10 Fallout 4 Mods That Make The Game Feel Like The Fallout TV Show

10 Fallout 4 Mods That Make The Game Feel Like The Fallout TV Show

With the recent success of Prime Video’s Fallout series, there’s a real allure to returning to Fallout 4 and making it feel more like its television counterpart. The show is not based on any of the games before it, instead adapting the world but bringing it to life with different characters and a brand-new story. The series feels like an unapologetic and authentic member of the Fallout gaming franchise, but some mods can turn the tables and give Fallout 4 the same feel as the TV show.

On the Fallout timeline, the series is set roughly nine years after the events of Fallout 4, with the former taking place in 2287 and the latter in 2296. The biggest notable differences between the two are omissions from the series, such as Super Mutants and Synths, which will likely be filled in as the series develops over multiple seasons. Regardless, the show has a distinct style that, with the addition of several mods, can translate seamlessly into Fallout 4.

10 Fallout 4 Mods That Make The Game Feel Like The Fallout TV Show


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Channel Walton Goggins With The Revamped Playable Ghoul Mod

A Ghoul on the character creation screen in Fallout 4

With all the types of creatures in the vile landscape, it’s always been one of Fallout 4‘s biggest blemishes that the character creator only produced humans. Granted, this fits into the story of a human family member who loses their partner and their child, but considering the prologue is so short, more options for characters would’ve been a major bonus. Fortunately, the community took it upon themselves to change this for good.

With the Revamped Playable Ghoul Mod on Nexus Mods by author cebius2, players can take on the persona of Walton Goggins’ The Ghoul from the Fallout show. Ghouls are much stronger and more durable than humans, as showcased by Goggins in the series, so living out the game’s events cosplaying as his character is undeniably cool. The Revamped Playable Ghoul mod is a must to make the game feel more like the series.


Tranquilize Enemies Like Lucy With The Select Blaster

Lucy holding dart gun in Fallout

Ella Purnell’s Lucy is one of Fallout‘s true standouts, acting as a conduit for audience members with less experience with the franchise’s malignant surface world. She is a vault dweller from Vault 33, and more of a pacifist than anyone else in the show. The only weapon she brings with her is a tranquilizer pistol, which she resorts to using several times, but is less than effective.

Tranquilizer darts do exist in Fallout 4 (The Syringer), but players can download the Select Blaster mod from Nexus Mods author neeher to unlock a carbon copy of Lucy’s weapon. However, the pistol is an energy weapon that can put enemies down for good. It may not be a one-for-one recreation in terms of function, but it’s a strikingly similar design and a blast to use in the wasteland.


Load Into Fallout 4 With Prime Video’s Fallout Trailer

Image via Prime Video


Close up of Maximus looking truly excited to wear power armor for the first time in Fallout season 1

Image via Prime Video

Those who have played Fallout 4 will never forget the opening jingle before loading into a game. This catchy tune plays in several scenes as an Easter egg in Prime Video’s Fallout, but there is a way to remove these few iconic notes and replace them with something that feels more authentic to the series than the game.

With the HD Fallout Trailer Intro Conversion from author MadGax on Nexus Mods, this opening tune mixed with a shot of a garage with Power Armor can be swapped for the official Fallout trailer. This one simple change makes it easy to forget about loading into Fallout 4 and not into the series Production Designer Howard Cummings’ immersive world. Download this mod to make Fallout 4 feel more like its television counterpart.

Ghoul cowboy from Fallout New Vegas and a soldier in power armor from Fallout 3


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Cosplay As Lucy MacLean With Vault Girl Recreations

The Lucy MacLean model from Vault Girl Recreations in Fallout 4

While this isn’t an exact recreation of Ella Purnell’s Lucy from the Fallout TV series, it’s close enough to suffice. Purnell is a bright star in an already shining series, portraying Lucy with a delightful virtue that coincides so well with her past as a vault dweller. Watching her explore the world and all the nightmares it has to offer for the first time is one of the highlights of the show.

With Vault Girl Recreations – Lucy MacLean from author xMakeDamnSurex (via Nexus Mods), players can travel across the wasteland as Purnell’s character. Considering the main character in Fallout 4 is also a vault-dweller, Lucy translates into the game extremely well, especially in the early stages as the player learns to navigate the harsh world. This mod is a must-have to make Fallout 4 more like Prime Video’s Fallout show.


Decorate The Commonwealth With Cooper Howard’s Billboards

Cooper Howard on a billboard in Fallout 4

Whether it’s billboards, character models, or the official trailer, the world can’t get enough of Walton Goggins’ Cooper Howard. The actor turned-Vault-Tec spokesperson has an undeniable and alluring charisma and charm. By default, there is no Cooper Howard propaganda spread around the Commonwealth, but it didn’t take Fallout 4 modders long to fix that.

Thanks to the Cooper Howard Billboard on Nexus Mods mod by author MrBloodjack, everyone can constantly be reminded that Vault-Tec is there to keep families safe. Granted, that information isn’t very useful now, after vaults in Fallout 4 weren’t as effective as they are in the TV series. Nonetheless, this mod is a surefire way to never lose sight of the fact that Fallout 4 and the Fallout TV show are set in the same universe.


Carry Important Gear In Lucy’s Vault-Tec Backpack

A player wearing Lucy's Vault Tec Backpack in Fallout 4

The Fallout TV show makes one thing clear from the jump: everyone inside the vault lives a safe and happy, albeit naive, life. This is a stark contrast to Fallout 4, where the player wakes up to find their vault a wreck of Rad Roaches and dead bodies. When Lucy first ventures out of Vault 33, she is given a backpack full of supplies to help her survive on the surface.

A Shot Of Ella Purnell As Lucy Maclean Wearing Her Vault 33 Backpack Against A Fallout 76 Vault Background


How To Get Lucy’s Backpack From Vault 33 in Fallout 76

Fallout 76 players can unlock Lucy’s Vault 33 Backpack from Game Pass Ultimate perks or Twitch. Any backpack can then be modded to look like Lucy’s.

Players can claim this backpack and fill it with supplies thanks to Lucy’s Vault-Tec Backpack mod from author QwibQwibMods (via Nexus Mods). By default, this backpack increases the player’s carry weight by 25, and that can be upgraded as any armor bench in the game. It also comes with an all-brown version, which feels more appropriate for experienced wastelanders and not vault dwellers.


Play As Cooper Howard With Another Vault Girl Recreation

A character resembling Cooper Howard standing inside a nice house in Fallout 4

Purnell’s Lucy isn’t the only character to make her way into Fallout 4 by way of creative mods. Thanks to the Vault Girl Recreations – Cooper Howard mod also from author xMakeDamnSurex on Nexus Mods, players can take on the persona of Goggins’ pre-apocalyptic movie star. After all, The Ghoul may be one of Fallout‘s coolest characters, but he wasn’t always such a harrowing deformity.

The show dives into much of Cooper Howard’s past before the bombs went off, making him an exponentially more interesting character by nature of added perspective. Traversing the wasteland and taking down Raiders feels like something Cooper Howard would do, even if he wasn’t a ghoul. Using different builds on alternate playthroughs like Lucy and Cooper adds a whole new level of immersion to Fallout 4.


Play As Maximus From The Fallout Series

Maximus from Fallout series in Fallout 4 standing in front of power armor

Aaron Moten’s Maximus is a Squire-turned-Knight (sort of) in Fallout from the Brotherhood of Steel. When things go awry, his commanding officer, Knight Titus, dies from a fatal Yao Guai (mutated bear) attack after Maximus refuses to give him the help he needs. It’s here that he claims the Power Armor for himself and uses it to make a difference by helping Lucy.

Players can bring Moten’s Maximus straight into Fallout 4, thanks to the Maximus from Fallout Series mod from Nexus Mods by author ChibakoShiba. Similar to Lucy’s Vault Girl Recreations mod, this isn’t a one-for-one of Moten’s character, but it’s close enough to pass as a serviceable replica. Playing as Maximus and joining up with the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 4 is a great way to make the game feel more like Prime Video’s series.


Lowered Weapons Wouldn’t Tip People Off

A player character in Fallout 4 wearing the Silver Shroud costume, black and silver trench coat and fedora, while holding a Tommy Gun.

This mod serves to make Fallout 4 more like the series, but also improves the overall quality of life. One of the more confounding aspects of the game is that, even when outside of combat, the player holds their gun straight out as if ready to fire. The weapons are briefly lowered in conversation, but there’s a fix for this frustrating mechanic.

With the Lowered Weapons mod from author lesma666 on Nexus Mods, players no longer hold their weapons straight out when wandering around the Commonwealth. This is a subtle yet effective change to make Fallout 4 more like its television counterpart, because if anyone in the series saw someone always walking around with their gun pointed out, they’d get an earful, to say the least. Keep those weapons lowered outside of combat at all times.


Tactical Reload Makes Combat More Realistic

Fallout 4 character holding the Fat Man weapon

The Tactical Reload mod by Nexus Mods author Bwones in Fallout 4 isn’t designed to make the game more like the TV show, but it certainly helps. Reload animations in Fallout 4 are pretty straightforward, but several guns are missing one crucial component. When reloading an empty magazine, many weapons, aside from assault rifles, don’t pull back the bolt and reload another bullet into the chamber.

This is a simple addition, but it makes Fallout 4 feel more like Prime Video’s series because it adds another layer of realism. It doesn’t get any more real than a live-action adaptation, and the series nails everything regarding authenticity. Cocking back the bolt mid-fight while reloading an empty weapon makes Fallout 4 feel more realistic and less like an arcade game.

Several honorable mentions didn’t make the final cut, such as the Fallout TV Show – Brotherhood Music Replacer from Ryder 132 and the Fallout Series 10mm Sound Replacer by author Freakium which changes gun sounds – both from Nexus Mods as well. There is also a next-generation update for Fallout 4 coming April 25, which will significantly improve the currently outdated experience. Pair the new update with these mods to allow Fallout 4 to align much more with Prime Video’s series than its original self.

Sources: Nexus Mods

(cebius2, neeher, Bwones, xMakeDamnSurex, xMakeDamnSurex, MadGax, QwibQwibMods, lesma666, MrBloodjack, ChibakoShiba, Ryder 132, Freakium)

Fallout 4 game poster

Fallout 4

Bethesda’s action RPG Fallout 4 puts players into the vault suit of the Lone Survivor, a pre-war soldier from an alternate future cryogenically frozen inside Vault 111. After their infant son is kidnapped, they venture out into the irradiated wasteland of the Commonwealth to scour the ruins of Boston for any sign of him. In doing so, they encounter various factions and companions and use an array of skills and abilities to navigate the apocalyptic remnants of society.




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November 10, 2015




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