10 DC Comics Legacy Heroes That Improved on the Original

10 DC Comics Legacy Heroes That Improved on the Original

One of the greatest and most proud traditions in the DC Universe is its legacy heroes. Over the years, certain heroes have taken on the mantles of previous heroes to keep their names alive for years to come. While there’s no short supply of legacy heroes, only a few ever improve on the work of the person who preceded them.

It’s not easy for a legacy to become an even better superhero than the one that came before them. But the following ten heroes went above and beyond and improved on legacy of their original name-bearers.

10 Jakeem Thunder Became Thunderbolt’s Best Partner

Created by: Grant Morrison, Mark Millar, and Paul Ryan

10 DC Comics Legacy Heroes That Improved on the Original

Jakeem Thunder is the Justice Society of America member who filled the void left behind by Johnny Thunder. Jakeem took possession of a pen that Johnny placed the powerful 5th-dimensional genie Yz the Thunderbolt inside. With Thunderbolt’s ability to create anything Jakeem desires, the two became a powerful superhero duo. Jakeem initially wasn’t into the idea of being a hero, but he rose to the occasion and became a valued member of the Justice Society. The Huntress has even remarked that in the future, Jakeem and Thunderbolt will fuse to become the JSA’s most powerful member ever.

9 Black Canary Had Power Her Mother Never Dreamed Of

Created by: Dennis O’Neil and Dick Dillin

Black Canary DC

Long before Dinah Laurel Lance was kicking butt as Black Canary, her mother was cleaning up the streets under the same moniker. Black Canary was a prominent member of the Justice Society back in the day and a skilled martial artist. However, her daughter surpassed her in several ways. The current Black Canary is regarded as one of the best fighters in the world and a member of the Justice League. The second Black Canary also possesses the iconic ‘Canary Cry’, a powerful sonic scream, something that really helped Dinah make the heroic identity feel more like her own.

8 The New Super-Man Earned His Kryptonian-Level Strength

Created by: Gene Luen Yang and Viktor Bogdanovic

An illustration from New Superman

Kenan Kong is the New Super-Man of China and unlike America’s Man of Steel, Kenan was given his powers in an experiment created by China’s Ministry of Self-Reliance. Kenan’s power was connected to his qi, or life force, and had to learn to properly channel it to put his powers to use. His journey helped him grow from a self-centered bully to a man worthy of carrying the Superman name. Kenan also has the privilege of being one of the few members of the Super-Family who can withstand magic attacks, a marked improvement over the Big Blue Boy Scout.

7 The Second Doctor Light Redeemed a Villainous Legacy

Created by: Marv Wolfman and George Pérez

Doctor Light DC

Unlike most other legacy heroes, Dr. Kimiyo Hoshi didn’t take on a heroic legacy, but a villainous one. Kimiyo gained powers during Crisis on Infinite Earths as part of the Monitor’s gambit to defeat the Anti-Monitor. Between her amazing intellect and her powerful photokinesis, she became one of the Justice League’s most valuable resources. Unlike the original Doctor Light, who was a monster that assaulted Sue Dibny, Dr. Kimiyo Hoshi made the Doctor Light name a proud one. Not to mention, the new Doctor Light got a serious upgrade during Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths that made her more powerful than the original ever dreamed of.

6 Tim Drake Raised the Bar For Future Robins

Created by: Marv Wolfman and Pat Broderick

Tim Drake isn’t the first Robin, but he’s gone above and beyond while he’s served as the Boy Wonder. Tim became Robin after Batman swore off ever having a sidekick again after Jason Todd’s death. But Tim proved he could handle the mantle with his keen detective skills and great improvisational abilities. Aside from Tim’s sharpness, one of his best traits is that he never gives up on Batman. When the entire world believed Batman was dead after Final Crisis, it was Tim who traveled the world to find a way to bring his beloved mentor home.

5 Stargirl Revitalized a Golden Age Legacy

Created by Geoff Johns and David S. Goyer

Stargirl and Young Justice Society DC

Few heroes approached the weighty task of carrying on a legacy like Stargirl. Courtney Whitmore follows in the footsteps of Golden Age heroes such as Starman and Star-Spangled Kid. Unlike previous Starman legacies like Jack Knight, Courtney faces every challenge with a smile and an optimistic attitude. Courtney is the pluckiest member of the Justice Society and her exuberant spirit keeps the entire team young. Stargirl is very driven as well. When a case revolving around missing Golden Age sidekicks emerged, Stargirl risked everything to bring them back home.

4 Jaime Reyes Took the Blue Beetle to the Next Level

Created by Keith Giffen, Cully Hamner, and John Rogers

Jaime Reyes is the third Blue Beetle, but one of the most impressive heroes to bear the name. Unlike his predecessors Dan Garret and Ted Kord, Jaime bonded with the Blue Beetle Scarab Khaji Da and unlocked the alien technology’s full potential. Despite his young age, Jaime has done a lot to make him more than worthy of the Blue Beetle legacy. He was crucial to repelling the invading forces of the Reach. Even now, Blue Beetle has stepped up to become the leader he was always meant to be by mentoring new Scarab-wearing heroes.

3 Hal Jordan Became an Inspiration For Other Green Lanterns

Created by: Gil Kane and John Broome

Green Lantern Rebirth DC

Alan Scott may have ignited the Green Lantern legacy, but it was Hal Jordan who refined what the Green Lanterns were capable of. Hal doesn’t use a magic lantern like Alan, but he does have a ring like his mentor. Hal is a member of the Green Lantern Corps and as such, he’s been able to use his immense willpower to safeguard the universe from threats such as the Sun-Eater, the Black Lanterns, and the Third Army. While Scott got the ball rolling for the Green Lantern name, Hal raised the bar on what the ring-slingers can do.

2 Mister Terrific’s Legacy is the World’s Third-Smartest Man

Created by: John Ostrander and Tom Mandrake

Mister Terrific in DC Comics and the DC Universe

Terry Sloane was one of the most brilliant minds in the Justice Society’s heyday. The story of the original Mister Terrific inspired the genius Michael Holt to follow in his footsteps. Holt is one of the smartest men in the DC Universe and nothing proves it more than his patented T-spheres which have nearly unlimited functions. The new Mister Terrific is the go-to smart guy when any hero in the DC Universe has a problem. While the original Mister Terrific was no slouch, the new one’s brilliant mind far exceeded Sloane’s achievements.

1 Wally West’s Flash Feats Proved He Was the Fastest Man Alive

Created by: John Broome and Carmine Infantino

Barry Allen was the Fastest Man Alive when he vanished during Crisis on Infinite Earths. So when Wally West assumed the role, he pushed himself to fill the very large yellow boots left behind by his uncle. As the Flash, Wally studied the Speed Force and did everything he could to increase his speed. And it paid off as he was able to perform amazing new feats such as using the Speed Force to create clothing or outrun instant teleportation. To this day, Wally is still pushing himself to keep his place as the fastest thing in the DC Universe.

Legacy heroes are an amazing thing in the DC Universe and these 10 have greatly improved on the titles they were handed.