10 Crime Movies To Watch Over And Over

10 Crime Movies To Watch Over And Over

Very few crime movies have that rewatchability factor that comedies and superhero films have, as they tend to be dense, gritty, and sometimes extremely long – and of course, the ‘whodunnit’ reveal only has the same impact the first time. However, some movies have defied the genre by being endlessly rewatchable.

‘Rewatchable’ doesn’t mean ‘best,’ as The Godfather is often considered one of the greatest crimes film ever made, but it isn’t exactly rewatchable. But whether it is because of the snappy pacing, the way they reveal more secrets with each viewing, or because of the unique action sequences, these movies can be watched dozens of times over.

Goodfellas (1990)

10 Crime Movies To Watch Over And Over

There’s a reason why so many filmmakers have Scorsese movies on their list of favorite films, as Goodfellas is even one of Gullermo del Toro’s favorite movies. Despite having heavy subject matter, being full of drug use and gritty violence, Goodfellas is still endlessly rewatchable. That’s mostly thanks to how fast-paced it is, and the back and forth dialogue that’s a mix of improv and the classic screenplay has a rhythm that’s like jazz music.

With heavy use of classic rock music, along with the ’70s period setting, it’s an entertaining audio/visual experience, unlike any other gangster movie. It even does what so many gangster movies struggle to do, which is to be entertaining without actually glorifying the actions of the characters.

Memento (2000)

Leonard Shelby holding up a polaroid In Memento

Memento was director Christopher Nolan’s breakthrough movie, and more importantly, it established the filmmaker’s love of experimenting with time and non-linear storytelling. The movie follows a man with amnesia who is trying to track down his wife’s killer, but the big appeal of the mystery movie is that it’s played in reverse.

The unique way the scenes are packaged together is what makes the movie so rewatchable. It’s arguably more fun watching the movie a second and third time, as viewers spot things they didn’t see the first time around. And now there are more reasons to rewatch the 2000s movie, as the Memento Blu-Ray bonus feature allows fans to watch the movie in chronological order, though it does take away some of its appeal.

Jackie Brown (1997)

Pam Grier driving a car in Jackie Brown.

Whether it’s the multi-stranded Pulp Fiction or the ’60s soaked sun-trap that is Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, Tarantino movies feel lived in. But one movie that doesn’t always get the attention it deserves is Jackie Brown.

The movie adaptation of Elmore Leonard’s Rum Punch follows a flight attendant who smuggles arms for a crimelord, and it isn’t too different from Reservoir Dogs or Pulp FictionJackie Brown is an addictive crime movie full of colorful characters and unique costumes. The movie also plays with time in unique ways and is full of that classic Tarantino-esque pop-culture-laden dialogue, and it’s just as rewatchable as any of the director’s other movies.

Die Hard (1988)

John McClane screaming with gun in Die Hard

Die Hard is the only Christmas movie that can be watched outside of the holiday season, as it isn’t just a Christmas movie, but an exciting action movie that can be thrown on all year round too. Even though some Redditors think Die Hard isn’t a Christmas movie, that doesn’t stop fans from watching it over the holiday season too.

The movie is all over television sets during the Christmas period, meaning that many people will have watched it way more than they think, even people who don’t necessarily like it. If viewers watch it every year on Christmas, that’s still way more often than people watch their very favorite films.

Bad Boys (1995)

Marcus and Mike wear police vests in Bad Boys

Bad Boys is a movie that can be thrown on at any time simply because it’s comforting knowing almost every line of dialogue. The movie is full of cliched action tropes, and Michael Bay’s trademarks, such as helicopters flying in front of the sunset and spinning low-angle shots of the heroes, are everpresent, but that’s what makes Bad Boys so fun.

That, along with the fact that it was the first example of Will Smith being an action hero, and his and Martin Lawrence’s chemistry, make it one of the easiest movies to rewatch despite having seen it dozens of times. Even the movie’s sequel, though it isn’t as beloved, is so rewatchable for the same reasons.

Baby Driver (2017)

The opening car chase in Baby Driver

The very first scene of Baby Driver is a great example of why the movie can be played repeatedly, as it’s another movie full of hidden messages and references that will only be found on repeat viewings. With Baby being arguably the best movie getaway driver, in the opening scene when he’s evading the police, there are so many intricacies to his driving skills, the routes he takes, and the way he drives in time with the music.

Even in the following scene, simply walking to the coffee shop, picking up coffee, and leaving is way more eventful than it should be, with lines from songs written on walls and lampposts. It comes close to being a musical without actually being a musical.

The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013)

Aunt Emma and Jordan talking in Wolf of Wall Street.

It’s a feat that The Wolf of Wall Street is so rewatchable, as it’s exactly three hours long, and that’s a good chunk of time to devote to rewatching a movie. It’s easy to forget that the movie is a crime epic, as the audience gets so caught up in living vicariously through Jordan Belfort, the man who conned people out of hundreds of millions of dollars.

But The Wolf of Wall Street is very similar to Goodfellas in its pacing, the voiceover, and depicting how greed will corrupt anyone. And what’s more fascinating is that it brings out the worst in viewers, as they’re the ones enjoying watching the drug-and-orgy-filled flights and penthouse parties.

Sicario (2015)

An FBI agent wearing protective gear in Sicario.

Sicario doesn’t exactly strike viewers as a movie that’s endlessly rewatchable because, when it comes to the subject matter of the war on drugs and the cartel, it’s one of the heavier movies of its kind. However, there are several significant sequences in the movie that stick with viewers due to how intense and well-choreographed they are.

There’s a scene when a convoy of government vehicles are traveling from one place to another, which in any other movie would be a quick establishing shot, but director Denis Villeneuve turns it into a drawn-out and intense five minutes. Then there’s the spectacular scene of the task force sieging the tunnel under the Mexican border, which is shot in black-and-white nightvision. And, of course, there’s the final showdown when the audience finally finds out what the whole movie is about, and it’s wrought with tension. Emily Blunt is the driving force of the movie, and her absence from the sequel is why it wasn’t as successful, and it’s also why the actor should return for Sicario 3.

American Gangster (2007)

Frank Lucas walking down the street in American Gangster

It has been long enough since 2007 that now American Gangster can be considered a classic. It’s the best gangster movie of the 21st century not directed by Martin Scorsese, but it still has that frenetic energy and thrilling pacing that Scorsese is known for. Under the direction of Ridley Scott, the source material of real-life crimelord Frank Lucas was turned into one of the most intelligent crime movies ever.

The reason why the movie can be watched over and over is simple, it’s the gold standard of gangster movies. The story of American Gangster is engrossing, and some of its hard to believe is true. The character of Lucas is larger than life, which is aided by Denzel Washington’s amazing performance of the criminal.

Ocean’s Eleven (2001)

Danny, Rusty, Linus, Reuben, and Basher in Ocean's Eleven

Ocean’s Eleven is an incredibly addictive crime caper, and it’s impossible to resist the cast’s charm. Before superhero team-up movies were putting hoards of movie stars on-screen together, Ocean’s Eleven did it first.

Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Matt Damon, and many others play criminal masterminds and petty thieves who work together to rob three banks in one night. Besides the cast, the way the heist is constructed is so impressively methodical, and it’s the ultimate crime popcorn flick.