10 DC Villains Whose Kids Followed in Their Footsteps and Became Bad Guys

10 DC Villains Whose Kids Followed in Their Footsteps and Became Bad Guys

Some of the DC Universe’s most heinous villains actually had children who went into the family business. It’s bad enough when anyone decides to use their powers or skills for evil and doubly so when someone’s child follows them into their line of work.

The following villains took a page out of their parents’ book either because they wanted to be just like their villainous parent or they simply knew no other way. No matter their background, read on to discover 10 super-villains who decided to follow in the evil-doing steps of their parents.

Sinson Wants to Carry on Sinestro’s Legacy

First Appearance: Green Lantern #7 (2023)

10 DC Villains Whose Kids Followed in Their Footsteps and Became Bad Guys

As one of the most dangerous foes to the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro is almost universally feared. Except, that is, by a young Korugarian named Korg, aka Sinson. Korg is an orphan who believes that he’s Thaal Sinestro’s son. Unfortunately, Sinson has no way of proving that. But after overthrowing his caretaker and forming his own corps of orphaned alien children, Korg is on a mission to prove he’s Sinestro’s son by getting a sample of his blood. Though their connection is murky at best, Sinson believes in Sinestro’s words about how powerful a weapon fear is.

Superwoman Embodies Sam Lane’s Hatred of Kryptonians

First Appearance: The Man of Steel #5 (1986)

Lana Lang superwoman feature image

General Sam Lane has never been the biggest Superman fan, but his dislike for Kryptonians increased dramatically during the “New Krypton” arc. To defeat several hundred thousand Kryptonians, Lane recruited his daughter, Lucy, for a mission that involved her donning the identity of ‘Superwoman’ to spy on the alien race. Sharing her father’s xenophobic views, Lucy jumped at the opportunity and used a suit infused with powerful magic to give her Superman-level strength and flight. Unfortunately, this plan backfired and the suit wound up altering Lucy’s DNA to become similar to a Kryptonian’s, earning Lucy scorn from her father.

The Second Captain Boomerang Was Worst Than the First

First Appearance: Identity Crisis #3 (2004)

Owen Mercer Rescues Black Lantern Boomerang DC

Few members of the Flash’s Rogues have brought children into the DC Universe. Except for Captain Boomerang, who had a child named Owen years before with Meloni Thawne. Owen Mercer not only inherited his father’s keen boomerang skills, but he also possessed a degree of superspeed. Owen became the second Captain Boomerang after his father passed, though he never truly fit in with the Rogues. Owen even broke one of the team’s rules when he killed women and children in a misguided attempt to bring his father back during Blackest Night, earning the second Captain Boomerang a death sentence.

Joker’s Daughter Was Somehow More Unhinged Than Him

First Appearance: Catwoman #23 (2013)

The Joker's daughter wearing a green vest.

The Joker’s Daughter might not have been the flesh and blood offspring of the Clown Prince of Crime, but she looked up to and admired him all the same. Her dedication to becoming just like him was so strong that she had his discarded face sewn onto hers and injected herself with her blood just so she’d truly feel like she was his rightful heir. While there was no blood relation, Joker’s Daughter was just as chaotic and demented as her father figure of choice and made Gotham a much worse place.

Mickey Mxyzptlk is A Real Pest Like Mr. Mxyzptlk

First Appearance: Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2 (2022)

Mister Mxyzptlk has been the biggest nuisance in Superman’s life for years. But his schemes and plans were nothing compared to his son Mickey Mxyzptlk. During Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths, Mickey revealed himself to his heroes Young Justice and decided to create a dimension where they could live out his fantasies and skewed vision of their ‘glory days’. While Mickey isn’t as powerful as his father, he’s got a serious chip on his shoulder and he could grow to become an even bigger threat than Mr. Mxyzptlk ever was.

Respawn Was the Spitting Image of Deathstroke

First Appearance: Robin #1 (2021)

Respawn Hunting Down Robin DC

The most capable assassin in the DC Universe has had several kids such as Ravager and Jericho. But Slade Wilson was shocked to learn he had a son he’d never heard of created from samples of his DNA and Talia al Ghul. With no given name, the young man called himself Respawn and followed in Deathstroke’s footsteps. Respawn is a fantastic fighter, and while it seemed like his time was up when he was killed during “Shadow War”, Respawn apparently survived and is keeping an eye out for his half-brother Damian Wayne.

Vengeance is Bane’s Greatest Successor

First Appearance: The Joker #2 (2021)

Vengeance on the Hunt DC

Few villains in the DC Universe are as strong or as calculating as Bane, but his daughter is a regular chip off the old block. Cloned from Bane’s genetic template, Vengeance was created to deal with the worst threats to Santa Prisca. But Vengeance forged her own path, one that led her to team up with her clone-father. Vengeance is nearly as strong and smart as Bane, who saw potential in Vengeance and eventually took her under his wing so the two could get revenge on their enemies.

The Cobblepot Twins Are More Ruthless Than the Penguin

First Appearance: Batman #126 (2022)

The Penguin Family Featured DC

As ruthless as the Penguin is, two of his children might be far more vile than Oswald Cobblepot. Aiden and Addison Cobblepot emerged when the Penguin faked his death and they’d hoped to inherit their father’s estate. They even eliminated the competition (ie killed Penguin’s other children) only to be given the Iceberg Lounge and none of their father’s money. However, since taking over the Lounge, Addison and Aiden have more than filled their father’s shoes, taking over Penguin’s illegal businesses and assuming control of Gotham’s criminal underworld.

Grail is Much Worse Than Darkseid

First Appearance: Justice League #40 (2015)

Darkseid has had numerous children, but few as intimidating as Grail. Grail is not just Darkseid’s daughter, but Myrina’s, an Amazon. As such, Grail has the combined strength and power of an Amazon and a New God. Like her father, Grail is a cold, calculating individual and is willing to do anything in pursuit of her goals, including allying with villains as powerful as the Anti-Monitor. Grail is a terrifying and powerful villain and has gone toe-to-toe with Wonder Woman several times, almost winning in some cases.

Lor-Zod is a Pint-Sized General Zod

First Appearance: Action Comics #844 (2006)

General Zod has been one of Superman’s most trying foes for years. If it wasn’t bad enough that General Zod was influencing the previous generation of Kryptonians, Zod passed along his awful Kryptonian-supremacist ideology to his son, Lor-Zod. Lor-Zod is just like his father: Harsh to the people around him, believes that non-Kryptonians are inferior, and that his power gives him authority over everyone around him. Recently, Zod banished his son for questioning his leadership, sending Lor-Zod out to make his own twisted mark on the DC Universe.

While some DC Comics villains break the mold and become heroes, these 10 decided to follow their parents and become villains as well.