10 Game Of Thrones Characters, Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

10 Game Of Thrones Characters, Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

The characters from A Song of Ice and Fire and its HBO adaptation, Game of Thrones, are widely known for being some of the coldest, cruelest, most-bloodthirsty people on television. Westeros, after all, is an unforgiving world, and this lot needed to adapt if they wanted to stay in the game and, most importantly, alive.

Out of the myriad of characters that appeared throughout all eight seasons, some immediately come to mind when thinking about a possible victor for the Hunger Games. Others, it’s clear, wouldn’t make it very far on the deadly competition. One thing is clear, though, and it’s that these Games would be some of the most disturbing and violent in the Capitol’s history.

Sansa Stark

10 Game Of Thrones Characters, Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games

The Games are no place for a politician and Sansa Stark would learn that the hard way. Although intelligent and resourceful, Sansa is still not physically adept (she didn’t even know how to use a knife). She would probably depend on Brienne or Jon during her entire time at the arena. And while their protection would certainly take her a long way, just like Rue, she would eventually fall when a stray arrow hit her.

Sansa would excel in the Capitol or, more likely in District 13, and would probably be a worthy foe for both Snow and Coin. But in the Games, she would be one of the first to go, without a doubt.

Jorah Mormont

Jorah Mormont in Game of Thrones looking to the right

Without a doubt, Jorah Mormont would die for his Khaleesi. As a matter of fact, he would be the one volunteer in that arena, having gone into the Games with the sole purpose of protecting her. The Mother of Dragons would be a prime target for the contestants, which would mean that Jorah would have to fall first.

Jorah would not part Daenerys’ side, but not even he can fend off a horde of tributes, hellbent on killing both him and his Queen. Jorah would fight bravely, but in the end, he would be overpowered and would die in Danerys’ arms – just like he did on the show.

Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen smiles in Game of Thrones

Similar to Sansa, Daenerys would be way out of her territory while in the Games. She would obviously be forbidden from taking her children to the arena, which means she would have to rely on both Grey Worm and Jorah. The former would be sent to defend the perimeter, while the latter would stay by her side at all times. But once Jorah fell, and with Grey Worm not close enough, she would be an easy prey for the other tributes.

Daenerys, a natural leader, is much better planning some coup in the Capitol or helping the revolution in 13. The Games are no place for her.

Jon Snow

Jon Snow at Castle Black in Game of Thrones

Honorable fool Jon Snow would not stand for the Games’ cruelty. He would participate against his will, and would perhaps do his best to try to win. The knowledge that he would have to kill both of his sisters would prevent him from going all in, though.

Once Sansa was gone, Jon would perhaps be inspired to fight harder and avenge her death. He would be facing far stronger, ruthless warriors, though, and soon he would meet his end at the hands of one of them. Jon is a courageous and very capable warrior, but he might be out of his depth on these Games.

Jaime Lannister

Jaime Lannister looking shocked in Game of Thrones

At his prime, Jaime Lannister could have definitely won the Hunger Games. One of the greatest warriors in all of Westeros, Jaime was the pride and joy of the Lannisters. The loss of his hand and the trauma he endured throughout the first seasons weakened and wounded him, leaving him in no shape to win the Games.

He would probably be the one to kill Jon, but the fight would be a lot harder than even he would have expected. Tired and in no condition to go another round, he would become the meal of another, less honorable warrior, eager to rid the competition of one of its most admirable foes.

Grey Worm

With his Queen gone, Grey Worm would literally become a killing machine, with no sympathy for those around him, and no remorse for their fates. A master in stealth and far more strategic than those remaining, he would land more than a few blows to his competition, and might even weaken some of them.

In the end, however, Grey Worm would simply be outmatched in the brute force department. He would do his best, but the sheer strength and muscle of the remaining tributes (most of them, at least) would get the best of him. And while he would fight until the end, he would eventually meet it.


Bronn looking confused in Game of Thrones

Bronn’s style of battling would carry him to the final leg of the Games. He, for lack of a better word, fights dirty, and he would use every trick up his sleeve to rid himself of the competition. With little care for matters like honor or loyalty, Bronn would fight only for himself. His laid-back attitude might even make him popular with sponsors, whose gifts he would welcome and greatly appreciate.

Three opponents stand between him and victory. Unfortunately for him, two of them are physically imposing mountains of muscle, and one is a stealth assassin with even more tricks than him. Ultimately, Bronn wouldn’t be able to overcome such obstacles.

Sandor Clegane

sandor clegane in game of thrones

The Hound has a reputation. Brutal, menacing, and pretty much unremorseful, he would excel in the Games. He might even be considered a career tribute, alongside his brother. The Hound would go into the Games to win the whole thing and would get rid of everyone that stood in his way.

That being said, he would still have two problems. The first is a physical one, in the form of a warrior who already beat him once, and could very well do it again. The second would be an emotional one, and despite his harsher qualities, the Hound would rather die than hurt his most unlikely and only friend.

Brienne Of Tarth

Brienne pledges her sword to Sansa in Game of Thrones

A loyal and honorable warrior, Brienne fights for a reason, and would probably be in the Games to protect Lady Sansa. That being said, she’s not the best of guardians, and with Sansa dying so early in the competition, she would be left to avenge her.

Brienne, while a full-on knight, still does what she needs to survive. She is shown to be quite resourceful in the heat of battle, and not as hesitant to kill in the show, as she is in the books. She would make it to the very end of the Games, tired and worn-out from her brutal battle with the Hound. And considering who her final opponent is, her death wouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone.

Arya Stark

arya stark fighting in game of thrones

A cold and calculating assassin with the ability to wear other people’s faces, the youngest of the Stark daughters would have no problem reaching the Games’ finals. Arya would play mind games with everyone in that arena, hiding in the shadows and striking only to give the final blow.

Her skill with a wide range of weapons, and her resourcefulness would allow her to keep a low profile throughout the entire Games. It wouldn’t be a surprise if she let all the other tributes wound and maim each other, taking advantage of their vulnerability to kill them. This is the girl who baked a pie made of two dead men, then served it to their unassuming father. Clearly, this girl has no limits. She would be a victor the Capitol would go absolutely nuts over, even if she would most likely despise all the attention.