10 DC Heroes Whose Children are Destined to Surpass Them

10 DC Heroes Whose Children are Destined to Surpass Them

The DC Universe has no short supply of heroic characters, but some iconic heroes have had kids that are going to be even better than their parents one day. Over time, the DCU’s heroes have formed families that have ushered in the next great generation of heroes.

While some next-gen heroes have existed for years, other future DC Universe stars have just gotten their start. But whether new or old, these heroes are on the right track to be more accomplished or even more powerful heroes than their parents. Read on to discover 10 of the most amazing children of DC Universe heroes.

Space Case is Danny the Street’s Best Creation

First Appearance: Doom Patrol #1 (2016)

10 DC Heroes Whose Children are Destined to Surpass Them

The Doom Patrol’s Danny the Street might not have a traditional physical form, but that didn’t stop them from having a child. Casey Brinke, aka Space Case, is a character from a comic book Danny created after their powers became stronger than ever. Once Casey finally came to terms with her strange origin, Casey joined up with the Doom Patrol and became a core member. She was crucial to stopping powerful, universe-level threats such as Retconn, a company that tried selling the DC Universe. While she’s greener than most heroes, Casey’s presence has changed the DCU for the better.

Animal Man’s Daughter Animal Girl is the Red’s True Avatar

First Appearance: Animal Man #1 (1988)

Animal Girl Maxine Baker

Animal Man has always been one of the DC Universe’s most underrated heroes. But as good as Buddy Baker is using the morphogenetic field to assume animal powers, he’s destined to be outdone by his daughter, Maxine Baker, aka Animal Girl. Unlike Buddy, who was given his connection to the Red by happenstance, Animal Girl is the Red’s chosen avatar and as such, is far more powerful than her father. Not only can she call on the same powers as Animal Man, but Animal Girl can control animals, revive them, and even transfer her consciousness to any creature.

Trinity is Destined to Become a Better Wonder Woman

First Appearance: Wonder Woman #800 (2023)

In the coming years, Wonder Woman is going to have a daughter named Elizabeth Marston Prince, aka Trinity. Like her mother, Trinity will carry the Lasso of Truth, as well as two other Lassos of fate. Though Trinity has only been seen in glimpses in the future, she has forged an alliance with the future Batman and Superman. She’s also shown the potential to beat Wonder Woman in combat. While there’s a possibility Lizzie is the blood daughter of Wonder Woman’s nemesis Emelie, Trinity embodies Diana’s spirit and shows a relentless determination to surpass Wonder Woman’s achievements.

Cheshire Cat is a Chip Off Arsenal’s Block

First Appearance: New Teen Titans #21 (1986)

Lian Harper Shoes

The worst day of Arsenal’s life was the day his daughter Lian Harper was killed by the Electrocutioner. However, Lian’s death was apparently a ruse by Amanda Waller, who intentionally kept Lian separated from her family. While apart from Arsenal, Lian grew and developed skills that rivaled her father’s. Donning the name Cheshire Cat, Lian worked with Catwoman for a brief period before eventually reuniting with her family. Though she’s still young, Lian is far more skilled at handling and using weaponry than Arsenal was at her age, making it almost certain she’ll grow to be a better hero than him.

Thunderheart Will Outpace the Flash One Day

First Appearance: The Flash #225 (2005)

The Flash's Daughter Irey West Wearing New Costume

Wally West dramatically expanded the Flash Family by having twins Irey and Jai West. While both were blessed with speed, it was obvious that Irey, aka Thunderheart, was meant to follow in her father’s footsteps. Aside from her having speedster powers far longer than her brother, Thunderheart has the same kind of drive and determination her father does. Her efforts are going to pay off in the future as Irey is destined to become the Flash in her adult years, possibly even becoming a faster speedster than Wally ever was.

Connor Hawke Kept the Green Arrow Legacy Alive

First Appearance: Green Arrow #0 (1994)

Green Arrow #3 Connor Hawke Asexual Pride Month Full Cover Featured Image

Oliver Queen’s not the only person who has held the Green Arrow moniker. For a brief period, his son, Connor Hawke filled in as the DC Universe’s Emerald Archer after Oliver perished. Connor’s skills rivaled his father and in some cases, surpassed what Oliver could do. Not only is Connor a much better fighter and able to go toe-to-toe with martial artists like Damian Wayne, Connor is also a fantastic inventor. He’s even impressed his dad with inventions such as the sonar pulse arrow.

Jade was the Green Lantern Her Father Never Was

First Appearance: All-Star Squadron #25 (1983)

Green Lantern Jade 4

Green Lantern Alan Scott might not be connected to the same emerald light as the Green Lantern Corps, but his powers have always made him a powerful hero. That goes double for his daughter Jade, who was born with a connection to the Starheart and able to do everything her father could do and more. Not only that, but Jade also briefly became a member of the Corps and found even greater strength thanks to the limitless nature of her Power Ring. While Alan Scott began the Green Lantern legacy, Jade has improved on it.

Robin Was Literally Made to Improve on Batman

First Appearance: Batman #655 (2006)

Batman got the shock of his life when he discovered he had sired a son with Talia al Ghul. Despite Damian being conditioned by the League of Assassins, the boy proved he had a large heroic streak running through him. After Damian officially became Robin, he became one of the most efficient Boys Wonder to ever wear the yellow ‘R’. He fought and defeated villains that heavily outclassed him and showed remarkable promise as a leader. Peaks into the future have also shown Damian donning the cowl one day and becoming a tougher Batman than Bruce Wayne ever was.

Zatanna is a Greater Magician Than Zatara

First Appearance: Hawkman #4 (1964)

Zatanna performing magic in DC Comics

Unlike most of the other entries on this list, Zatanna has already surpassed her father. Zatanna is the daughter of Zatara and in her superhero profession, she’s served on several incarnations of the Justice League, been a major player in several high-stakes events, and become on of the greatest authorities on magic in the DC Universe. While her father was a powerful magician in his own right, Zatanna became more powerful than Zatara ages ago and continues to become stronger than he ever thought possible.

Jon Kent is Close to Surpassing Superman

First Appearance: Convergence: Superman #2 (2015)

The only thing Superboy ever wanted was to be just like his dad, Superman. Jon Kent actually got his chance to prove he had what it took when the Man of Steel briefly left Earth, leaving its protection in Jon’s hands. Despite his misgivings about whether he was up to the task or not, Jon rose to the occasion and proved he was just as worthy to be called Superman as his father. While he’s still young, Jon shows remarkable potential and could certainly grow to become an even better Superman than Clark.

The DC Universe is filled with heroes, and these 10 offspring are well on their way to surpassing their parents (if they haven’t already).