10 DC Heroes That Deserve a New Ongoing Series in 2024

10 DC Heroes That Deserve a New Ongoing Series in 2024

It’s a new year and with 2023 in the rearview, it’s time to look at DC heroes who are seriously overdue for a comeback. During 2023, DC Comics held its year-long Dawn of DC initiative and showcased dozens of unique heroes. Aside from the publisher’s mainstay icons like Superman and Wonder Woman, heroes like Cyborg and the Doom Patrol returned to anchor their own books. As fantastic as the initiative was there are plenty of heroes who haven’t held down a book in some time. Read on to discover 10 heroes who deserve a new series in 2024.

10 The Question is Ready to Return to Heroism Full-Time

Last series: GCPD: The Blue Wall (2022-2023)

10 DC Heroes That Deserve a New Ongoing Series in 2024

Renee Montoya succeeded the previous Question Victor Sage and for years patrolled the streets as the premier faceless detective. However, she put her life as a vigilante aside to take the reigns of the GCPD as its new Commissioner after Jim Gordon retired. But despite her new role, that hasn’t stopped Montoya from venturing back into the hero life. Renee became the Question during Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn #1 and once again in Detective Comics #1080. Giving Renee a book that sees her return to her Question identity full-time would no doubt be a real treat for mystery fans.

9 Animal Man Can Show Off DC’s Weirdest Side

Last series: Animal Man (2011-2014)

Animal Man Featured DC

Animal Man is an infamous hero who has the ability to take on the powers of any animal connected to the Red, the life force of all animal life. His previous series have been dark, unconventional and quite well-received among fans. Beyond a small cameo in the animal-themed “Beast World” crossover, Animal Man hasn’t had a chance to shine recently. Now would be the perfect time to bring Animal Man back to explore the oddest corners of the DC Universe, especially if he’s given a creative team who aren’t afraid to get experimental.

8 Firestorm Has a Lingering Mystery That Needs to Be Solved

Last series: Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men (2011-2013)

Firestorm Featured DC

Firestorm is one of the most powerful heroes in the DC Universe thanks to his ability to transmute any object. In Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn, the Nuclear Man was hit with Lazarus Resin which made his powers fluctuate and began stealing time from the secondary Firestorm users. Despite the interesting setup, DC Comics has yet to follow up on this plot line, or do much of anything with Firestorm. A new book could not only resolve this mystery but serve as a fantastic return for one of the most underrated heroes in the DC Universe.

7 A New Booster Gold Series Would Be the Perfect Tie-In

Last series: Blue and Gold (2021-2022)

Booster Gold Featured DC

What else needs to be said about the flashy, but still majorly heroic Booster Gold? It’s been quite some time since Booster had his own series, but his pre-Flashpoint comic served him well. In it, Rip Hunter helped Booster Gold protect the timeline from aberrations. But since then, Booster has mostly only popped up as a side character or as part of team books. But with a new television series on the horizon as part of the revamped DC film universe, now would be the perfect time to capitalize on it with a new Booster Gold comic.

6 Martian Manhunter Deserves a Presence in the DC Universe

Last series: Martian Manhunter (2019-2020)

Martian Manhunter has always been the most underappreciated founding member of the Justice League. While J’onn has had the occasional ongoing, they never last as long as Flash or Green Lantern. But Martian Manhunter is a DC icon and there are plenty of directions to take him. Martian Manhunter is one of the best detectives in the DC Universe, and there are cosmic oddities going around right now that could use his assistance. The Dawn of DC gave a new chance to numerous heroes and it’s only right that someone like J’onn get another shot at an ongoing.

5 Legion of Super-Heroes Can Help Shape DC’s Future

Last series: Legion of Super-Heroes (2020-2021)

Legion of Super-Heroes Featured DC

The Legion of Super-Heroes has a complicated place in DC’s mythology. They’re the most iconic heroes of the 31st century and were all strongly influenced by Clark Kent’s actions as Superboy. However, endless changes to the DC Universe’s timeline have made it quite difficult to keep the Legion around for long. But given DC’s recent attitudes towards everything being canon, it should be hard to make an interesting new Legion series. Given the prominent role Brainiac has had in recent months, now would be the perfect time to bring back the Legion and its mainstay member Brainiac 5.

4 Supergirl is Long Overdue for a New Book

Last series: Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow (2021-2022)

Super-Family fans were treated well during 2023 with books like Superman, Action Comics, Superboy: Man of Tomorrow, and Power Girl. But one person noticeably missing a book was the Maiden of Might, Supergirl. She was the focus of a few one-shot specials and a featured member of the revamped Action Comics. But Supergirl deserves a book just as much as the rest of the family. Kara Zor-El has been through a lot with the changing Super-Family structure and the reappearance of her Power Girl. A new series could help Supergirl chart her destiny and help her stand out from the pack of Kryptonian heroes.

3 It’s Time for Aquaman to Return

Last series: Aquaman: Andromeda (2022)

Surprisingly, 2023 came and went without an Aquaman book, even though he just had a new film debut in theaters. Aquaman was one of the heroes teased on the Dawn of DC promotions, but he nor his family never got a chance to shine (though they did provide major assistance to the heroes in Knight Terrors). There are plenty of directions a new Aquaman book could go. Lazarus Planet: We Once Were Gods #1 saw a cache of the the monsters become human with Aquaman vowing to protect the Trench. A new book should absolutely follow up on this and put Aquaman back in a starring role.

2 Zatanna’s Magical Exploits Would be Fun For Everyone

Last series: Zatanna (2010-2011)

Zatanna Knight Terrors Featured DC

Zatanna got a brief chance to shine in 2023 during DC’s summer event Knight Terrors with her own two-issue miniseries. Unfortunately, she was relegated to supporting roles after that (as was the rest of Justice League Dark). But Zatanna is a fun, fan-favorite character who hasn’t held down an ongoing series in years. If anything proved she was ready for it, it was her recent miniseries that showed just how creative and powerful she is on her own. DC could even bring back the Doom Patrol’s Robotman as a supporting character to continue the duo’s ‘Hex and Violence’ gimmick.

1 Justice League is Needed More Now More Than Ever

Last series: Justice League (2022)

Justice League Heroes in the DC Universe

The Justice League infamously stepped down in the wake of Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths. While the Titans have tried their best to fill the iconic team’s shoes, it might not be in the cards as they’re about to take the heat for the events of “Beast World”. But beyond that, the DC Universe is facing numerous crises. The Amazons are under fire from the United States government. Batman’s radical persona Zur-En-Arrh is launching a war on crime, and dark secrets from Superman’s past are coming to light. The Justice League needs to reunite so they can weather the storms imperiling their lives.

The DC Universe has no short supply of deserving heroes, but more than anyone else, these 10 need a new series in 2024.