangerous charisma that led him to his successes (and failures). Though the film doesn’t attempt to draw too much attention to Belfort’s cameo, his personality is much larger than the usual bit player in a movie.

Lords Of Dogtown (2005)

A group of teens stand together from Lords of Dogtown

The best biopics often aim to capture an important moment in time and the characters who were integral in that pivotal moment. Lords of Dogtown documents the foundation of modern surfing and skateboarding trends that originated in Venice Beach, California in the 1970s.

Though somewhat unfocused with its approach, the film is still a fascinating time-capsule of a less discussed trend. Many of the figures featured in the story have cameos throughout the film including Tony Alva and Jay Adams, both of which are main characters. Though they only appear as random guests at parties, their appearance is an important nod to the originators of the sport.

Erin Brockovich (2000)

A waitress serves a table from Erin Brockovich

Some biopic subjects are so dynamic in their personalities that it would be a disservice to the movie not to feature them, even if in a small cameo. Erin Brockovich is the story of a headstrong single mother who becomes a legal assistant at a California law firm. While there, she investigates a power company who is accused of poisoning the local water supply.

Brockovich’s personality was brought to life by Julia Roberts in one of her best roles, but Brockovich herself got a chance to shine as well. Having a few lines as a waitress at a local restaurant, Brockovich blended in well with the cast and gave one of the best performances by a non actor in recent film history.

The Disaster Artist (2017)

Tommy Wiseau speaks to James Franco in The Disaster Artist

Generally known as one of the best bad movies of all time, The Room has become a cult classic and its production was perfect fodder for a biopic. The Disaster Artist follows Greg Sestero, an aspiring actor who teams up with an eccentric director to make one of the worst movies of all time.

Though the film portrays its subject as an unlikable weirdo, that didn’t stop the genuine article from appearing in the film as a cameo. Wiseau appears in a post-credits sequence as a partygoer who has a brief conversation with the fictionalized version of himself. By making the cameo more tongue-in-cheek, the filmmaker makes a nod to the audience and is in keeping with the tone of the film in general.

The People Vs. Larry Flynt (1996)

A judge looks on from The People Vs Larry Flynt

In yet another biopic from legendary director Milos Forman, a controversial figure from the adult entertainment industry is put on full display for the world to see. The People vs. Larry Flynt centers on the titular Flynt who becomes an unorthodox defender of free speech when the US government attempts to censor his pornography publications.

Using comedy to tell the compelling story of Flynt’s defense of free speech in court, the film also has a comedic way of featuring its title subject. Appearing as a circuit court judge, the actual Larry Flynt is given the opportunity to pass judgment on his fictionalized self. The irony of putting Flynt in the role as stodgy judge is one of the funniest moments of the excellent biopic.

Man On The Moon (1999)

Jim Carrey and Bob Zmuda argue in Man On The Moon

Unfortunately for moviegoers, the subject of Man on the Moon was no longer around to appear in the film, but that didn’t stop other important figures from appearing. The film documents the life and career of absurdist comedian Andy Kaufman from his early life in comedy to his untimely death.

Though Kaufman was brought to life through the amazing method acting performance by Jim Carrey, one of Kaufman’s closest collaborators was on hand to appear in the film. Bob Zmuda worked closely with Kaufman and helped many of his bits come to life. Appearing in the film as a producer who is exasperated by Kaufman’s antics, Zmuda joined several other real life personalities from Kaufman’s life.

American Splendor (2003)

Harvey Pekar and his wife look on from American Splendor

Though cameos in biopics aren’t necessarily a rare occurrence, American Splendor found one of the most unique ways to feature its subject in the film. The story follows alternative comic book writer Harvey Pekar and the day to day struggles in his life which inspired the stories in his comic books.

Appearing as himself in cutaway sequences, Pekar’s appearances in the film break the fourth wall and finds him making commentary on the fictionalized sequences. By showing the real life person juxtaposed next to Paul Giamatti’s performance allows the audience to get a clearer picture of the man himself.

Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas (1998)

Hunter S. Thompson sits at a table from Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is simultaneously a biopic, and one of the greatest book adaptions of all time. The film follows journalist Hunter S. Thompson as he is sent to Las Vegas with is oddball lawyer, to cover the proceedings of a police convention. While there, the duo embark on a series of strange and psychedelic adventures in Sin City.

Almost too outlandish to be believed, the recollections of Gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson are on full display in the film. In one psychedelic freakout, the fictional version of Thompson comes face to face with his older, and real, self. Though brief, Thompson’s cameo in the film is a hilarious way to poke fun at the ‘psychedelic trip’ trope by showing the character reacting to growing old.