10 Episodes Of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers That Were Laugh-Out-Loud Silly

10 Episodes Of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers That Were Laugh-Out-Loud Silly

A new form of heroes debuted on American television in 1993. A group of teenagers with attitude that would harness powers from the Power Grid and become Power Rangers. Fans who grew up with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers learned valuable life lessons and the desire to do karate and fight evil watching its episodes.

There were some creepy monsters like the clown in “No Clowning Around.” But looking back at the seasons, it jogs the memory of how bizarre and comical some storylines were. They may have enthralled fans when younger, but those same fans can’t help but laugh at the shenanigans and premise of some episodes.

“To Flea Or Not To Flea”

10 Episodes Of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers That Were Laugh-Out-Loud Silly

No one wants to deal with pesky fleas. But the storyline in this episode is just plain comical. The season one episode was all about a flea monster created by Rita. Jason finds a dog as the team tries to help Ernie from going out of business; Rita then sees an opportunity to incapacitate the Red Ranger.

Her big plan? To plant a flea on the dog that infects Jason to be itchy all over. Jason and Kimberly try to fight off the new flea monster, but Jason can’t seem to focus as he has an uncontrollable urge to scratch. That’s one way to deter the Rangers. In the end, they find an antidote. To add more comic relief, Bulk and Skull were also infected and forced to wear flea collars.

“Rocky Just Wants To Have Fun”

Rocky and Billy in episode 32 of season 2 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

The season two episode had a bizarre storyline of how Lord Zedd would get back at the Rangers. In hindsight, his plan wouldn’t have led to their ultimate demise. A new game is delivered to the Juice Bar and Lord Zedd gets the idea to cast a spell on Rocky.

The spell forces him to only want to play and have fun like a little kid. Fans can’t help but laugh at this storyline because Rocky refuses to morph and help fight the Pachinko monster. It somehow causes the Rangers to be turned into Pachinko balls except for Tommy.

“Two For One”

Pursehead monster in

Lord Zedd grasped at straws creating a monster for the Rangers in “Two For One.” Kimberly and Tommy have a date at the park. Kimberly’s mom lent her the purse that she used when she first dated her father. During the date, Lord Zedd instructs Goldar to steal the purse.

For some comical reason, Lord Zedd decided to turn the purse into a monster, Pursehead. And since every purse needs to hold lipstick, Kimberly’s is turned into Lipsyncher. Pursehead’s weapons were dependent on the contents inside the purse. This monster and storyline was a truly hilarious moment.

“Food Fight”

Pudgy Pig monster in season 1 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

“Food Fight” is one of the earliest episodes in the first season. It’s often one of the most memorable for its gross monster and the comical storyline that came with it. Pudgy Pig makes his debut as Angel Grove High School holds a Cultural Food Festival.

Things turn sour when Bulk and Skull turn it into a food fight inspiring Rita. It’s not the most well-designed monster, but Pudgy Pig is sent down to eat the world’s food supply. Fans can vividly remember the monster entering the food hall and grossly eating everything in sight. He’s then weakened when eating spicy food.

“Light, Camera, Action”

Power Rangers in episode 33 of season 2 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

This episode had an overall valuable lesson for its young audiences; that everyone needs the power of a well-educated mind beyond psychical strength. What had fans laughing was everything that goes on in between. To start, it is bizarre to see the Power Rangers as guest stars on a talk show.

At the same time, Bulk and Skull see it as an opportunity to reveal their identities but only fail miserably. The Rangers even try to teach the host how to do a jumping kick. They are then called away to deal with a monster and Bulk and Skull crash the set.

“Fourth Down And Long”

Centiback monster in

Lord Zedd and Rita went a bit too far with this monster that only garners immense laughs from its viewers. Zedd takes an interest in football and is actually good at it. Finster creates a special centipede that merges with a football creating anew monster. This monster’s special trick? Turning anyone into a football.

For people to turn into a football, they must catch it when thrown by Centiback. Rocky becomes the only Ranger not affected and finds a way to stop him. He must catch the footballs in reversal buckets. To which Centiback whines that they’re not playing fair.

“Rita’s Pita”

Tommy and the Rangers in

For some reason, Rita is incredibly upset at Tommy’s healthy eating habits. Tommy is self-aware that eating junk food isn’t good for the body and mind. He orders a veggie pita and fruit smoothies and convinces Danny to switch out his burger and fries. Rita is so angered she decides to create a new monster to spite Tommy.

Ravenator is shrunken to size and planted in Tommy’s veggie pita. His spell forces Tommy to be uncontrollably hungry and eat everything in sight. Fans will have a good laugh seeing Tommy scarf down leftovers, a chocolate shake, and every unhealthy food imaginable.

“The Potion Notion”

Kimberly and Skull in episode 15 of season 3 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

There’s nothing like falling in love. But in this case, it’s a bit bizarre who the characters get matched up with. The episode centers around love as Zedd and Rita go on their second honeymoon. Rito uses Finster’s new monster Miss Chief to bewitch the people of Angel Grove to fall in love using a potion that Rita used on Zedd for their wedding.

The funny part is that it creates some unlikely pairings. Kimberly falls head over heels with Skull. Bulk is even bewitched to fall in love with Aisha. The whole episode storyline is worth a good laugh over its absurdity.

“Another Brick In The Wall”

Tommy, Billy, Adam, Aisha and Katherine in season 3 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

A running theme for some of Rita’s and Zedd’s monsters is turning people into inanimate objects. That’s one way to deal with the pesky Rangers and assume mass domination, but it also just makes audiences laugh. In “Another Brick in the Wall” Rita shoots an evil spell at Katherine to only miss. It instead hits the brick wall behind her creating a monster, Brick Bully.

His special power is to turn people into solid bricks. Even some of the Power Rangers were turned into multicolored bricks to set them apart. To top off the comedic story is that Brick Bully gets stronger by eating building supplies.

“Power Ranger Punks”

Billy and Kimberly in season 1, episode 12 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Fans couldn’t help but laugh at how awkward “Power Ranger Punks” was in season one of the popular show. Mainly because Kimberly and Billy turn into punks instead of the goody-two-shoes Rangers they’re know for. While playing volleyball, they both drink water that Baboo spiked with a potion.

They soon turn into misfits and leave their usually tight-knit crew to stir up trouble elsewhere. The next day, Kimberly and Billy arrive at school in new clothes perfect for a troublemaking. Billy even threatens Bulk while Kimberly flirts with Skull. By the end, they’re cured and defeated the monster born from Baboo’s scheme. Skull finally approaches Kimberly saying she needs to keep her promise of a date and she outright rejects him.