10 Friends Memes That Prove The Show Is Still Relatable

Friends became one of the most iconic shows on TV because of how much it connected to the audience, and as these memes prove, it is still relatable today. Friends initially aired from 1994 to 2004 and over the course of its ten-year run, it became incredibly popular for young audiences. Following the life of six living in New York during their early twenties, it dealt with relationships, career changes, complicated friendships, family, holidays, and more.

Modern audiences may find themselves in similar situations as they go through relationships and work, and Friends remains an accurate representation of many of life’s challenges, despite some outdated language and humor. Friends was also incredibly popular before the rise of social media. But as evidenced by the active online communities that exist on social platforms like Reddit today, Friends is still being actively talked about as one of the best TV shows of all time and praised for its relatability.

10 My Four Moods

Everyone experiences a variety of emotions day to day and moment to moment, but sometimes, it can feel like there are certain defaults people fall back on. This post highlights this range perfectly at this moment from the show where Phoebe, Chandler, Joey, and Ross are all together in the boy’s apartment. Phoebe appears visibly disgusted or confused, while Chandler is completely oblivious walking by the group in a towel. Joey sits on a stool annoyed while sitting next to Ross who is heavily invested in his food and paying no attention to anything else around him.

9 When It Hasn’t Been Your Day, Week, Month Or Even You’re Year

Playing on the famous theme song, I”‘ll Be There For You” by Why Everyone Left, this meme plays on the state of being overburdened with endless problems and nothing appearing to go your way. When it hasn’t been your day, or potentially much longer, it can feel overwhelming and like an endless void, just as Chandler emulates in the pictures above. Without the recliner that typically fills this space, Chandler is left in a foldable lawn chair with an outdoor picnic table, and it seems like things aren’t going all that well.

8 Adulting Is Not For Everyone

The following series of memes highlights some great moments from Rachel Green. Rachel is famous for being irresponsible and impulsive, often making snap decisions to leave home, a relationship, or a job. This has led to a number of problems and challenging situations, especially with romance, and as Rachel exclaims here, sometimes it just feels like it would be better if she wasn’t allowed to make decisions.

7 Rachel Math?

Following on from that, Rachel further embodies her character as someone who doesn’t always think things through and does so in a way that is very relevant today. While Rachel is arguing with Ross about a potential purchase, Rachel highlights how great a deal the item is and tries to calculate just how much is being saved. Unfortunately, her math is pretty off, but the point still stands.

6 Living The Dream

TV shows set in California or New York are notorious for exaggerating the sitcom apartments and homes of the main characters to unrealistic lengths. This makes sense from a shooting perspective as space is needed to fit equipment and allow the actor space to interact and perform, but it does create a lofty ideal of what is possible when setting out to work in a big city like LA or New York. The image above highlights just how impressive the flat shared by Chandler and Joey is in Friends, and that’s not even supposed to be a good apartment.

5 It’s Moo

Joey is not known for his intelligence. He is the pretty playboy of the group who seems to skate through life on luck and the support of his friends. During an argument with Rachel, he attempts to show off his impressive vocabulary and make a point. Maumak-21 repurposes Joey’s lackluster argument to highlight just how silly it is to have a fully formed opinion on something like whether Friends is a funny song without first watching the show, the point is moo…

4 In Case Of Emergencies

When friends share spare keys to their apartments, it’s easy to fall into a comfortable pattern of walking in without permission. This meme shows that is incredibly relatable to see Monica come home after being out to find Chandler, Ross, and Phoebe all making themselves comfortable in her apartment despite none of them living there. Monica points out that the key is for emergencies only, but in true Friends fashion, they quickly retort that they were out of Doritos, clearly an actual emergency.

3 Introverts At A Party…

The friend’s group on the show is incredibly tight-knit and when they are exposed to others, it becomes clear that they aren’t always as extroverted as they sometimes seem. Here, Joey sits between Rachel and Phoebe and is clearly sick of being around people. In true introverted fashion, he declares his desire to go, but maybe even more proving their introverted nature, Rachel sits reading a book and disengaging from everything happening around her.

2 Just Don’t Overthink It

Chandler is often looked at as the character whose struggles are translated into his constant need to crack jokes and an overreliance on sarcasm to escape the mundane aspects of his life. Chandler has a great job, though it isn’t always clear what that job is, and as shown in this meme, he often feels a great deal of stress and has a tendency to overthink things. This is also evidenced by how long it takes for him to actually admit feelings for Monica and chase after what he wants because he is too stuck in his head.

1 Not Caring Is Easy

Monica and Rachel are prone to stress about the details, the same can not be said of Joey. Joey is carefree and tends to take things as and when they come. The lack of overthinking also seems to work in his favor with him landing on his feet. He has had a successful career and eventually became financially secure. When Monica and Rachel try to confront Joey on his tendency to just not care, he literally shrugs it off with a smirk and raises his arms. Proving that sometimes ignorance is bliss for the cast of Friends.