10 Famous Stories We Don’t Need More Remakes Of

10 Famous Stories We Don’t Need More Remakes Of

It’s no secret Hollywood doesn’t like to take risks. That’s why so many movies are based on previously released material like comic books, video games, novels and TV series. However, there are some stories that get endless chances at the box office, and we need them retired.

From classic literature to mythology to fairy tales, certain characters have become constants in movies and television. The problem is, after the four millionth iteration, the story is no longer interesting or new. With changes likely coming to the entertainment industry, let’s take a look at 10 famous properties we don’t need more remakes of.  


10 Famous Stories We Don’t Need More Remakes Of

Since we’re right in the middle of Legendary’s MonsterVerse franchise, we understand this is a long shot. The upcoming Godzilla vs Kong will be the 12th film featuring “the eighth wonder of the world.” From the 1933 original to 2017’s Kong: Skull Island, we’ve become very familiar with the story of the misunderstood gorilla.

Though modern versions have tried to change up the story, viewers inevitably end up in the same place, where humans learn the hard way they must respect Kong’s power. The current films have done a good job building to the ultimate monster battle, but honestly, we need a break from Kong and his pal Godzilla.


Cinderella descends the stairs into the ball

By now everyone knows the story of the poor orphan with the wicked stepmother and evil stepsisters. The world loves Cinderella stories, and Hollywood is not about to stop doing them. However, the classic fairy tale has been stale for some time now.

The problem here isn’t necessarily quality, as most versions are fun to watch. It’s really the quantity that’s getting tiresome. We’re very interested to see the upcoming adaptation with Camila Cabello in the title role, Idina Menzel as the stepmother and Pose star Billy Porter as the fairy godmother, we just feel that should be the last one for a while.


Luke Evans in red armor as Vlad the Impaler in Dracula Untold

Like any long-running, popular character, there are good versions and bad versions of Dracula. Unfortunately, we’ve reached a point where the bad adaptations of the vampire have far outnumbered the good.

It’s not that we’re overly tired of Dracula, the character is endlessly fascinating. However, all the low budget, straight to DVD versions of his story have diminished his impact. It is our sincere hope that Universal takes its time and produces a well done new Dracula film. Preferably with Dracula Untold’s Luke Evans returning in the title role.



There may be no more influential science fiction work than H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds. It has inspired adaptations across every genre from movies to TV to video games to most famously the 1938 radio play directed by Orson Welles. Beyond those versions, pretty much every alien invasion story is derived from it.

The plot revolves around a Martian invasion of Earth and humanity’s fight to survive. While it’s still a fascinating idea, very few iterations have lived up to the original. As technology allows space travel to become a reality, War of the Worlds no longer holds the same level of terror it once had.


Greek mythology has long been a favorite of Hollywood. The demigod featured more than any other is Hercules, the son of Zeus and strongest man alive. He has been played on screen by everyone from Steve Reeves to Arnold Schwarzenegger to Dwayne Johnson.

The hero’s journey usually features the character tracking down the cruel king or gods responsible for killing his family. He makes friends along the way, then inevitably avenges his wife and children. Rarely do the films or series vary from this plot and we’re exhausted with the same old thing.


Sherlock and John

With apologies to Batman, Sherlock Holmes is pop culture’s greatest detective. As long as there have been moving pictures, there have been Sherlock Holmes stories. While Elementary, Sherlock and the Robert Downey Jr. films are all enjoyable, they just can’t compare to the Basil Rathbone portrayal.

There have been reports that Downey is in development on a third film in his franchise, while fans continue to clamor for another season of Sherlock. It’s unlikely that we will ever stop seeing Sherlock Holmes adaptations, but maybe it’s time to significantly shake up the character with a new interpretation.


Aaron Eckhart standing in front of a building and crowd in I Frankenstein

No character signifies the horror genre more than Frankenstein’s monster. The creature reanimated from various body parts was originally portrayed as an unthinking beast. However, over the years, it has been seen as a victim of its creator’s hubris, and is sometimes seen as a gentle soul with a monstrous exterior.

When done well, Frankenstein’s monster is a fascinating character. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough really good Frankenstein movies. Lately, the character has been at its best when it’s been featured in comedies like Young Frankenstein or the animated Hotel Transylvania films. Until Hollywood can figure out how to give the character its due, leave it alone. 


Since the story first hit the silver screen in silent films, audiences have been captivated by the boy who was raised by apes. Over the years, the character has often appeared as a savior for the African people in the villages near his home. A story that doesn’t really fit in modern times.

The hard truth is that Tarzan just hasn’t aged well. The failure of 2016’s The Legend of Tarzan shows that moviegoers are done with Tarzan and it’s time the character is retired.


Robin Hood shoots a bow and arrow

He robs from the rich and gives to the poor. There might be no hero more timely than Robin Hood. Sadly, Hollywood seems obsessed with telling the same old version over and over. Though Kevin Costner, Russell Crowe and Taron Egerton have all brought something different to the character, the plots and battles feel very repetitive.

Robin returns home, begins to secretly fight the sheriff, romances Marian, and ends up as an outlaw. At some point, there has to be more to the story, and until someone can figure out what that is, we’ll stick with the more interesting Green Arrow. 


King Arthur stands by a castle in Legend of the Sword

If we check Hollywood history, we’re sure every major actor will have played Arthur, Lancelot or Merlin at some point in their career. Arthurian legends are such a mainstay of entertainment, they count as a load-bearing support beam for Hollywood.

Of course, there are memorable adaptations like the Broadway musical Camelot, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the BBC series Merlin and Disney’s The Sword and the Stone. However, we’ve reached peak Arthur and just can’t take anymore. It’s not us, it’s you, your highness.